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Posts posted by Baha-Dura

  1. I'm a newbie to online gaming, this is my first in fact. And I had fun creating a first name. Certainly no need to identify with my own personal life or be "noticed" by being funny or silly. So as the name only reflected the character I'd eventually become any interesting name would do. But what's the excuse for not being able to think up an interesting name conducive to the game environment when they provide an abundance of randomized name you can choose from. At least 1out of about 8 sound pretty cool and you can roll through them as long as you like.


    I created my own name "Dr'zhur" [druh-zhur] as a matter of something easy to pronounce for my first character. Little did I know as I progressed and became a Sage healer would I get an appropriate nick of "Dr" [doctor] . But I thought that was just fate and pretty cool.


    Remember, these names need to be text in conversations. it's irritating when you have to resort to initials or some abbreviated version because some guy's name is a dozen characters long or too strange to form a decent nick.

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