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Posts posted by Lunesca

  1. So, other than a couple of black hole pieces (which may or may not have desirable stats), it looks like the SM version of TFB is a complete waste of time for people decked in campaign/BH, even Rakata -- except, of course, to learn the basic strategies to take into HM.


    My guild has been farming Denova HM for quite some time. We cherry-picked a group of 8 decked out min/maxers for our SM TFB run on Wednesday. We got through everything except for the final boss, but that was because one of our healers had to drop out for the night. Although this operation's difficulty is supposed to be tuned for groups in Columi level gear, I would be interested to see if your average Columi-geared (no BH mods or Rakata) group can actually clear it without a ton of wipes. Even when all mechanics are executed correctly, I've noticed that there is sometimes quite a bit of raid-wide damage going on, and your healers would have to be godly to pull the numbers required to keep the ops group up while wearing just a Columi set. Not to mention your tanks are taking more damage because of their crappy gear too. I don't think we came close to hitting any enrage timers, so I'm not sure how generous enrage is for Columi DPS.


    And all for a reward of... some Rakata pieces? A couple of BH pieces which MIGHT have good stats? Not even a few measly Black Hole Comms? Why is this operation dropping gear that has been available since the beginning of the game? Where is the gear progression one would expect going from HM Denova to SM TFB? People in Columi gear are better off running HM EV/KP, the FIRST operations to hit the game, to get the Rakata gear they need with a lot fewer wipes and hassle. Then once they're decked in Rakata from those, the only reason they'd need to run SM TFB is to form baseline strats and become familiar with the operation -- Oh, and to "see the sights." So only one SM run is necessary, maybe 2 for kicks, right? The loot for SM needs to be upped dramatically considering the difficulty level, which seems to be out-of-reach for the casual players it is designed for.


    Don't get me wrong though. I really love this new operation. It actually has some very fun and interesting mechanics that involve more than just tank-swapping, and very little to no melee hate (that we've seen) which is a welcome change! The trash mobs drop an appropriate amount of credits. The planet design is really cool. Lots of sights to see here, but I don't think most casual players will get to see them. The loot in SM is a severe disappointment; please considering fixing it by adding a healthy amount of Black Hole Comms to make it worth doing.


    Just my 2 credits or what-have-you.

  2. I didn't mean that they should ultimately replace the white set with the bugged blue and call it a day, just that they should give us a new blue set if we want to keep that look. While I do like the white set, the blue set adds some much-needed contrast to my Rattataki's pale skin and is a better look for me personally.


    I'd be happy if they met me halfway and added a black set. You see the Voss wearing those all the time! :p

  3. Agreed whole-heartedly with OP. Never played a powertech/vanguard myself, but I have a merc and sorc who have been affected by the stun/knockback changes. Good to see that mercs got an interrupt--we only needed that oh, I dunno, 9 months ago.


    One thing that really bothers me is, last I checked, even with the new Dread Guard Relics out now, the pvp War Hero relics are still BiS for PvE (at least from dps/heal perspective, I don't play any tanks). I may not speak for the majority here, but I find playing just 1 warzone match totally insufferable. I don't pvp in this game, at all. It's simply not how I would choose to spend my time here. Why should 100% pve folks have to pvp to get the BiS pve gear? I feel like they could've just as easily redesigned the campaign & dread guard relics to have a static power bonus as they did with the pvp ones.

  4. I'm not even going to try and say that Artifice isn't awful. Didn't know the orange weapons were BoE though. So that's one less thing for you to complain about if anything. I don't see how you think unlimited use from materials means anything. There's not a finite amount of materials for any craft. That's the sort of thing that makes these skills a target. Instead of saying 'why is my skill difficult with little rewards?" you say "Well look at those guys over there! They got it easy!" It's true, Biochem is an insanely simple skill with great benefits. But that's not the point. The point is they want it to not be part of the Ready To Raid Checklist.
  5. While I could rant about these changes both for and against, I'll try to keep it quick.


    So you want to make biochem less of a 'mandatory' skill. That's a really good goal. Taking the biochem restrictions off of some of the craftables, that's a really good idea too. By doing that, you've already closed the gap between those with, and those without biochem. So why nerf their (and I stress the word) exclusives? Isn't that what sets them apart? I would love to have an augment slot on my relics, but I can't. That's exclusive to Artificers. Saying that "it saves you money over the long run, that's what makes it exclusive" is a pretty poor excuse considering how unbelievably easy it is to get credits.


    Nerfing PVP gear? Are you crazy? Most pvpers use the 2piece PVE a long with their PVP gear as it is. Lets cut to the meat of this problem: There is a no-mans-land between fresh 50 and geared for heroics. The only thing to fill that gap is the dailies for barrels/hilts and armoring.

    You need to make the high level normal mode FPs worth doing. The reason people are feeling such a big gap in PVP is because they're PVPing to GEAR for HARDMODES in many cases. Heck, it's what I did. I'm not a hardcore pvp'er, only Valor 38, I got most of the Champion pieces, some Centurion. I notice a difference between when I wear it and when I don't, and I should. It's made specifically for this task. I've been worked over by people wearing pve gear plenty of times. Is it because PVE gear is OP? Not so much, PVP gear underpowered? Not so much. Most times it was back playing on my part or better playing on theirs. The difference isn't that great, atleast not between ungeared/Centurion/Champion gear that you're completely screwed without it. Many have said already to just add another entry level set. (Also, huge agreement on the bag system being completely wack).


    Taking out purple mods and such? I'm actually okay with that. Since they'll be bound anyways, you had to earn it originally. But...lets not forget enhancements that don't have Primary Stats on them. I can see that easily being abused.


    I think I know one good fix for crafting usefulness. The dailies give you the best mods outside of Ops. Who needs an Arms/Cyber to craft you one with your over inflated mats when you can just do some dailies? You shouldn't have made the daily rewards quit as good as the crafted ones in my opinion. But with all these incoming changes, and I haven't completely thought this next comment through, but oranges might be a bit too good when it's all said and done. The only saving grace of tiered gear that I can see is the set bonuses (which are a strong point in using them over orange gear.)

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