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Posts posted by havokhead

  1. It's not new, it's been around for a long time. If I have someone targeted and they pull this I just peel off and target someone else. It's a useless trick really, I've never seen someone dominant use it, it's usually people that suck at GSF that try it to survive longer. I've never ever seen someone with a score of like 20-11-0 with this, usually it'll be like 3-4-2 or something, far from dominant and it's not game changing. They can't hit anything when doing this so pretty much they fly normal trying to rack up kills and when they feel focused they'll pop this exploit. In the long run it actually hurts your piloting abilities because you learn to rely on this as a crutch instead of actually learning survival techniques & evasive flying. So you can't kill or be killed, you're just annoying. Move on to next target BUT when you do see this exploiter not using this make sure to destroy them without mercy. Exploiters do not deserve mercy or remorse, only death.
  2. If mustering enough funds for the initial purchase is hard for you then maybe a guild flagship may not be the right choice for your guild. The initial purchase is just the tip of the iceberg, it's a lot more work to expand the rooms & decks. Perhaps you should look into getting more of a compound sized stronghold such as Tatooine or Yavin 4. Much easier to unlock & fund, there's only 6 of you so it's not like you'll be crowded.


    Guild flagships & conquests favour the bigger guilds. It's a sad reality.

  3. Good guide, I'll throw in my 2 cents worth...


    1) Gunships, love'em or hate'em ARE a necessary evil in GSF. They are the hard counter to bombers and without them bombers would be dominant. So the better/quicker you learn to deal with them the more you & your team-mates will benefit. A gunship's greatest weakness is ambush attacks & constant harassment. They need to sit still to focus their shots, keep them moving.


    2) Gunship "aces" (and I reserve that title to a select few), are consistently the most disruptive force in a GSF match because if left un-molested will rack up a lot of kills quickly and are also extremely difficult to take down. It takes good team coordination to handle gunship aces. GS aces need to be focused and constantly harassed, failing to do so almost always spells victory for your foes. Sometimes the best move you can make is to harass and "slow down" a gunship ace. If you can drop his/her tally from 20+ kills down to 10+ kills then that might be enough for your team to squeak out a victory. Which leads to my next point...


    3) Gunship ace "groupies", usually the pilot(s) that isn't (aren't) as good as the ace but loves to rack up kills while covering their rock-star counter-part. They feed off the noteriety of their fellow gunshipper, hiding in the shadows these devious pilots can rack up a lot of kills while satisfying their fetish. This can be a really hard tactic to beat, it's extremely frustrating to deal with & together a groupie team can dominate a match easily.


    4) Gunship Line (Wall), a group of gunships lined up to the rear, sniping enemies. You should try to pick off the most "to-the-rear" gunship first since all other weapons will be focused forward of you & by the time they can react, you'll have already taken out a GS (or 2) and taken cover, preparing for another run. Using these hit-and-run tactics are very effective, it disrupts the focus of a gunship line and forces them to focus in the rear instead of picking off easier targets to the front. This tactic is even more effective if you have 2 skilled scout pilots flanking from opposite sides in a pincer attack. This will ruin a gunship line's day. They'll spend so much time running from scouts that all their easy prey will not be shot up. Using Damage Overcharge is highly effective in this situation since you obliterate gunships very quickly, you should be able to knock off 2 if not 3 gunships before they can react as you're flanking with DO. If you choose to focus the first gunship you see as opposed to the very last gunship on a line then their buddies will chew you up. Be aware of your situation & choose your targets wisely. Use LoS behind an asteroid or in a shipyard to avoid gunships targeting you, recoup your cool downs and regain shields (targeting telemetry & wingman are very important for ambush attacks). Do a quick scan while you're waiting to assess your next target, do a quick target search, if you notice all the gunships have your name in their targeting reticule THEN YOU ARE DOING YOUR JOB. Also take this moment to scan for any nearby damage overcharge (red) or weapon enhance (yellow) nodes. The yellow ones are huge for replenishing your rockets, especially when you're behind enemy lines with no repair drones nearby.




