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Posts posted by Spyderlol

  1. My real life work is providing an internet and voice services to hundreds of thousands of customers. Let me tell you one thing. A "customer" does not care nor should he/she care about where do i get my funding and who pays my salary. A customer cares to receive the service he's paying for and i'm obliged to provide that service with the proper quality that was promised to the customers. If i screw up the customers will cry and demand instant fixing of any problem (and trust me - if i'm not able to fix their problem in a matter of hours - i will be without a job). So it's a bit childish to go to my customers and start crying "I'm understaffed and with not enough funding". Customers.Do.Not.Care.About.My.Problems. I have to deal with them because that's what i'm getting payed for. Beginning to see a pattern here?



    You and many others have been delt with. However making claims and demanding something wont get you anywhere. There is a yellow post saying the issue was being looked into but thats not good enough for most people so they keep posting and posting and making claim after claim. If you work providing customers service then you should know that some people with call multiple times a day with the same issue even after you have told the person what to do to fix the issue or you told them you would look into it.


    I understand people dont care and those people also are narrow minded and need to chill.

  2. If i had such high expectations, i would've unsubbed weeks ago... Scratch that, i wouldn't have even bothered starting this game, there are so many problems unresolved from their beta stage (poorly done i might add) that it's just incredible. Atm i'm expecting them to... fix their crap in a reasonable time frame but not to continue screwing up with every single minor patch they release. As in "Oh, look guys, we made a terrible mistake with today's patch, how about we rollback until we fix it!". Or at least a proper testing before they release it. If that's what you call "expecting too much"... Yea... i guess... not. And stop licking their boots, they're not as understaffed as you may think. Not to mention the vast resources they have at their disposal. Like i said, i'm a SW fanboy. But you're obviously blind for the... obvious.


    There are lots of issues... Ilum, WZ Daily, PvE encounters, FPS, ect... They do need to fix these and in a timely manner. However they do not have the whole team doing this and EA is not giving them the amount of resources you seem to think they have. As for licking there boots you have me all wrong bud. Only Bioware game i have enjoyed over the years was Mass Effect and thats the only time i will lick their boots or kiss their ***.




    Is that supposed to make me feel better? Paying for beta? Awesome... And what's that "rushed to be released"? Rushed? After almost 5 years of development??? Yea... rushed... lol. Nobody argues about the release - awesome indeed, and the leveling - awesome. And then you hit endgame and endless frustration... I agree tho - we are paying for beta. Which is actually the problem...


    I am not here to comfort you and make you feel good or bad. However it is the truth that we are still playing a beta version of the game. EA/Bioware should have gotten actual PvPers and PvEers to test there content while it was still "in beta" and this game could have been far better at the end game. However they didn't and so here we are.



    I'm trying to stay positive but they just keep doing it wrong. I mean every single minor patch - a new screw up. C'mon... Can't you at least feel it when they're slapping your face with pure insults? Crying is when i come here and cry about "OMG POWERTECH SO OP NERFNERFNREFR!!1". Alas, i'm here presenting a real issue that affects everyone in quite a negative way and this is not crying - this is constructive criticism - and that's the least they deserve. Burning them with fire is more suitable but hey... I don't really have the time to take a plane and nuke them from orbit. And besides we kinda gave quite a lot of suggestions already - personally i'm tired, they're not paying me, i am paying them:




    And look how well they're implementing them - by screwing up even more with a damn "minor" patch (God, help us when they release 1.2 AGAIN without proper testing)...


    They do keep screwing up patches. However like i have been saying for a month now is that before anything gets released they need to test it on the PTR. However no one wants to re-lvl on the PTR so we are going to constantly have these type of patches. I really wish they could get there crap together but i am being nice and trying to help them out.



    And? BW did not intend for that to happen and did not test it properly. And? Did they do something to fix their own mistake (for which we paid literally and figuratively speaking)? No, they didn't. Just a bunch of useless copy/pasted yellow answers from a bunch of clueless on the forum boards and Twitter with empty words and promises. Why did they leave the servers online at first place when ppl were FLOODING them with youtube movies of what is happening currently? The problem was obvious for a 3 years old monkey - and they did nothing to prevent it, fix it or stop it, they just stood there and did nothing while ppl were exploiting the sh*t out of their mistake. They were receiving tons of feedback literally every single minute on forums, twitter, youtube, mails, ingame tickets - and they did absolutely NOTHING. But yea, we're asking "too much" from them and crying for no reason... Really? Yea, it could've been avoided. But it wasn't. Second time in a row counting only their patches, not the pseudo-beta they were running for months before the release without realising that most of their "testers" were just treating it as a "Free2Play" game and not doing anything about giving feedback about problems and countless bugs that are still present in the game (that's why we ended up with a product still in "beta" on the release).


