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Posts posted by Dayntee

  1. Just read backwards a few posts and there is an explanation why. The next step won't come until chapter two from what I'm told. And if you get too much AP you end up with a rush of Corso quests and conversations all at once.




    Unfortunately, most of the pacing in the game is set per chapter/level, and not per your AP with companions. It makes relationships unnaturally awkward in a lot of ways, especially in terms of telling a story.


    Honestly, the caps as they are wouldn't be as bad if each chapter "tier" had some sort of repeatable quest (maybe a smooch for chapter one, a "blackout" for chapter two, and something more "meaningful" for chapter 3?).

  2. Just wanted to say thanks, Silver! You're my hero!


    And great read with that article too. The horrible things people are capable of on the internet don't surprise me (I work in the game industry too, and I can relate all to well to the experiences she's having), but I really thought this community (as a whole) would be better than that.


    I'm glad we have our haven in the Corso thread. I love the people here and I've made it a point to check here daily, even if I don't always post. <3

  3. I have a favor to ask, ladies. I didn't save screenshot copies of the letters Corso sent and now I'm kicking myself for it (I know, I know, but I put it off and the letters expired. /sad). Anyone have copies/transcripts and mind posting them in spoiler tags for me? I will love you forever!
  4. Do note, though, that after a certain point, you can't procede with your companion's story arc until you move along with the story


    This was my first instinct. If you're like me and started throwing gifts at Corso (or any other companion), you might be halted by general story progression.


    I had Investigation capped way earlier than I should have in the game due to my obsession with raising affection levels. >>

  5. Just got married to Corso. Most honest vow ever. XD


    So, my boyfriend (playing a Jedi Knight) is looking at a picture of Kira that someone put in the dancer outfit you can buy from the security key vendor.


    BF: Hm. Isn't that armor fully moddable?


    Me: I think so...


    BF: That. That is what she will be wearing all the time now.


    Me: Well, that's not fair. Where's my banana hammock for Corso?


    BF: Oh god no.


    So, who's with me on this one? =D

  6. Except that at the level I was having those issues, I only have half of those abilities. Equally so, I have just as many short range abilities and long range abilities and abilities that use cover.


    As a player who didn't participate in the beta and didn't go out of her way to do research while leveling (I prefer to do that research at max level, because otherwise I'm learning strategies I can't actually employ), it's confusing and feels clunky.

  7. Going straight dirty fighting seems largely ineffective, and the two main reasons that struck me as to why are as follows:


    -No method of entering combat. You are expected to stealth up to individuals to get into melee as a Scoundrel, or for the target to get incapacitated. At level 33, when I finally gave up focusing on dirty fighting and respecced to Sawbones out of frustration, this was my biggest issue. Every ability I had was haphazardly thrown at me with little synergy level by level, and for a while, I wasn't even sure if I was supposed to be melee or ranged DPS. Having some way to quickly enter melee range would help the Dirty Fighting tree a lot, IMO.


    -Limited/uncontrollable capacity to generate Upper Hand. I didn't yet have the talent that gives you the chance to generate upper hand on Lethal Wounds, which means I relied entirely on Blaster Whip to generate ANY stacks of Upper Hand. This is extremely frustrating and limited, and coupled with the lack of a way to get into combat (or move from target to target quickly), is a huge crutch when the class as a whole is designed around that mechanic.


    Other people have made finer points than I have, but I wanted to focus on those two particular frustrations. I might go and respec again at 50 to see if it's any better, but leveling through it just felt un-fulfilling, weak, and lacking. I just constantly felt like something was missing.

  8. Before I knew about the Legacy System, I started naming my characters by last names... so I had to come up with a legacy name that sounded okay across the board.


    That's resulted in a Smuggler named Travoria Dekonis. Works well enough, I suppose.

  9. Just wanted to toss in my Corso love. <3 He's certainly taking his time with the romancing though. My boyfriend and I are leveling together as a Scoundrel & Jedi Knight (forget which spec), and he got laid by Kira a heckuva lot earlier than Corso made any sort of move. I feel like Bioware lets men be as promiscuous as they want, but gals aren't afforded the same luxury.


    Seems wrong to me a Jedi got laid on his home world within the first 10 levels, and the first guy I get a chance to flirt with is an old gambler past his prime on Coruscant... Really, Bioware? Jedi aren't even supposed to get into relationships, let alone have one night stands!


    Also, for whoever asked - I had my affection up to about 6500, with nothing proccing a conversation/quest after around 4500, when I hit the end of Chapter 1. I'm pretty sure unless you max out your affection with him or get well past where I was, he shouldn't spoiler you on the end of the chapter. As soon as I finished Chapter 1, I was BOMBARDED with quests from him!

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