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Posts posted by Polly_Pocket

  1. And how long do you think the novelty of that would have lasted?


    Your question doesn't even make sense in light of what I posted.


    For a challenge I do HM/NiM on my 220+ geared Sorc healer. Re-leveling new characters again, through old content I have seen a million times before, suddenly became fun again because of strong companions. This was not something I was doing previously, and now have no intention of in the future. I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks H2+ should be challenging are just being elitist ***** to casuals.


    Asking me how long until leveling with strong companions will bore me is just willfully ignorant, since we'll never know how long that could have been fun, since it got nerfed into oblivion.

  2. Because, and this is going to seem counter-intuitive to some, having no challenge means people would get bored fast in this game and leave. Oh they say that having a heal-bot who can keep them topped off through nearly any assault, no matter how they play, might is fun for them, but I guarantee you that it wouldn't last long.


    One of the most brilliant lines in The Matrix was when Smith said that the machines' first attempt at the virtual world was a complete disaster because they had tried to create a perfect utopia for humans to live in.


    We need to have challenge in our lives, because without that there's no sense of real accomplishment either.


    That's a tad naive. If you want challenge, go do HM/NiM. If you want a challenge try to solo Star Fortresses without the buff for the One and Only achievement. But to say players need a challenge while doing mediocre grindy/solo content in between story cut scenes while leveling appears out of touch or ill-informed.


    Personally, I PvP and run HM/NiMs, so the change doesn't really affect me at all. I tested out the damage nerf to my 30 influence HK-51 and found it absolutely laughable though. Not only that, but his tanking felt far worse than before, not better.


    I had started to level new characters again, because it was fun stomping low level planets again. Now, I think i'll pass. Nobody find's "challenge" while questing and leveling. They just find tedium. Strong companions fixed the tedium, but now that its back I think I'll pass and stick to HMs/NiM and PvP.

  3. Is there a guild like this on the server?


    I just returned to the game after a long hiatus and I'm looking for an active guild that is interested in doing the hardest OPs and also enjoys grouping for PvP.


    IGN: Nikki'tesla

  4. The whole mouse thing is a fundamental flaw in the game design IMO.


    Instead of maneuvering the craft to align the reticle to the target, you have to align the reticle on target to maneuver the craft. Piloting and targeting should work interdependently. And the more I play it (and presumably get better at it), the more I hate it.



  5. sorry but even if you could buy a lvl 50 character it would be no real P2W(not saying its fair lol) the only thing you get is a big time advantage


    selling better ships or better components would be P2W, btw i will finsh my first ship tomorrow without investing in the cartell marked


    Well if you can upgrade one of your ships fully in 2 days, that just means people who pay can probably upgrade all of theirs in the same time period.


    I think the point that's being overlooked here is this: Why is there even conversion in the first place? Was this really needed? It's simply a BUY POWER NOW function of the game, and regardless of your stance on the "P2W" argument, is a complete money grab and has no merit.

  6. most people dont understand "P2W" and will never do , faster progress is never P2W (exp increase for leveling is exactly the same ) it would be P2W if you could buy better stuff in the cartell marked, not accessible ingame


    This isn't an XP boost. This is literally paying Dollars to basically buy fleet comms to spend on ships. They may as well put fully upgraded ships for sale in the shop, because in the end, it has the same effect. Can you buy a level 50 character? Nope. You'll see people with fully upgraded gunships by tomorrow because of this, guaranteed.

  7. This thread is hilarious. Its full of PvE players ragging on PvP servers.


    WE GET IT. You don't like open world pvp, you don't like ganking, you don't like the added danger.


    And guess what, that's fine. Go play on your PvE server.


    However, there are a large amount of players who do like this, and its really quite aggravating when PvE players are catered to on a PvP server.

  8. Sorry, but you can move out of the gate, and there's a ledge you can afk on without getting kicked out. The enemy team cannot reach you on this ledge.


    Whether someone is just sitting there trolling in chat, or using a bot to move out of the gate automatically, the result is the same, you are down a player and the warzone is unfairly balanced.


    I like the idea that you can warn people in a match, and say, they have to get in combat with someone within a minute or they get kicked out of the match. Also, we need a leaver debuff as well.

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