    They screwed up with the patch and punishing people for there mistake is something EVERY MMO has done. Look at WoW... They have banned so many high end guilds for exploiting something they were told about in a PTR testing phase, or the PvPers that used MMR exploits to get R1. So yes they took forever to fix something but you should be used to that type of stuff by now. Right now with Ilum on my server as a Rep i cant go out there and i have accepted this. Do i like it? **** no. Does it make me want to rage quit? Not really. There are a lot of issues that need to be fixed but until EA gives Bioware Austin the money/resources and there is a working PTR where the players can test patches we can expect to see more bugs in the future and them taking forever to get fixed.

  3. How much money was pumped into this game? How much money did they get at launch? how much money can they spend on man power? Bioware step up your services you have the money!


    Kid are you dumb? Bioware Austin are the only people working on this project. If you want them to have more money you better start ************ at EA and not Bioware.

  4. hate to break this to you, but there is, in fact, a PTR server.




    You just can't character copy to it, so have fun leveling up a new 50 there.


    I am well aware there is a PTR server. However at the same time there isn't. A PTR server is for the Public to test content before it is released. With no Character Copy or premade lvl50 as i have stated many times before in this thread and many other threads, that basically means there really isn't a PTR.

  5. People need to understand that maybe BW has a 100 plus people on there team. But not all work on bugs or even the same content that you are no happy with. It may only be 10 or so people that work on illum PVP. I have been on the Dev side of things. Bugs are not as easy as you think to copy. I am shocked to see how mad people are here about a little bug. The game has only been out 2 months .. People act like the game as been out for years and stuff is not getting done. I was and still a part of iracing.com mmo. Their is stuff in that game that took 3 years for them to fix. People need to just stop being so ADD and just chill. maybe smoke one and clam down.


    The people that work on the Ilum PvP bugs happened to turn the zone into a PvE Zone. I find that funny.


    The reason people are mad is because to get this daily done it will take you 1-2hours which during that time you will probably get killed by the other faction zerging mid. They have every right to be mad, however the amazingly long QQ fest is not needed.


    If there was an actual PTR server to test these things out on there wouldn't be as many issues and the issues that did make it through could be hotfixed. This is what needs to happen otherwise this game will fall like all those before it, and it will be sad to see such an amazing game with amazing potential just straight up die.... Though i will blame EA for wanting them cash moneyz

  6. We need a MUCH better response soon. Crap like this WILL be the downfall of this wonderful game.


    This isn't lack of skill on the part of the development team.


    This isn't lack of reporting by the player base.


    This isn't an honest mistake that anyone could make.


    This is, 100%, a failure to adequately test before publishing.


    This is very true. If they had an actual working PTR where we could have lvl50s or copy our toons then we could test these changes.

  7. Rift wants a word with you.


    I loved the Rift launch. I really did and i give props to them. However i had no issues with this launch and ontop of getting into the questing of this game i found it far better then Rift. I still play Rift and enjoy it very much, I just know that if EA would give Bioware Austin the resources they need this could be a very good MMO.


    Now if this will happen or not is beyond me and i give this game another month or 2. However i would much rather see the direction Bioware goes with this because i personally dont wanna add WoW back into my lineup of MMO's.

  8. I'm sorry, but i can't agree. I'm a "fanboy", a "sucker" for pretty much anything that says "Star Wars". But even a "devoted fan" like me has a limit of tolerance for stupidity and incompetence. What gives you the impression that they're doing something? A "yellow" post from Joveth on page 12 of a random thread? Really? And what happened the last time they "assured" us they're "investigating the issue" when countless ppl got 20+ valor ranks in couple of hours? Yea, exactly, they did absolutely nothing about that. You will excuse me if my "faith" in their "(dis)abilities" and empty words on twitter and forums is a bit shaken.


    You, like way to many people expect to much from Bioware. You do know that only Bioware Austin is working on this project which means limited staff. With all the crying on forums about this bug and that bug and we want this and we want that, they are basically trying to find a way to give you what you want but with a limited staff. You can thank EA for this.


