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Posts posted by Aemesh

  1. I guess the whole purpose of this argument/thread is that a lot of people will be disappointed if there's a penalty to "role-playing" a character you make, as compared to following a script. Sure, actors follow scripts, but I figure the purpose of a role-playing game, at least originally, was to play a character, and make whatever choices you feel are better for the plot (or at least your personal storyline). Nowdays, seems like roleplaying is a term that's come to mean "games where you gain levels and loots."


    I mean, sure, mmo's are fine, but i'm tired of the same ol grind. Part of the reason I bought this game and came out of mmo retirement, was that it had a storyline. And I agree with the naysayers above; Why should I be penalized for playing a character the way I want to play it? Why not just do as one glib dude said above, and include a checkbox at the start ( [light] [dark]) or hell, why not just assume all sith are bad and all jedi are light, and just ditch the conversation options, and go with fully pre-scripted cutscenes?


    I'll tell ya why, because it's supposed to be interactive entertainment. As in, you get to play it how you want. Most people, i daresay, play the game to suit their own personalites, which by and large IRL are grey-area. Not light/dark side.


    Now maybe the developer's argument is that those that play it pure (light or dark, 100%) are supposed to get some kind of bonus for their dedication. Sure, I'd say why not. Being a hardliner for one side or the other makes sense, otherwise why would they mention it in conversations, or in the movies, etc. "yadadayada, the dark side makes me strong, blah blah" you know the speeches.


    Anyway, here's a basic solution; how about some basic, grey relics, with the usual level requirements for items, that aren't as powerful as the light side/darkside equivalents?

    I mean, they don't have to reprogram anything, just hook up some stuff in the game, call it what you like, "revanite relics" or whatever. I mean, some dude who's uber-powerful with the force, who's a "grey jedi" or whatever, could still use SOME kind of relic right? Just because a darkside item is too dark, why would that guy suddenly be unable to use ANY relics? What abour revan's mask? I mean, perfect example of a guy who, even by the game's script, was using BOTH lightside and darkside items.


    Why can't I?


    So here's solution 2: Dump the lightside/dark side modification system, i.e. If someone has light and dark points, then let them use both, not just whichever is higher. Raise the cap by 50%. Now, a grey jedi can't use the rank 5 light side/darkside items, but at least they can use SOME items, right? Why the hell not?

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