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Posts posted by voelln

  1. I used this spec for a while and liked it. Self survivability is huge, but heat is an issue. Dont use unload; without the arsenal talents its pretty bad. Kolto shell failed to impress me, as did reactive armor and proactive medicine, their effects are just too weak.
  2. Everyone seems to think that it only applies to white damage. That being the case, I cant see any reason under any circumstances that it would be preferable to another stat, namely crit.


    on my character:

    255 crit=9.5% increased chance *.75(75% surge)=7.125 % DPS increase so very roughly 36 crit = 1% damage


    102 accuracy =3.5% increased chance to hit=3.8% increased DPS so very roughly

    27 hit = 1% damage, but it applies to maybe 40% of my total DPS, and thats being pretty generous. So really its more like 67 hit = 1% damage.


    Am I missing something or should I really be getting rid of all my accuracy mods as soon as possible? (all this is from a PvP perspective)

  3. Seriously. I think its great that you want to move arsenal away from tracer spam and I even think the way you went about it isnt bad. However, unload is ridiculously susceptible to interrupts and any pushback nearly ruins the spell. Not asking for a lot, just 12 seconds of unmolested casting every two minutes, everyone can live with that.
  4. I dumped the werden spec and went back to straight arsenal. Kolto shell was pretty borderline to begin with (the once every 3 seconds really blew in PvP, its only saving grace was that it was free and spammable, and it wasnt even always worth the GCD to be honest). The changes to kolto shield and supercharged gas make timing those abilities more hassle than they are worth. I don't think any of these abilities were overpowered in PvP but I can see how they are in PvE, where supercharged gas is up almost perpetually. Its a shame a fun PvP spec got the nerf bat, but thats the way she f***** goes.


    As for Arsenal, I really am looking forward to an increased proc chance on unload. Fusion missile->unload->explosive dart->tracer->HSM->Rail Shot is absolutely lethal and it all hits quicker than it looks like it should.

  5. I switched to Torian at ~ lvl 40 (I'm full arsenal spec). Thought the lack of heals would be a huge problem, but its been working out ok. For tougher mobs I just go balls to the wall DPS, draw aggro, and when my life gets low I heal myself while Torian finishes the kill. Having to recharge after basically every fight is a bit tedious though.
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