    4) Gunship Nest (Ball), perhaps the most notorious tactic in all GSF & the one everyone loves to hate. Gunship Nests are when gunships and bombers coordinate so that gunships are heavily supported & protected by bomber mines & drones. It is very effective, it is easy to implement & difficult to counter because it requires a high level of teamwork and coordination to be successful against and many pilots find it boring/counter-skill & denounce it as "submarine warfare" but never-the-less you will encounter this tactic. The tactic is successful because it negates scouts from swarming gunships because railgun drones, mines etc are all good at killing scouts so you have to strip this layer of defence away before you can get to the gunships. It requires that scouts coordinate with gunships who spam ion AoE to destroy the mines/drones so that the scouts can move in for the kill. The problem is, the enemy gunships are searching & targeting those other ion spamming gunships because they know it's what's needed to counter them so the match gets bogged down to hide-and-seek "submarine warfare" tactics between static gunships and you feel like you're playing Silent Hunter instead of a traditional Star Wars dog-fighter star fighter game.


    Good luck.

  4. It's the new swtor geared towards the new player who apparently found the old game too hard (even though it was very easy). The game is now about instant gratification & easy mode playstyle where "being heroic" means hiding behind your companion & effort is measured by how long you can stay awake.


    I was already rolling my eyes this morning as players descended into the rakghoul tunnels and immediately complained how hard it was because their companion couldn't handle 4 standard rakghouls LOL. That was after they whined of how hard the event was to find...

  5. Taking Power Dive (no power consumption & quick cool down) means you don't really need the second missile break unless you're constantly under heavy focus and can't catch a break. But usually by then you have to bug out anyway.


    Novadives (Blackbolts) can be useful at grabbing poorly defended sats in a Dom match but are weak at holding sats against bombers. Well placed seismic mines, concussion mines and railgun drones can really hurt a scout fast. Two bombers coming in on your sat pretty much means you're abandoning it if you're a solo defender. You can LoS everything else to survive until reinforcements arrive.


    If your goal is to simply scout out & grab undefended or poorly defended sats then I'd use Shield to Engine, Booster Recharge & Speed Boost so you can reach all over the map very quickly. (Especially the B satellite on Denon Exosphere map where you'll be the first to cap it). In this case I'd use Laser Canons & Rocket Pods to dispatch Defense Turrets quickly.


    However, if your goal is to take and hold a satellite as long as possible in a scout then I'd sacrifice your mobility for more survivability. In this case I'd take Distortion Field over StE Converter as the extra evasion and missile break adds to your defences in a static area. I'd probably replace Booster Recharge with Targeting Telemetry in this case as well since your goal is more destroying enemy craft approaching your sat. I'd also swap out your laser canons for Light Laser Canons as they're more useful in the tight confines of LoS sat defence. Again, if opposing bombers are involved then don't try to tough it out against them, you'll loose. If there's another friendly or 2 helping you defend then let them hug the satellite while you swoop out and flank whatever is attacking. Get away from those mines & drones and help your team by hunting that gunship who is most likely on over-watch for his bombers. If bombers are approaching your sat then go out and attack them before they get dug in on the satellite. Bombers are very vulnerable out in the open on approach. Even if you don't destroy the bombers outright chances are you've weakened them considerably and made them pop some defences, mines & drones so they're much more vulnerable and in-effective even though they've reached the satellite. In this scenario I'd always target the gunship first, as the bombers have forced you off the sat and now your vulnerable to gunships out in the open. The bombers are gonna take the sat anyway or at least let heavies duke it out with heavies. You have the speed & firepower to handle the gunship so use it.


