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Posts posted by Koopababy

  1. Kill trading is server specific, i wouldnt put bm's/war hero's in that classification. Ive played this game since day one and never, ever have seen one case of kill trading on Belgoths Beacon. You cant even get a duel in without interference. People have a habit of making broad accuations about things including all servers and ac's when they cry. Just like wanting a commando nerfed they cry Trooper, etc.
  2. And? tank/dps hybrid specs weren't supposed to be viable. In beta all the good Jugg tank/dps specs for pvp got nerfed out of the game and jugg is still a perfectly fine class to play.


    I've watched cent geared hybrid tank/dps vanguards put out 500k damage like it was nothing.


    Almost ever class in this game had a hybrid spec that was viable. And cent hybrids were not pulling 500k wz's, good bm hybrids average 350k played real well 450k. The dmg was good but no one was getting burned down, it added hib procs, you got none of the dmg buffs from assault tree that made hib real powerful. Its why you never saw 5 posts a day complaining about the spec on the forums, actaully no one ever complained. People had problems with Burst pyro specced pt/vg's.

  3. Oh, I see, you haven't PvPed much in any game. Gotcha. Guess what, keyboard turners and clickers will never be able to compete in PvP. Sorry to hurt your feelings but it's the truth.


    Been keyboard turning for 12 yrs and have it mastered. Do fairly well topping the charts every wz i enter, managed a rr10 paladin in daoc, a rr100 witchelf in warhammer 5 80's in wow and a warhero vanguard in this game doing it playing casual and making a name for myself. I tell people i keyboard turn, no one believes me:) So much for your accusation eh. I even manage to tear people in half in specs people say are the worse, like tactics spec for example. http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/8018/screenshot2012031517341.jpg


    The game is just to easy. This isnt daoc or wow where strafe circling is king. When you goona understand that? You circle, my rifle follows... while i eat chips.

  4. I personally love keyboard turners and clickers, free 1v1 Medals :) But really, there aren't that many on my server so I could care less. I started out as 1, so I know what it's like before you realize it's inferior.


    They added complete auto facing in 1.2. so much for your elite circle strafing . Which never did much in this game anyway.

  5. Where does all this info and statistics come from, when the game has no combat parser or addons to do correct testing. If i tell you 2% expertise is enough you gonna take my word on it? or maybe its a full 700 expertise. No its pve gear, caus rakata gives 2k more health. But hey cant most people do more than 2k damage in one gcd? Am i confusing you yet? Expect a different answer from most everyone.
  6. I would rather have a system like in daoc. Realm rank abilities. But reality and dreaming are two different things. You know they will not remove expertise. That would make pve raid gear dominate in pvp. what sense is there in that? This game is not hard. I work full time and im a father and ive managed to hit valor 65 with most BM pieces playing casually. And im republic to boot on a server where imps outnumber us 3 to 1. Getting full champ in this game takes no effort. little less crying in the forums and a little more *** kickin in the game will get you there.
  7. War is not fair, nor is it fun, but warzones which are going to be rated should be both fair and fun.


    SWTOR is a game, and as such has rules and regulations. A military force does its best to always have the upper hand and never present a fair fight. In war, if you find yourself in a fair fight, something has gone terribly wrong.


    Besides, if a Taliban fighter squared off with a SEAL, both using the same gear, who do you think would win out of pure skill?


    It's no ones fault every mmo on the market offers pvp gear progression. We just work with the tools given to us. The amount of time most people spend crying about it, could already be online progressing towards that gear. Im not quite sure why anyone subscribed to this game thinking the pvp gear would be any different than it is on the other mmos. Regardless if someone has a life or not, a fresh 50 demanding he be on par with a individual who spends countless hours in pvp daily aquiring the gear to compete is ridiculous. These things apply in the real world as well like hippies wanting rich taxed more, or welfare people demanding that the working folk pay the way for them. You want something go earn it. Mmos are not call of duty/ gears of war on xbox. They have always been about progresson, and time spent equals better rewards. I would give up on MMo's if you cant see that.

  8. I agree. However, expertise compounds the problem. A guy in full Rakata gear with a few Champ pieces and around 5% expertise might be a match for a BM geared player, but either one will wipe the floor with a fresh 50, making the initial few weeks a nightmare for new 50's.


    Why do so many people have a problem with a fair fight? Do people go beat up kids at playgrounds then tell them they'll get their chance to fight back after they've grown up and put in their time getting pummeled?