    You are basically paying to play a Beta right now. This game was rushed to be released which dont get me wrong. This game has by far had the best launch out of all the MMO's i have played and hands down has the best lvling experience ive seen. However they should of stayed in Beta and did more endgame testing because now us the player base are having to test the content.


    With all this negativity and constant crying rather then giving suggestions or hell even applying to work at Bioware to fix this game. You are doing nothing but crying and quiting. Trust me i am very pissed about Ilum as i play Rep and will not be able to do this daily because Sith are camping Central. However instead of getting on the forums and crying i am going to settle with the fact that i may not get my bag today (which probably will have Commendations) and give suggestions to Bioware about what they need to do to keep this game from dieing.


    As for the people that grinded Battlemaster in a day... Congratz to them. They used something that Bioware did not test properly to their advantage and got a free Battlemaster title. I personally had that before the patch and didn't really care about people getting the free ranks. However that could of been avoided if they actually had a working PTR and let us the players test it.

  9. 1) To all of you crying about how they need to look into it. Perhaps if you read the forums instead of reading the 1st page then posting you would see that they are.


    2) Bioware, you need to let US test this on your PTR before you start releasing these changes. However you are not letting us do this because you do not have a working PTR. By this is mean we do not have a Character Copy or premade lvl50's on the PTR to go to Ilum and test these things.


    3) If this really is the change you need to let us get the Armaments from any of the Assault Points in Ilum (North, South, Central) because for servers that are heavy populated on 1 side this is going to be next to impossible to get our dailies done as it takes ~2hours for the average player to get 30 Armaments... However i personally think that if you would of just cut the Valor gained in half via kills that this would of solved this issue far better.


    4) As far as "Kill Trading" goes... I feel like there should be GM's on servers watching Ilum during prime times and if they notice Kill Trading then ban those players. However i understand that you may be undermanned so doing something like this may be hard.

  10. Everything posted here is from Ruin Gaming and myself... Your "hardcore PvPers"



    The UI in this game is pretty bad. What i mean by this is that there is very little information we get from your UI and are more of less forced to pay attention to nameplates. Even the Focus Bar in this game is depressing. We also have no customizability over this UI and with no addons/mods in this game it is frustrating at times.


    1 - You need to give us the option to edit our UI's to fit our playstyle. With the current UI it is fine if you dont take a game seriously and are here just for fun. However for the "hardcore" players we feel very robbed from the UI.


    2 - The UI needs to give us more information about things. Currently you can't see when someone in your own party is debuffed! LIKE WHAT THE HELL?!?! Healers need to know when they can dispel someone in their Ops group. We can tell when someone is out of range but unless we are targeting them we can't dispel them.


    3 - Focus frame i dont know why is in the game at the moment. It currently takes up way to much space and for what? Focus frame has no cast bar, cant move it, and it gives no information about buffs or debuffs. Currently there is really no point in using it unless you are a healer and you want to healbot just 1 person. You need to give us a castbar on it and information about buffs and debuffs.


    4 - Ops / Party frames also give little like i said in number 2. We need to see our team members debuffs and buffs.


    5 - Possible target of target would be a nice feature however with everything else wrong with the UI i can live without it for a while. However having a target of target means we always know who someone is on or who they will be on.



    I am not sure on your stance about this issue but it would be nice to give players the ability to make mods for your game. Mods take a good or bad idea and make them even better which you later can turn around and implement into your game.


    War Zones

    I love the War Zones and i cant wait to see more in the future, however i do have some issues with them that i feel need to be addressed.


    1 - Players that get DC'd should have a 1-2min grace period to be able to log back in before being removed from said War Zone.


    2 - Give us the option to remove afk players from our War Zone. Give us a vote system or if you are not near a node and do nothing for say 1min you get removed. Like because when we start to lose a game we have the gosh darn stealth classes that just run off to a corner and afk, or you just have those random kids that are afking their valor ranks. Give us the option so if 4 people vote to kick someone then they either get no valor for that match or they get removed from the game or something to punish those players.


    3 - Leaving a War Zone mid game also has no consequence which is kind of dumb. If i were to get kicked or if i leave a War Zone there should be some sort of debuff that i get like, you gain no valor for the next 10min or you cant do another War Zone for 10min. I shouldn't be able to join and leave the War Zones as i please with no consequences.


    4 - Ability to talk to the other team is kind of silly. It was cool for the 1st couple weeks, but now its just being used to trash talk players when you are camping them in Ilum or when you zerg someone down. Like we can report these players and thats all fine and dandy but that just means more work for you guys.