    Some people might try to persuade you to take EMP Pulse, I would argue against that. The range on EMP pulse is too limited and the damage more stuns drones & mines then destroys them. You'll have to enter railgun drones, missile drones & Defense turrets ranges to use it effectively and you'll barely survived that if at all. I've experimented with using Barrell Roll, kamikaze-ing through the defences while split-second timing Distortion Field and the EMP Pulse and although very fun it's rather ineffective compared to an ion spamming gunship who can safely & effectively dispatch of those defences or even a T1 bomber can simply eat up those defences with his defensive cool downs and mines. Basically, you'll be sacrificing the strengths of your fighter - mobility & firepower for a gimmick that probably won't even work.


    These suggestions are Dom Map specific, the T1 scout is a versatile ship with lots of components and play-styles. I've tried to give you advice on the specific role(s) you requested. Good luck & have fun.


    EDIT - Damn as usual Shayd beat me to the punch a split-second sooner.....KILL-STEALER!!....

  6. I don't understand any of Bioware's recent decisions. Is it an attempt to smooth out the mmo features of this game to make it more rpg?? Why would someone who's run Balmorra a thousand times and has 8 level 60s suddenly decide "Oh!! Yay!! Now I can take my level 55 sentinel and go back to Balmorra to get xp because, you know, I wasn't sick of it at all. Oh wait! I can simply stay on Hutta & level 1-65 now because I love Hutta so much I just want to stay there."


    On the one hand, Bioware wants everyone to feel epically heroic with its story-line of "lowly smuggler saves Galaxy" but on the other hand they take away that same epicness by expecting a level 65 Sith Lord to want to return to Tatooine to kick wamp rat *** for a level 29 blaster?? Ya ok, I'd hazard a guess that 90% of the gaming population won't be doing that, 90% of the population only went back to lower level content to farm stuff they need.


    The only players I could see this benefitting is all those players that came back specifically for the x12xp & missed all the planetary content & now that they all reached level 60 in a week & reached level 65 in an afternoon, "they may want to go back and actually play the mmo features of the game".


    The master/apprentice feature actually only helps a very low percentage of players. Most friends join games together & level together. It's pretty rare someone will play a game for 2yrs before his buddies jump aboard. If a more experienced player really wants to level with a lowbie friend they usually just roll a new toon.


    This game has just become a garbled mess, it went from a 50/50 mmo/rpg with modest re-playability to a 90/10 rpg/mmo stream-lined story with very little re-playability.

  7. Ok, thank you all for helping me see the light. I've un-subscribed as you all have and am now F2P, I'll just half-*** pick along until the next expansion which should be out in March"ish" where I'll re-sub for a month to play for weekend then un-sub again. That seems to be the new direction of this game so be it. Not sure how long the game will last with this new business model but who really cares. All I know is that I'm done shelling out cash for an element of the game that is worth little more than a movie and the price of a movie.


    Who knows maybe they'll time the next story expansion to come out with Star Wars 8, that way you can do the expansion in the afternoon and go see the movie in the evening!! That'll be a lot of popcorn...

  8. Ok I really get the toning down of grinding, the elimination of tedious tasks such as "kill 20 rats" or "explore 4 corners of map". I'm all for that. I get that people don't want to stay up 'til 3am tearing out their hair and pinning their eyes open anymore. That's great.


    I also get that there's a player base out there that has felt neglected by Bioware because they created a great franchise in KotOR that people were enamoured with. And while this game is based around the theme of KotOR it was never once marketed as a KotOR 3 or RPG. From the get-go it was marketed as an mmo of that universe much like World of Warcraft was marketed as an mmo of the Warcraft RTS franchise. Now when people hear the term mmo, you assume it will contain certain elements, much like when I say car - you assume it has tires, a motor, seats, steering and brakes. Most traditional mmos contain elements of pvp, raiding, dungeons to explore, multiple iconic class roles such as tank, healer or dps. Yes, We can still do these things but these elements have not seen any updates in at least 1 or 2 years in favour of story-telling. The elements of what made SWTOR have shifted from 50/50% to; I'd argue 90/10%, that's a major shift. It's not even the same game anymore. Wether you see that as a positive or negative thing is purely based on the individual.


