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Posts posted by RayneDancer

  1. I highly doubt it. Stores won't carry a product if they don't believe it will make money. Every store in my area stopped carrying them, around the same time they took all extra copies of the game (including Collector's Edition) and sold them dirt cheap.


    The game has been a titanic flop for investors and retailers. Don't expect that to change unless it manages to start competing again after the F2P model releases.

  2. 1) PVP: Would like to see the old Ilum battle turned into a Warzone for 8-16 players on each side. Also more Huttball arenas that are randomized as players spawn into the Warzone. Removal of Expertise from PvP gear. Keep stats different from PvE gear as far as Crit/Power/Alacrity/Surge allocations to give players incentives to do both PvP and PvE to fully optimize their gear. Removal of Expertise will allow players that enjoy PvP to gear up mainly through PvP, but still be able to compete in PvE content. The same is true for PvE -> PvP. This would breathe life into both aspects of the game, as more PvE players would try out PvP, and vice versa, without a pure PvP stat standing in the way of both. Obviously, players with no Expertise get crushed in PvP, and players with a lot of Expertise are very suboptimal for PvE. Fix this, please.


    2) Space: Full 3D space battles, including PvP space fights. No more of the flying along a set path stuff, please. It's very boring. Also, increase rewards for doing space missions. Include Guild Capital Ships, plus faction Capital Ships that can be attacked in PvE/PvP scenarios for special ship upgrades/potential new ships. If anyone on the Dev team is familiar with EVE/STO, that is definitely the model to take a look at when considering ideas for how to improve the SWToR space combat. Get familiar with what those games offer, and make it better.


    3) PvE: More variety in PvE leveling content. The leveling system is too linear, currently. Adjust planets to have a larger range of leveling (i.e. Starting World from 1-10, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant and Taris/Balmorra 10-20, Nar Shadaa/Tatooine/Alderaan 20-30, Taris/Balmorra (high end)/Quesh/Hoth 30-40, Belsavis/Voss/Corellia 40-50). Meaning any one of those planets in the listed range can be used for the full range of leveling. This would require slight adjustments to the XP rewards and level ranges of all quests on each planet. Class quests can be kept as they are, encouraging players to at least visit the planets their class quest takes them to. This change would be an overall decrease in the time required to level. This is an option I believe should be explored after more end-game content is added.


    4) Side Content: Pazaak, "Pod" Racing, Nar Shadaa Casino Gambling, etc etc. Add things that give players something to do outside of PvP/PvE/Space content. It's fun. Pazaak was one of the more interesting time-wasters we had in the KotOR games. It needs to return here, and be competitive. Players should be able to play against each other, and an AI opponent. Allow players to bet credits on games. Also, another fun thing to add! I recall a portion of a KotOR game where players had a quest to fight opponents in an arena 1v1, while the story around them had people betting on the outcome of the fights. Allow players to participate in this kind of action, with either AI vs AI fighting, or Player vs AI, or Player vs Player, and allow side betting to occur for players that watch. Side content should be a HUGE focus right now, I think. Games within games, as it were. Your MMO competitors are focusing on this quite a bit (See: World of Warcraft Pet Battles).




    Thanks for your consideration!

  3. tl;dr (Try writing less of a book and refine your points)


    Also, there are many people who believe the game was successful. It may have "flopped" in holding all of the content locust's attention, but for those of us still here, it's a great game. I have my ups and downs about the game...I dislike the F2P option...but the game is still great.

  4. So as I'm approaching level 50 with my first toon, I must say I'm disappointed with the level of "Star Warsyness" of this game. I would assume that BW and EA were willing to throw hundreds of millions of dollars at a game is the huge base of people out there who are Star Wars fans. Any by "Star Wars fans", I mean people who watched & liked the original trilogy.


    For example, why does this Darth Malgus character show up all over the place? How many more people would play this game if it was Darth Vader?


    So far, the only planets I've really liked are Tatooine and Hoth, and Alderaan. Before playing this game, I had never heard of Taris, or Nar Shadda, or Belsavis, or any of those other planets.


    Okay, I sort of remember the Twi'lek dancers, so that's kind of cool. But who are the Mirakula, or whatever they're called? And those Chiss, or the Sith?


    I'm sure lots of people who are familiar with the "Extended Universe" get all excited for references to Darth Revan, but the average person doesn't. Darth Revan wasn't worth a $100 million MMORPG. Darth Vader would be.


    The Era is better for creativity than the one portrayed in the movies. The movies created left no real room to expand on, except for the period after. Also, you'd know quite a lot about everything you said you have no clue about if you'd played the original games made by BioWare, Knights of the Old Republic. They were great games. That's why this game was made. It wasn't made to deviate from the stories already in place from the movies.


    If you want a game that does stay within the realms of the movies, play The Force Unleashed. Be prepared for disappointment, as well. The stories are terrible and clunky. Why? Because they tried deviating from, but staying within the boundaries of the movies. It just doesn't work.

  5. Well, happy to hear that. The server, as I mentioned above, is Jung Ma, the last N.American RP-PvP server. Most nights we'd have between 130-150 on Fleet. The last two nights (Tuesday and Wednesday), we've been sitting at 70-80. A rather depressing drop. If other servers are doing well, though, I'll hopefully take it as either F2P overreacting by some players, or perhaps just a bad week for RP play. :confused:
  6. So, maybe it's just me being extremely paranoid, but ever since the F2P announcement, the population on my server has literally dropped about 40%. I'm seriously hoping it's just a bad week to play for people...but when average population goes from about 150 on Fleet to 85, and all the planets from 20+ to 10...something is wrong.


    Has anyone else noticed dramatic population drops over the last two days, or is it just Jung Ma having a bad week? :(

  7. The cash shop pushed me over the edge. I don't mind a F2P model where you pay money to unlock the content, and subscribers get more. However, when you add cash shops for in-game items (even if it's 'cosmetic only', which we know is the first step toward P2W) it seals the deal.


    I'm going to wait to hear more about it, but I don't think I'll continue to play after the F2P model launches, unless the subscription model gives enough "Cartel Coins" to purchase all "Cartel Market" items. Subscription models should include everything the game has to offer. Otherwise, there's no point to subscribing. From what they've announced, the subscriber model has virtually no benefit over the free model.

  8. It's very common. I don't support kicking players that don't want to spacebar through the dialogue, but I don't really like sitting through the dialogue or staring at a blank screen after I've skipped it, either. I've heard the dialogue a million times. After the first time, it becomes a massive waste of time. It's the difference between doing my daily BH Comm run in 20 minutes, or 30 minutes, in some cases (like Black Talon). In some FPs it's not bad, because there's no dialogue to speak of.


    This is the case in all MMOs, though. Players want to skip as much as they can of any dungeon, if skipping things allows them to reap more rewards in a faster period of time.


    If there was incentive to stick around and watch each cinematic...like gaining Social Points for every full cinematic you watch...that would help people like the OP out a lot, I imagine.

  9. 50,000 players at the maximum. The forums are a good indicator that just about everyone has left the game. Right?:rolleyes:


    I also expect an announcement that we're going F2P and that BioWare is being shut down, with the ToR project being handed to EA's interns for experimental purposes.


    Also, Guild Wars 2 will be announced to have 25 million current players even before the games release, and Jesus has come back from the dead to personally make sure that they have the most innovative PvP system ever conceived.

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