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Posts posted by PsychKenn

  1. We probably would never make a non-English speaking player race. I know it seems attractive, but simply put, hearing alien for way too long drives you crazy. An early build of the game had Tython populated by a race other than Twi'leks, and after about the fourth quest, you want to put a fist through your monitor.


    So any races we add in the future will need to plausibly be able to speak basic.


    I agree with this. I'd counter with the fact that in many EU sources almost any race can learn galactic basic. Not every member of a species mind you, but the point of the game is you're playing a unique individual destined to do great things. It is plausible for many races that have been in the top running on almost all polls here on the forums to speak basic. Probably the bigger problem is the race size/shape rather than a can they talk like everyone else issue.

  2. I would just like to say that you don't have to pre-order if you don't want to. Wait for more information, then decide if you want to purchase the expansion. BW made it available to pre-order if you want, and I did, but if you don't want to wait to be enlightened then decide to spend your money or not. As far as the "boo hoo it costses moneys"... they run a business and as someone else already pointed out BW never actually said it would be free just that they were still debating. I do disagree that you cannot buy it with Cartel Coins.
  3. Love the point made that community in game means players would care more about the game because to a large extent that is true. Besides all of what has been said, which I agree with, I think that a lot of the temporary weekly boosts to exp, valor, etc. like they have in GW2 would be nice.


    To speak Bioware's language of choice now though I would also add that all of the boosts and customizations to guild ships and lots of other guild perks be purchasable with some type of guild currency that you buy with Cartel Coins. This would be a large revenue source and if used to augment guilds would be a fairly constant money stream. The larger your guild the more donations of "Guild Commendation" lets say you'll get. Not a perfect system, but let's face it the days of the old Legacy type system are gone and they'd have to have a $ reason to do all this. Cheers and good thread.

  4. Most of what this reviewer stated is true. The F2P or at least Premium players, maybe remove restrictions completely after a small fee, should be allowed into the group content. I think it should be added in with the cost of the artifact equipment upgrade. Bam! you can equip purples and unlimited access to at least Flashpoints and Operations. This gets people hooked and sticking around rather than leaving after spending maybe five bucks (if BW is lucky). Then, like the author said you start implementing guild ships, personal ship decor, name changes, server transfers, and so on to get the player base to buy vanity items galore. Now to be fair I do think the Legacy system being locked out and maybe increasing the Cartel Coin monthly bonus and having to pay to unlock new areas like the Section X if you are Premium should be implemented or stay. All in all the system they have needs lots of work, but it could vastly increase the games player base and potential moneymaking capability.


    Before I get hate/flame/ZOMG'd I really do enjoy the game. I'd just like to see it thrive more and the current system isn't going to cut it in the long term.

  5. As to the OP, I do believe the grade 7 upgrades increase your effectiveness and I recommend buying them. Now for the other spin offs that this thread has produced; first, this isn't SWG (thankfully) and BW has stated they are working on a multiplayer space aspect for the game (fingers crossed) second, I for one enjoy the increased difficulty even with the grade 7 upgrades it makes them challenging and after trying a few times I get a sense of accomplishment from them. Some people don't like this in a game, esp a MMO, but I can remember older generations of games without save points that were similar. You just had to keep trying and improving your skill at it until you could beat them.
  6. I'm gonna agree with UltimateKrucible that as far as mini games go this is the best one I've played in an MMO. These were never designed to be part of the multiplayer experience, and they are what they are. I hope that BW continues to look into an alternate multiplayer sandbox type space system that is much more dynamic, but until that is released I support them bringing out more space missions. This is especially true since many of the current missions are semi copies of each other with similar goals and layout just stronger enemies. Variety and choice is always nice! This is the same reason I support them adding new races and as many gear pieces to the Cartel Market as possible. It'll get them some monies and give the community options.
  7. My thoughts are this. Since BW has proven after this server merger that they can flag characters as a next time you log in you need to change that character's name I believe that if your subscription is inactive (as a subscriber) or if your account has had no activity (as a F2P when it comes out) for 3 consecutive months all your character names should be put back into the pool and you will need to rename them all at next login. This doesn't mean that you won't get the names again just the chance they won't be available. With the new massive servers now containing Lord knows how many inactive accounts that may be claiming names other players wish to use this I believe would be the fairest way to handle the situation. Side benefit is it may keep people more active sub/F2P wise in the future.
  8. Who else agrees that with all the players that have inactive accounts and the not once but twice many players like myself have merged/transfered that all character names and legacy names should be reset. Have a first come first serve on names again. Yes, some people will be late and may lose a name or two but many of us had to rename or add funny characters to our names once already. This is just a thought for these shiny new "mega servers" BW is pushing out.
  9. I'll start by saying that the choices that are available right now in game are plenty. Almost any combination of force user or gun slinger archetype are there. Most people have already poked holes into the martial artist idea so I won't, other than to say in such a technological age weapons are necessary. With the amount of work that was put into the classes stories it is also unlikely that a new story will be added simply because of cost. New racial options can be implemented with just some minor voice/graphic work and/or you'll have to read what your character says which is no big deal.
  10. 1. Trandoshan


    2. Duros


    3. Muun


    I will also add, just in case it hasn't been pointed out by anyone, that if BW implements many race choices and then allows a paid character race change feature they could turn a nice profit when that is first in place. I for one would put the time/credits into unlocking the races I want and then pay the fee to change a few of my characters right off quick if the right choices were in place.

  11. I hope they do. Honestly I think if the game gains in popularity and gets a good amount of subscribers then this will almost certainly happen. Most of the skins for at least the male version of a lot of races are already in the game, and while it would get a little old hearing the same lines of alien speak over and over that's a minor price to pay plus they can always add more lines of gibberish for the playable aliens. IMO trandoshan bounty hunter for the win!
  12. It's great to hear people coming back to a good game. My only response to some of the other posts here is that endgame needs time to flesh out and is still fun to play. Also, I had a blast leveling up to 50 with other people and on many characteres. Heck one of my friends met up with me on Kaas and from there on we leveled the whole way so endgame isn't the only multiplayer.
  13. Honestly I believe this is one of those areas that Bioware will come around and allow more choices for if the game stays popular and after they fix current issues. It's just smart business since it would be fairly easy to do and keep enough people happy. They have enough classes and balancing those will stay problematic enough so options for race will be the big selling point along with more customization options during creating.
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