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  1. Nice suggestions.. I agree with every single one of them. However, I'd like them to fix on other stuff first. Take for example the stupid FPS drops. Poor Graphic customization. Stupid bugs that need urgent fixing. Retarded delays with lower FPS etc.


    SWTOR is losing lots of players like this.

  2. And yet another match where I'm on my lowby, end up with a bunch of L1~30 and 2 45~50 vs guess what... 4 L50, 2 40+ and 2 lowbies... Should I tell you the end result? You can probably already guess it.


    Not to mention that pre-mades have the ability to use voice chat while I can't do that with randoms, they also have level, skill and gear differences that make it more of a **** it I'll quit run then a nice game to play.

  3. There are some buttons that don't have the "Mouse Button" function. I tried to compensate by assigning a custom keystroke but this doesn't work for me. I believe this has something to do with how you install a program. If you install it with admin rights and thus don't have to "allow" the program to run, it will work. If you install it without admin rights so you have to press "allow" every time you run the game, it won't work.
  4. 8h down time? More like 2 yesterday. Anyways, if you really want 50 cents back for the play time you missed (considering 24h down time total a month which is high), ask them for it. I'm sure they will tell you that you won't get it as you agreed to the ToS.


    Edit: Or tell you that you are already being compensated cause it would be 15.50 euro otherwise.



    Conclusion: If you don't want to pay, then don't play.

  5. Pretty sure that was their point. Healers get crap for medals, so once you roll one and realize this you can go back to your sniper and feel grateful about all the medals that fall into your lap.


    Mainly getting last hit, 75k and 10~25 kills (25kill not always even with 30+ kills, bug?). Nothing a healer can't get. I guess as healer you gotta spam heals for the amount of heal? I was mainly talking about classes that have DPS/HEAL, not pure heal classes (haven't really found these tbh).

  6. Suggesting me to roll another class cause they get more medals (or easier) is basically confirming what I just said. I guess i could start spamming medpacks then for heal medals.


    But as I said, he did well. I'm only L22 as we speak on this char so 300k dmg is not easy to get. The guy I was talking about was probably in the 45+ level range. However, I feel like I should get awards as a sniper like healers get as healer or tanks get as protector.

  7. The problem with matches like Huttball is premades. They are on some TS or Vent server and they say what to do. This gives a huge benefit (not to mention they are usually 50 already) against the other team that might consist of L10~40 randoms.


    Matches like this I instant quit, I really cba playing against people that go for easy win.

  8. This is my point of view, no QQ, complaints or w/e but just how I view it.


    You can get Medals for everything, medals = income. The more medals, the more valor and commendations. Recently I created a Sniper cause I like the Agent ship and the Sniper play style.


    As sniper (atleast on lower level):

    • I don't have shields that deflect/absorb/body guard others.
    • I have no heals
    • I have High DPS and lots of last hits (Takedown burst)


    I just had a Warzone match with a guy with 9 medals. The usual: 10 kills, 25 kills, assassin, last hit etc. Except that he also got points for a 2.5k heal, X points healed, X points body guarded etc.


    He did a nice job and he earned those medals. This means however that I will never be able to get that many medals on a sniper because:

    • I can't get any points for protection, means I have no chance of getting that medal
    • I have no heals, means I have no chance of getting that medal
    • I often get most kills (Not bad for a L20 sniper huh?) and often in the top 3 most damage... But as DPS class I don't get points for this.


    Now this isn't to complain about anything but I do feel that certain classes (aka healers and sith sorcs) have too many benefits over others as in reward gaining. Is it an idea to specialize medal gain on a class base? Take for example the Assassin medal, this could be expended for DPS classes to have 5 kills of which you did the most damage to make up for the healing medals they can't get.


    Just my 2 cents.


    PS. Am I the only one that gets 80% Huttball in Warzone? :(

  9. I've tried everything (including checking page 2 on google) that I could find.


    • Game Booster
    • Forcing settings to beyond low in client_settings.ini
    • Changed how the game is launched by windows
    • Setting windows aero to classic
    • Forced all my NVidia settings to performance instead of quality
    • Cleaned registry with ccleaner
    • Playing on a 1 month old W7 installation
    • Turned off windows indexing
    • Installed additional Directx updates
    • Etc.



    My laptop pulls off around 60 fps when I launch it with around 30 in combat. After 5 minutes my gpu gets hot and it drops to 10~20 fps in combat and depending on the environment it's 15~25 out of combat.


    I've been playing Aion on low/medium graphics for 2 years on decent FPS (this game stutters more, but better FPS). So with all the above active I tried running Aion and I got 100 FPS............


    Aion is an eye candy game with horrible optimization. With a hot GPU I pull off 4x more FPS there then here in SWTOR which btw is far older and in theory should be playable on lesser machines.

  10. you know, I was able to run the game on a 2 year old vaio at minimum settings before my new desktop arrived. How old is your computer that it can't run TOR? In my experience the requirements are pretty tame compared to some games. It shouldn't cost more than a few hundred to get a computer that can run it.


    Understandably a few hundred might as well be a few thousand to some people, but in my opinion, saving up is worth it. This game was worth the two years of saving it took me to get my PC.


    3 years ago my laptop was a pretty damn good one (custom parts, new). Now I may consider myself lucky to be able to have a combat with more then 20fps in this game. There is something seriously screwed up in the programming.

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