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Posts posted by mandoforlife

  1. As i have said before, for every patch the game advances it always feels like mercs are stuck in the previous patch.


    THIS, so many times this. Just like with RotHC, we get abilities and adjustments that would've made us viable before, but leave us lagging behind now. The catch is, even though we get new things, everyone else does too.

  2. My Sniper is only in his 40s, so I don't feel too qualified to speak on the changes. Although it's kind of disappointing that it seems like Engineering ended up with less than they've got now.


    Out of every blog I've looked most forward to the Operative changes. Although my main is a Merc, my Operative has always been second in line for my attention. I love to play DPS on him in warzones, so it'll be interesting to see if they make changes that are really needed.

  3. I'll admit that I haven't read every reply in this thread, so forgive me if I'm simply repeating someone.


    But from what I have read, no one has brought up the fact that the PvP team and the class balance team are one and the same. I'm not suprised, with disciplines, that there is no extra content for PvPers. However I am in the boat that all the combat changes are good enough in terms of PvP. I wouldn't call it "PvP content", but it by far effects PvP the most, and gives us something completely new to play around with. There will be a learning curve, and I dare say that if they added anything else to PvP for 3.0, it could overload the circuits of less-skilled players.

  4. I never knew him personally, but I know my guild always called to focus him if we came across him. There we're a lot of great, competitive 1v1s I had with him in war zones. R.I.P., mad respect. My condolences to his guild and loved ones.
  5. All these changes look pretty good. Having mained a Merc since launch, this is the info I've been looking forward to the most.


    By the sound of it, Mag Shot will be replacing Rail Shot for Pyro (don't remember the new name.) I can't say I like this. Rail Shot is by far one of the coolest abilities in the game. I sure hope the animation and sound effect for Mag Shot is one hell of a gem.

  6. A little thing. Creeping Terror no longer have a CD.. The root still has an ICD tho.


    If this is true, call me skeptical. Creeping Terror is a pretty potent DoT. We'll have to see how this goes, I won't make judgements until we see it in action.

  7. This has been a suggestion for a LONGGGGG time. Pre-2.0. And I've always been supportive of it. And from what I've seen of all the threads started about it, so is the general Merc/Mando population. So to find out that it's NOT a new skill coming in 3.0, I am very disappointed.


    I think the hard thing for BW is that we have godly DCD's- on paper. 25% damage reduction on ALL types, slow/root immunity on a low CD, rapid healing below 35%, Kolto Missile; it all sounds so good. But the reality is it just doesn't work. It doesn't work because the strat is focus the Merc. When you're focused, 25% damage redux means very little, you get stunned in HO, and anything more than one attacker burns through Kolto Overload. Think about Sorcs: what saves them when their focused? Not Static Barrier, not their KB, not their heals; Force Barrier and Force Speed. Force Speed gets them distanced, and Force Barrier makes focusing them useless.


    Let us distance ourselves in a pinch. For the love of all that is good and pure.

  8. This completely ruined the romance for me. It was so unfitting of my Assassin, but there was really no other choice. I played my Assassin before my Mara, and when I got to Jaesa, I LOVED that you could choose to either make her dark or light. While I agree it's a huge let down, there'd be far too much work that BW would have to put in for it to be worth it.
  9. It's not too difficult to make it through a ninja, especially if it's just a lone enemy trying to cap Novare. Call for help, eat the mez. Never break until you're full resolve and there's no way that sin will completely cap the node unless he kills you.
  10. It's funny, whenever I see Quell/Pike builds posted on here it's almost always a Cluster/Proton build. By far the Quell is my favorite ship, and it's the ship I best decimate with- I don't know why, but it just clicks with me. However no matter how many times I try to use Proton Torps, I can never get the feel for them. I run with Clusters/Concussions, and it wrecks. The Concs don't have as long a range as Protorps, but the faster lock on time is worth it to me. I built my Quell for all-round sat clearing and patrolling, and I find it works well in the tighter confines. Nothing against Proton users of course, they definitely make use of it.
  11. I have to say, my favorites are a tie between the Orlean Fortune Hunter and the Tundra Tauntaun.


    The Fortune Hunter because it's rag-tag lived out of look, and the Tauntaun for the memories. I remember farming the nests on Hoth with guildies the day day mount was available, and all the epic open world PvP that went on. Not to mention it was the first animal mount, so it was all hype. I loved the first time I activated it and heard the Tauntaun noise. Best thing ever. Until a couple hours later when that was all I heard on the fleet.

  12. Legacy hangers were recommended from the start. If I remember correctly, it had to do with some technical/engine issue. But seeing as they'll be increasing the reward rates with 3.0, legacy hangers are very likely to be a no-go.
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