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Posts posted by Massyma

  1. Each Class will have thier Achilles Heal (pun intended)...


    As a BH tank I can't do enough damage to take down a GOOD healer (in pvp warzones regardless of thier lvl) but I know that is the trade off for being... tanky so its all cool.


    If you were able to heal through (any ability spam) = you would never die


    (The lvl thing imo is awesome b/c I'm able to PvP with my lvl.11 alt)

    I don't own but at least I can say its not a waste of time...


    And lastly tactics is huge.... remember the warzone is not 1v1 Huttball it is team on team... well except for Mitz who afk's all the way to lvl 50 and screws ur team but thats another issue all together


    :csw_fett: I <3 PvP /pew pew

  2. Not sure why everyone is QQ'ing about the Sith Inq... I PvP all night long and Huttball pairs me against fellow Empire's and Sith Inq are not who I worry about... They don't knock u down stun lock u and insta kill u... Even on my alts that are not tanks I still dont fear them... I guess I just dont C it!
  3. You mean you might actually have to play.. for a couple of weeks.. to get the BEST GEAR IN THE ENTIRE GAME?








    The terror of it all.


    Hahah OMgorsh... if u ever come back to this thread (THANK YOU) This made me laugh so hard.


    /agree 100%


    :csw_fett: Less QQ more Pew Pew

  4. Sorc's are fine I play against them in huttball all the time...


    1. If they come out of stealth and kill you before you are unstunned u need a nerf.

    2. If they don't come out of stealth and kill you before you are unstunned u dont need a nerf.

    3. Any questions refer to #1 and #2.

    4. Problem Solved!



  5. Yeah... maybe genius should lvl up past 50 before letting the world know he doesn't have the foggiest idea what he is talking about...


    I craft armor, I equip companions with armor, I make armor for my alts, I find it useful.



    :sul_wink: I <3 Walmart door greeters...

  6. Did u just refrence premade queso?





    Sidenote: I was in a group which que'd for WZ's and we did not get into the same WZ my groupmate seemingly got the last open spot in the WZ ergo premades are not always fully premade or this was a gitch (i know that sounds crazy since the game has been out 4eva)


    :csw_tiefighter: Pew Pew... long live the Emporer and his new Wardrobe...

  7. I mean, you just see people going down to the "pit" under the goalline as a tactic. That place is supposed to be a place where you go "oh ok, now I have to go all the way back". Now you can just intercept an enemy standing on the ledge and go score.


    The mechanics highly favours some classes, and a 4 man premade with the right classes can easily win alone.


    You see people throwing the ball, saving and intercepting and suddenly it's 1-0 within the first 20 seconds of the match. Most of the time it's impossible to counter this with all the immunities, shields and heals that SOME classes have. Commando f.example has a shield that does basically nothing in a fight, and a knockback that is good, but extremely ineffective when they are "immune to knockback".


    I know this sounds like a QQ, but when empire on our server gets to train huttball 9/10 matches, it's just a faceroll when they sit with a 4man premade and win 6-0 within 4 minutes because of the pull/intercept tactic.



    Please remove the ability to move from <-- to --> it is just not fair...

    Also I find auto attack to be unbalanced please fix this or i cancel my account...


    :tran_tongue: /Sarcasm.Off

  8. it takes a good 6 seconds for them to kill someone in pvp, and that is just NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! they ONLY hit you for 50% of your hp from stealth, then knock you onto the floor for only 5 seconds :<


    suggestion: their opener should hit for 100% of your HP, stun you for 17 minutes (instead of 5 seconds) and cause your character to lose a level everytime they kill you, they should also have the ability to fly, destroy planets and be able to pickpocket a random piece of gear from you whenever they feel like it.


    please buff them, bioware, they are just so weak at the moment :( :( :(


    +1 please buff this class they are unable to hold thier own in PvP this has to be fixed or I cancel my account....


    :mon_rolleyes: Bahahahahah...

  9. They do not have that for offense...


    But here is a great solution...


    You get kill credit for healing someone who kills people within 10 seconds of your last heal to them.


    This would help a lot with the 10/25 kill status.


    Then, you can trinket/stim a 2.5k damage shot on someone and get another(four buttons, tab+trinket+stim+attack). This isn't that hard since crit/surge/power/expertise affects both damage and heal potential...


    Maybe add another one for healing someone within 10 seconds of scoring the ball/placing a bomb/taking a node.


    Wait... what giving a kill medal for healing? Might as well call a drought a monsoon or up is down... how special needs does this sound... Next people are going to ask for PvP commendations for selling items on the gallactic auction house.....


    :tran_tongue: /facepalm.urface

  10. healing wins games.


    Really? So you can stand in the spawn area healing people who are at 100% life and win? You people flip my burgers at Bger King dont u? I remember u also got my order wrong...

    Seriously how can u mess up a #1 w/Dr.Ppper...


    :tran_tongue: /facepalm.urface

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