    5 - When can we expect bigger and better War Zones such as 16x16, 24x24, 100x100 and when will we see new War Zones. Like these same 3 are starting to get really boring and we are looking for something new. Huttball has an amazing potential of being an E-Sport and would love to see it there someday. However more to the issue at hand, we want to see more War Zones and give us more people to fight against.


    6 - Let us que as an Ops group for War Zones already!!!!! Like running around with a 4man group is great but we want to get our 8man teams running and later on 16man, 24man, and maybe 100mans. So please give us the option to que as an Ops group!


    Ilum and future open world PvP

    Ilum is a failed experiment. 1st if was trade nodes and now its just camp at someones base till you got the daily and weekly done. Personally there is no point in doing War Zones other then to get the daily and weekly done because sitting in Ilum and farming kills is a better Valor grind. So many Battlemasters running around now thanks to how dumb Ilum is. I just rerolled and been 50 for 2 days and almost R60... Like that just isn't right.


    1 - Ilum and future type places need to be more engaging. Gives us a reason other the dailies to be out there. Let us be able to take nodes and reward us with a Bag or Commendations, or add a boss inside the bases on a like 2 hour CD that we can kill that will give us a Bag or Commendations. Give us something to stay in these zones other then Valor and dailies right now.


    2 - Remove the zone wide player is near whatever objective from the game. It really has no point other then to make it so you take out all the surprise factor from the game. A huge part of PvP is the ability to catch them off guard but you are making it so that we can't do that at all in World PvP.


    3 - You need better designs when it comes to make a Fortress. These Ilum Fortress are terrible, i mean you have a cannon that can 1 shot people and thats it? Where are the choke points and player manned cannons? Where are the things we the players can use to hold off an Ops group that are farming us at our base? Basically all we can do is sit in our base and grip players in and let the cannon 1 shot them. I mean come on where is the fighting?


    4 - Nodes/Capture Points should also have a bit of a defensive that we can use to hold off players. I mean really who leaves Walkers and Tanks defenseless?


    5 - Less laggy please for the love of god. You need to be able to support atleast 100vs100 without us lagging to hell.


    Max Level PvP

    Once i am done with getting R100 Valor (which wont be that hard given some people are now hitting R80 thanks to Ilum) what am i supposed to do? Like once we are R100 Valor what can we look forward to and what kind of future grind (please be a grind) can we look forward to?


    1 - A Rated type Warzone system needs to be looked at for the future if you want to keep the game at a competitive level. We need something to keep us PvPers busy and to give us an epeen boost. Without that we wont have a reason to play after we reach R100 Valor.


    2 - Arena type system would be nice to see as well if possible. I know that the Hutts have something like that so i dont see what we cant have a 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4,8v8 type arena system in the game in the future.


    Space Combat

    When i 1st heard space combat was going to be in the game i was like WOOT I CAN FLY AROUND AND FIGHT PEOPLE!!! Then i tried it and was very saddened by it.


    1 - Give us a PvP option for space combat. I would be like you are driving a vehicle around space and you get to fight other players and blow up their ship. It could play kind of like how Aions flight combat worked however in a vehicle. It would also give us PvPers another thing to do and you could implement a type of ranked system or make it a Valor type grind. This would also give players more of an incentive to gear up their ship.


    2 - Why do i feel like i am playing starfox inside an MMO. Like space combat should be more like a sandbox where i fly around looking for stuff to do. I should just be like... Oh hey ship take me here... Ok now lets play starfox for X amount of minutes.


    Gear Mods

    I really love how the Mod system in this game works. Probably the best i have seen in a while. However some issues and suggestions with it.


    1 - Give Crafters the ability to make better Mods then what gear has. This will not only give you more options for what type of Mods to put into the game but it will also mean that there will be a point to get other crafting crew skills other then Biochem.


    2 - We need Expertise type mods. You have made it so it is hands down the best stat for a PvPer which is dumb considering you guys said we would be able to use PvE Gear in PvP but if you want to have the edge you are forced to be in full PvP gear. Yes some classes can rock 2p PvP and 2p PvE but those are very very rare.


    Class Balance

    Yes this was obviously going to be in here. Personally though i think you are doing a great job with the balance and hopefully you keep it up in the future. Its way to early in the game to be constantly QQing about this class being OP and this class being bad because ive seen good and bad players of all the classes and the only super OP class was Ops/Smugs and they have been nerfed. Next on the list would be Sorc/Sages however they arn't the big of a deal as you can just burst them down really fast.

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