    If a boxer filled his gloves with lead pellets, he'd be a cheater! That's essentially the same thing happening in warzones, and I can't understand how anyone else doesn't feel like it's cheating when you destroy a brand new 50 in a warzone.


    PvP should be based on skill, not on gear.


    Ya right. I bet the taliban tells the seals the same thing. "This is not fair put down your elite gear and fight us in pickup trucks with 50 yr old rifles!"

  9. You do realize shield procs only work on normal range and melee attacks right? Shield has a zero proc rate on all those tech and force attacks people are spamming 98% of the time. As for defense chance theres little to be had of that worthless stat on the top end gear. Hardly any tanks run full shield specialist or heavy defense in pvp. That leaves us with taunt, to get some medals and help out our team. Absorbtion is worthless, you need shield procs for it to work, and i already stated how shield works. Mass taunt on Vanguards is like 35% for 6 secs. not sure where the 70% is coming from.
  10. Technically more ammo means more dmg. I havent tried running tactics in the last month in pvp but i could see it doing more dmg. Where a Assault trooper has to manage his ammo theres gonna be down times where he has to throw in alot of hammershots, most wz's are hectic and crazy and perfect ammo management never works out all the time. With tactics it always felt like unlimited ammo. While assault is throwing off some hammers, a Tactics guy can continue to spam off some ions while waiting on cooldowns.


    More ammo=More dmg.

  11. Heh talk about subjective post, you can get full battlemaster by losing every bg for a couple of weeks and beeing the *******st player ever, granted the raids are a total joke aswell even on nightmare so they dont require brain surgery level of skill either but anyone can get battlemaster gear including 5 year olds that you show how to click the enter button and then manage to press the big W on the keyboard to make your character move forward.


    Time , yeah it takes awhile to get to 60 rank but its something you can do all by yourself, you still need 7 buddies to get rakata gear and theres only 1 chance / week to loot a set piece then its a 7 day wait for next try (not 2 chances / day and a extra 6 chances / week)


    Your assuming Bioware mails you a full set of BM when you hit 60. 2 bags a day 25% chance to get one BM comm. I see Full Rakatas all over the place and maybe a few in full BM gear.

  12. They changed something. I went like 60 bags and got 4 comms. This week i got 6 comms out of 7 bags and got 3 BM pieces from it. Another friend of mine got a few comms to. You dont get that lucky, think they tweaked it a little.
  13. Im leaving Daoc for WoW.

    Im leaving WoW for Aoc.

    Im leaving Aoc for War.

    Im leaving War for Swtor.

    Im leaving Swtor for GW2.

    Why cant swtor be like WoW and Daoc.


    Sorry did you say something? This is all ive seen for years on end, i kinda tune out the rest.

  14. Been browsing through the threads and noticed alot of quit threads. What i don't understand is, if you quit why do you continue to hang out in the forums daily? Is it a "misery loves company" thing? I mean when you dump a girl you dont pester her daily for months. When you quit a job you dont harass them daily. With me when im done with something and it sucks... im done, for good. Just wondering what the reasons are besides the lame "waiting for gw2 to come out" excuse. cause ive heard that before. If the games so bad why do you continue to lurk around.


    Daoc: "This game is dead im waiting for WoW".

    WoW: "This game is whack, just waiting on Aoc."

    Aoc: "This games a joke, rolling over to Warhammer"

    Warhammer: "Cant wait til Swtor is out, then im gone."

    Swtor: "Biofail sucks, im waiting on GW2. by the way, why can't you be more like WoW or Daoc".


    LOL never gets old. Some of you guys are creatures of habit.

  15. Meters have their places in mmos. but can also be a problem to. Some people want to have fun and try to enjoy the game while on. I remember watching raids, etc in Rift and Wow it could get ridiculous. Some people dont need someone coaching them every other pull with nerd talk and spreadsheets "the recount says your dmg was not up to par that round, you need to do this or this". Also people do use it as a tool to abuse new players etc, not even allowing them into pug groups. I would love to see my dmg in a parser but i know what comes with it, people go ego crazy and do bad gameplay focused on one thing, toppin the dmg charts no matter the cost.


    Suppose to be a game, not a part time job. And really, what raid in Swtor is hard enough where you need to worry about parsers and trying to figure out how to beat enrage timers or complete it. Theres not even large raids in the game yet.

  16. I like it when people who admit to kill trading try to convince you that it's a completely logical way of dealing with a broken system, and how valor rank doesn't mean anything and it doesn't take any skill to achieve. And then they flaunt their valor rank in their signature.


    I lol'd.


    Ya i noticed that as well. Big Balls.

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