    I'm simply stating that there is a group of players out there that have supported this game for almost 4 years based on the premise that SWTOR would retain its mmo roots wrapped in great story-telling. This game is slowly, stealthily being morphed into an RPG by phasing out traditional mmo elements in favour of traditional RPG elements such as stream-lined solo gameplay & engaging story.


    I'm not a hardcore raider either but you have to admit for the last 8 months or so there's been a real departure from the base, more traditional elements of typical mmos. And by departure I mean virtually 0% traditional mmo elements. Some people are stating that any game with a large inter-active player base is an mmo. By that definition, you could call any modern game an mmo, they're all inter-active now aren't they? But just because lots of players can talk and shoot at each other or trade cards doesn't make it an mmo. Battlefront 3 is a first-person shooter not an mmo. SWTOR is going on 4 years now and some elements of the game haven't seen any upgrades or improvement in 2 yrs, that's not even neglect, that's abandonment. If you strip off enough things from a car it becomes a boat. If you wanted to buy a car and I sold you a boat you'd be kinda pissed no?

  9. I'm an old-fashioned mmo player, I've been playing mmos for a long time. I'm also a Star Wars fan, Old Republic was a great mix of the two. That's why I'm here. But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??


    Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon? You don't want any new pvp content? No new operations? Yes I realize these things "may be coming in the near future" but in the meantime this new storyline content just has no re-playability at all. How many times are you willing to follow Lana the "Jedi-wannabe sith" through a swamp? I've been told that this is what players really want and I find it hard to believe.


    I think you are all confused, you want to sit around for 6 months at a time waiting for an afternoon's entertainment. Then you don't want an mmo, you want a MOVIE!! And great news, there's a Star Wars movie coming out in 2 months!! I'll see you all there but in the meantime I'd like my mmo back because this is not a mmo PC game, this is an advanced version of a read-along book. I used to read those when I was like 7 yrs old. "If you want to jump over the puddle turn to page 63. If you want to go around the puddle instead, then turn to page 89." Either way you're on the other side of the puddle!! Congratulations you finished Chapter 1 - The Puddle, now please wait patiently for 6 more months as we move on to Chapter 2 - The Hill.


    Come on people!!

  10. Directionals are more useful overall for sure but as stated above Shield Projector is good for in-tight fighting around sats. Of course shields regen steadily out of combat but when a sat is under heavy pressure with wave after wave of enemy swarms coming in, sometimes you don't get that break in fighting so Projector can be powerful paired with repair probe. Keeping squadmates fully healed, fully armed and full shields is the very definition of support.


    I use protorps with this build because you can hit foes at extreme range without abandoning the satellite and thus abandoning your support role. Protorps in this situation are pretty effective against approaching bombers who can't break the missile lock and even if the protorp hit doesn't outright kill the bomber, it'll be so damaged that it won't last very long regardless. The T3 fighter is a very slow ship and if you're out chasing kills then you're doing your squadron a disservice by being out of position to provide in-close support.

  11. I just had this discussion with some plasma rail gun proponents in chat last night. This is exactly why Ion AoE spam is essential to any team, plasma ain't cleaning up that mess 😀. This is also why I have to keep a T1 gunship on my hangar bar, every squadron should always have at least one Ion spammer to clear out bomber spam like this.


    Unfortunately, situations like this should result in easy victories for the opposing team but since noobs love to fly through that crap and feed bombers easy kills this strategy usually results in bombers winning and "nerf bomber" threads.

  12. These are some good ideas,I like the advanced capacitors for strikes. It would solve a lot of offensive problems but it doesn't solve the biggest issue (imo) which is defenses. Most ace/veteran flyers can do alright offensively in a strike but they are still rarely played by those same people because they can't survive being focused (T3 being the exception).


    The primary weapon capacitor buff would give strikes much needed teeth for sure, hellz, it might even make RFLs viable 🙀. But strikes need some kind of defensive buff too, a quick fix would be to add power dive to the T1&2s.

