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Posts posted by KidMcClaren

  1. As it stands now, a ranked team can sit in queue for hours without getting a ranked pop.


    If they were to have the matchmaking be even more strict it would even further limit the amount of ranked and you'd end up playing the exact same team over and over in the event that someone with a similar rating queued up.


    Cross server queues are an absolute must for any kind of matchmaking due to the fact that there are such a low number of teams per server.


    I agree with PGS that this would increase interest, but without a much deeper pool of teams to draw from it would quickly be abandoned until cross server anyway.

  2. Cash, if you wanted to rage at Sarah for starting this ridiculous thread I wouldn't have said a peep. Lord knows you've put up with her nearly as much as we have and you know she needs all the crap any of us can dish out and more.

    But you repeatedly attacked a guy whose only crime? was being number one damage on those embarrassing (goof troop loses?!! *gasp) screenshots.

    So if sticking up for my guildie makes me a dimwit, then I'd better break out helmet.


    That being said, there are some god awful pugs, like press one button that's a cd and wait for it to come back up again, if I can do 130k using only hammer shot I expect a pug that completely ignores objectives to be able to break 75k.

    And that's really the issue, it isn't the pug that plays objectives or guards a node that isn't doing damage, it's the assassin that charges mid then hard casts crushing darkness and lightning only on cd while not being in a stance.


    I don't think it's unreasonable to feel frustration when these are your teammates. We're talking class basics. Of course, as this is much more common these days we need to get stoic about it and may as well keep our QQ to a minimum as best we can, since if we were unsubbing it probably would have already happened.

  3. Cashavelli,


    Look I realize that responding seriously to a filthy troll is about as smart as trying to reason with a bear while covered in honey but here goes.


    Looking back over Hype's past posts, he has never said thing one about being the best or one of the best pvpers on any of our servers. I've personally never heard him say this in Mumble or in guild chat either.


    Ever think people respect him because they know him and know that he is great pvper. Hype is one of the most objective and team oriented players I've ever done rated wz's with. He is also a quality rated leader.


    The fact that we farm damage or attempt to 3 cap in regs is due to the fact that we are trying to have fun playing a videogame where we've played the same 5 (or 4 or 3) GD maps for more than a year now. Screwing around in non rated is indicative of our implied (by the name of our guild) mantra, not that we are unaware of how to play these obviously rocket science based objectives.


    Cash, I've defended you saying that you were amusing and a good objective based pvper. This personal and pathetic vendetta against someone you perceive to be "one of the cool kids" has made you look sillier than I could have imagined. I am disappointed (which I'm quite certain you could care less about).



  4. Yea I was trying to come up with different first lines and mixed them up. It is corrected now. And calling you a bunch of douchebags for douchebag behavior is not really grade-school insults.


    Edit: I like how we are being painted the bad guys by you by simply calling you out for being mean to people for really no other reason than to stroke your collective e-peens.


    Blanket, would you mind passing some of the good stuff over to AltruisticRage.


    He's a little more SelfishTantrum right now.


    You're being very Un-Dude. Nothing is ****ed here. :)

  5. Hey Abb,

    Just calm down man, the reason I posted that fast in succession on your shout box is because the silly thing has a character limit, who knew?


    Also I wanted to Shout back to those guys making the Big Lebowski references, the next one would have been,


    This isn't 'Nam, there are rules!


    but Shout Box got locked to members, it's not like I was saying mean stuff :(


    You guys are awesome!


    Abb, you need to have some of what those guys are smoking, they are very chill. And the main reason I was cruising your page was because you guys have gotten increasingly hostile and I was curious if there was any byplay from the forums on your website (also I'm in the middle of nowhere currently with a 600 ping so I havent really been able to play and have been staving off boredom). Sure enough the first thread on your forum list at the top right (which you've since locked) was talking about Goof Troop and calling us names, which I found surprising since I've pvp'ed with you guys and never had a problem. I then said this in the Shout Box on your Guild Website rather than air this business in front of the whole server so as not to be a drama queen.


    I did tease you about waiting in line to cap orbs in Hypergate, but it wasn't like I was being vicious.


    This is Jackburton, the man too lazy to make a forum signature.


    Apparently, This is what happens, when you find a stranger in the Alps.

  6. I'm just curious, I remember the old days of orokeets, tauntauns, and chrystals. I also remember a Dev once hinting that there were as yet undiscovered things still in the game.


    I'd like an update as to whether there are still things that no one has discovered.


    I was intrigued when I went to the vendor in Outlaw's Den to buy the HK part and there were 7 grey items selling for 3600 creds a piece. It seemed really odd to me. If anyone has any ideas on this or secrets in general I'd love to hear about it.

  7. I found some interesting numbers through some parses ive done, and correct me if im making noob mistakes in these parses, hense the odd outcome, but im getting numbers like these on the pts:

    0/18/28: 2311 dps http://www.torparse.com/a/141262/time/1361677183/1361677466/0/Overview

    8/2/36: 2275 http://www.torparse.com/a/141262/time/1361675611/1361675897/0/Damage+Dealt

    7/36/3: 2059 http://www.torparse.com/a/141262/8/0/Damage+Dealt


    i tried the 0/18/28 for ***** and giggles cuz i missed having a maul proc mixed in a madness rotation, and it ended out doing pretty well, on account of having to use far less saber strikes. Both of the other specs have energy problems after a certain degree of time.

    im running with 1161 force bonus damage, 28.41% melee crit, 73.69% surge, and 97.15% accuracy

    I would prefer to have 35% crit and more surge, but the current gear available doesnt offer that much stat.

