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Posts posted by PandaSuperBear

  1. Only 1 out of 4 of the turrets can be used even after we took control of our base while the Imps have all 4 functional. If the dev wants to support the Imps so much, why not make it a *********** 1 faction game?
  2. I would much rather have a MIP vote. as in the most irritating player.


    YES! We need that. Especially people who don't know someone is planting bomb or activating turrent behind them.

  3. So let me get this straight. You focused purely on killing ****, lost the game, in no way helped the team, and you want epeen points for it?




    Remove damage meters from warzones and add in decent, accurate objective measurings. Maybe scrubs like this guy will start being useful then.


    I was the one fighting frontlines and attacking everyone near the doors, thats how I got 500k damage. Didn't die because 2 of the healers were focusing on healing me only cause it was clear that I was making life very difficult for the opposing team. You can't actually do so much damage and kill so much and get announced as Immortal without the opposing team deciding to concentrate fire on you.


    We only lost because we couldn't beat the other team's time. They didn't get throught the second door.


    You had 2 decent healers in your team.


    So you only get partial credit.


    And they were healing me mostly, yes xD I love healers, they need more medals.

  4. Thats the entire point of the wz ...


    Whichever team does it faster wins, so second teams time is limited to how quickly the first team completes. Otherwise the game would go on pointlessly after you'd already lost.


    This really should be basic common sense, I worry about you.


    Eat bears D<

  5. I believe you get the same amount of time the first team took to get to the core. This makes sense as if you take any longer time than that, you would lose.


    That... actually makes a lot of sense.

  6. I don't know if anyone has discussed this already but it's really imbalance.


    It seems like the faster you reach the datacore, the less time the opposing team will have to raech the datacore the next round. Doesn't anyone feel its kinda unfair? It's like if you get steamrolled the first round, might as well not play the second round.

  7. Talented, our Hidden Strike (the one I open with that can only be used out of stealth) has a 100% chance to knock the target down for 3 seconds. This ability also gives the target an immediate resolve bar of 100% (CC immune).


    To answer your question, it would not mess up our rotation necessarily, but it would give you the ability to pop defensive cooldowns or CC me back to recoup yourself to get into the fight, which can be a big deal if you are good.


    Our backstab (9 second cooldown? can't remember) requires us to be behind the target (which is why I always use it 2nd, out of stealth). We have no abilities that require the target to be stunned/incapped in pvp.


    I am experimenting with removing the knockdown talent. Knocking someone down attracts their attention. In a confusing pvp situation, its better to destroy them before they realise it.

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