  13. The T2 gunship has some good weapons, there's nothing wrong with HLCs, slug railgun and protons are all good. I think protorps are a good mix because they give the ship a good, hard-hitting, long range option that's not power reliant.


    The main black-eye of the T2 gs is the same as that of the strike fighters. They cannot survive focus. A long cool down for engine ability and no safety net ala distortion field means you get a narrow window to pull off some defensive maneuvers.


    I realize that the ships' description alludes to heavy offence while sacrificing defence but that is the main reason the T2 gunship (and strikes) aren't played, especially by players that know they'll become focused within the match. Everything being equal, a pilot is gonna take a better chance to survive. If the T2 had power dive and/or disto field I think a lot more people would use it or even if Feedback Shield provided a missile break then I think it would be more popular.


    That being said, I do think that interdiction mine or drone or even repair drone would be fun additions, creating a "support gunship"

  14. Personally, I think option B is the better strategy of continuous back & forth capping but from my experience option A is more practical when dealing with noobs. Option B requires some coordination and knowledge of how domination matches work, which frankly, noobs lack. How many times have you abandoned sat C to give to the noob team only to have them continue attacking the fortified sat B for the rest of the match? Ya theory-wise option B, practically I'd have to go with A.


    There have been many arguments about "what ifs", this wouldn't be happening if there was ranked, this wouldn't be happening if there was ladders or cross-server but that's not the situation at hand. The situation at hand is that Bioware followed up on a pre-launch promise of space combat used as a selling feature. They created a great little space combat mini-game then abandoned it with a "there ya go, enjoy" attitude more-or-less kicking open the back door and letting the kiddies out to play while they went back into the office to work. No supervision, no communication, no improvement, a simple "laissez-faire" point of view. So the reality is we, the GSF community, more or less police ourselves and playground politics is at work here too. There are the bullies, there are the older kids who want and foster more "fair and inclusive games" and those that get really good and just simply want to play at their leisure. The problem is there's only one playground we all share, the older kids and the toddlers, with no adult supervision. If we want to use it, we all have to get along or else it'll simply fall apart & no one will get to play. Personally, I like GSF enough to keep playing as is.


    Drak touched a little on my attitude, if the game is obviously a noob match then I'll roll out a fun ship. Fun ships are...fun. Grab a T1 scout evasion build with D/F, EMP & power dive, see how long you can stay on a fortified sat before they get you. You can make the game fun for yourself simply by challenging yourself in an inferior ship. The T2 gs is my favourite fun ship, it has my favourite weapons on it but you can't use it in a serious competitive match where you'll be focused because the T2 gs can't survive focus. That doesn't mean it isn't fun to play.


    The same goes for the support/command ships. Better players can boost an inferior team by using a T3 striker, repair probes & shield projector are very strong components in domination matches if you want to support players on a satellite. Some would argue that "the best way I can support my team is by killing the most opposition" yes, that is true, but at the same time you're not really nurturing new players, you're simply killing them. How many people have rolled a T3 scout with Tensor or Combat Command & Repair Probe with power dive? That ship can be lotsa fun too and super challenging while helpful to team-mates. If you're only idea of fun is to consistantly top the leaderboards as a stone cold killer then this play-style obviously isn't for you. I'm just saying, there are other ways for veteran players to still have fun and be helpful at the same time.

  15. One of the most frustrating features of the game is when several bombers load up in a satellite turning it into a virtual fortress. This can be particularly unfair to new players who do not have the tools or knowledge to deal with this situation.

    In my opinion there are two very effective tactics to use and both require a little coordination but after a few tries it isn't too bad.


    Tactic 1 - Dual Gunship Pincer Attack of Doom


    You'll need two AoE ion capable gunships, stay at max range (15000) and 1 gunship goes below the satellite facing up while the other goes above and faces downward. Both volley ion cannon in rapid succession, remember, you don't need to target the bombers!! You only have to hit their mines, drones or the defence turrets and the AoE will spread to eliminate the other mines & drones while also depleting bomber shields. Once bomber shields are low (should only take 3 or 4 ion shots) then immediately switch to slug railgun and blow up the bombers. Alternate between ion & railgun until all bombers are eliminated. The bombers will have no where to go since you've pincered them from above & below the satellite. Feel free to cackle in delight as you watch the bomber ball disappear into space debris. This is the safest & most effective tactic as you get the range advantage and 2 good gunships can strip 4 bombers off a satellite in less than a minute.