    I'm not terribly surprised that spec parsed well. The shadow strike damage should more than make up for the sever force. The problem is the amount of execute damage you'd give up in non dummy situations.

    My guess is that it won't be worth it for that reason alone.

    I agree with Plaje, 5/36/5 looks the best on paper, and his numbers back that up.Not to mention the small execute bonus it will receive as well as cheaper spinning strike. Still we're very much in the early days of all this, and there is still potential for change.


    Forgot to add, what I'm really curious about is how much alacrity benefits us, does anyone have any data on this? My thought was basically same stats as now but dropping surge to 74 or 75 percent and picking up alacrity to fill that.



  8. I do find the line in illum pretty funny, but when you think about it most of the people doing this quest are not doing it to pvp, they only want the rep with the gree for the event from the quests.


    Turns out we are not a pvp server so the majority of players do not enjoy pvp.


    As far as goof troop goes if they really were good they would be on a pvp server and not here. Being a really good pvp guild on a pve server is like being the smartest third grader at a special needs school.


    I enjoy casual pvp and do join quite a few wz's but i do so for a break from raiding, not for a way of game play.


    Just my 2cents on the situation


    I get so tired of this broken logic.


    There are any number of reasons why pvpers might end up on a pve server.


    1. They didn't consider themselves to be pvpers when they got to this server, and didn't feel like re leveling legacy and toons once they began to like pvp. In fact there is next to no difference between the server types. Ilum was always a pvp zone and you could expect to be killed if you went there. Side note to this on the pvp servers there were SS's posted that showed even bigger lines than ones we had. You don't think there's a reason why BW funneled one whole quest objective into 1 spot in a FFA zone. To ignore this and line up is technically going against the specific design of the game and verges on exploiting. You're supposed to fight over that cap, or find a clever way to cap. Alliances will form true, but you never know when someone will come crashing in and if they do Kill Them. 15 people can kill 6 Goofs, just saying.


    2. They have friends that they PVE with that insist on a PVE server. I always wonder if people on pvp servers ***** at people raiding or questing, OMG IF YOU WANT TO RAID GO TO A PVE SERVER, TRYING TO COMPLETE A QUEST?!!!! THIS IS A PVP SERVER IDIOT, WE DON'T TOUCH NPC'S.


    3. They want the Option to be able to quest unimpeded (although truthfully this game separates factions so much that the only open world PVP happens in designated zones, furthering the point that the 2 server types are basically identical).


    4. They are terrible jerk face griefers that aren't good enough to hang on a PVP server and are on a PVE server specifically to harvest tears from poor helpless kind hearted PVE players (what most people seem to be implying) which even if it were true, CAN ONLY HAPPEN WHEN YOU FLAG YOURSELF BY STEPPING INTO A CLEARLY MARKED PVP ZONE.


    If you want to blame anyone, blame Bioware.

  9. From what I've seen it's 3 stacks, each stack being 11.1% for a Total of 33% extra dmg on Smash which would be a 66% nerf to the extra dmg.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm going off of the new trees on Swtor Spy, which may be faulty.


    Edit: NVM I was reading the talent wrong. Pay no attention to this guy.

  10. The problem with all these trees for hybridization now is that you now have to essentially waste points to achieve the talents higher in the trees that you want. Getting to FiB requires complete point wastes for tank or wakajinn hybrids. Running up the tank tree to get in combat spinning kick/spike requires using lackluster talents since it is now above harnessed shadows and force break, neither of which are useful without Slow Time. I'm not saying hybrids will be completely gone, but they've lost much of their potency, and will be reduced to situational use at best. The loss of instant lift really puts it over the top, not to mention reducing the meager control that balance already possessed.
  11. I thought the title said PvP backflipping... :(


    I sincerely wish this post Was about PVP backflipping. On my shadow I can do a kind of corked out spin that is backflip-ish, but no true backflip...fix this too please ;).

  12. Also a quick side note to anyone talking about being done. I get it. I have played less and less and everyone in every guild I've been in has unsubbed. I'm saying I'm staying, just want to seem some proactive problem solving, although I know I'm asking for the moon with these developers.
  13. Thank you for offering a new and unique perspective on this topic that hasn't already been covered in any of the other seven threads.




    There was nothing in the first 2 pages of the pvp forum, so rather than search deeper I made a new post. Deal with it hater.

  14. Look BW I've been here from the beginning. I realize that every patch you're going to break something. It is inevitable. I know it, you know it and anyone who's played the game more than a day knows it.


    Big Deal, so you broke Q's this time and I'm constantly playing 7v8 for a couple days. After that just do this really crazy thing that anyone with any kind of work ethic at all does.




    Everyone makes mistakes...now...fix it. Simple as that. It worked before, make it work again. Done and done.

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