    Tactic 2 - Ion Spamming Gunship with Hard Charging T1 Bomber


    Again, a gunship stays at range and spams ion AoE, your goal is to eliminate all mines & drones ASAP. Again, you don't need to target bombers directly. When enemy defences are low, the T1 bomber charges the satellite blasting defence turrets and spewing seismic & concussion mines, the enemy bombers will be weak & have no assets and will be quite vulnerable to your mines. You'll have mines, they won't. The reason you need a T1 bomber is it has Charged Plating & Deflection Armour to resist any enemy mines that may have been missed. The seismic mine is the deadliest mine in the game. Once the bomber is on the satellite, the gunship looks for targets of opportunity while switching from ion to slug.


    Why do I consider these tactics the best? It requires the least amount of resources, 2 ships, which means simpler coordination and freeing up more ships on other sats.


    I have EMP missile & that rocks too right? Uuuummmm, no, it doesn't. EMP missile has shorter range which means you're vulnerable to railgun drones & bomber HLCs. It has a longer re-load time, you can squeeze off 4 or 5 ion shots in the time it takes to fire 2 EMP missiles and EMP missile more or less stuns mines or drones, you need 3 EMP missiles to take out tough drones so you could've gotten off a dozen or more ion shots from a safe distance. Possible? yes, effective? No. The same goes for the T1 scout's EMP Pulse, is it possible? Yes. Is it fun to kamikaze dive at a satellite popping EMP Pulse? yes. Is it effective? No!!


    What if I don't have an Ion Gunship? Get one noob!! And keep it on your hangar bar even if you hate to use gunships, the ion spam is worth it.

  16. To all those new players constantly floating out in open space during domination matches (there's been a lot this week)...Defend your already captured sats!! You're only hurting your team & your requisition by chasing people all over the map. During domination matches the goal is to take & hold the satellites and your requisition points reflect this. If you fight too far off the sats then you'll be lucky to get 350pts, defending a satellite for 4 mins will net you like 800+ pts so doubling your score or better.


    Don't play foolishly, it's much easier to defend then to attack, free up more experienced/better equipped squad-mates to attack while you hold the fort. Use situational awareness to see if anyone is heading toward you, look around & tab for nearest targets. If a gunship is eyeing you up...MOVE!! Use LoS and make him come get you. If it's a bomber engage him during his approach out in the open where he's more vulnerable.


    Be a team player and call out when your satellite is being attacked. A simple statement such as "2 inc A" or "gs on C" can make a big difference. Sometimes players get caught up attacking a sat and don't realize theirs is being attacked. It only takes 20 secs for a good players to uncap an undefended satellite. So stay there and at least slow him down until reinforcements come to help.


    Even though you may be new, you can still be an effective team player. You don't have to be gunship fodder, you can be a satellite defender!!

  17. This is a great idea & I'd encourage you to do it, however, I'm skeptical that unless it gets stickied or is constantly updated then it'll just fall to the way-side behind a wall of "nerf gunship", "bombers are op", "what are RFLs?" posts that swallow up all the space and push the actual really useful & good information back 30+ pages.


    There are numerous strategy & tip guides on better bomber play, better gunship play, gunship hunting techniques, how to strip bombers off sats effectively etc etc. Stuff that could actually improve peoples' play. Instead, we got pages of new players constantly demonstrating how that either A) they don't understand the game & B) the information needed is too vague or hard to find. The Stasie guide is a fantastic resource on what ships should take as components and has some beginner elements. As for the how & why aspects they're all 30 pages back.


    This in-depth ship-role guide could be another fantastic player resource if the community can keep it relevant

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