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Posts posted by DarthYutz

  1. The larger issue in my opinion is the extremely poor planning on the part of dev's. They raised the crafting levels but did next to nothing on being able to gather the mats for crafting. The only option is to share the same nodes with lower level mats which makes for highly inefficient gathering. The only real option if you dont want to spend all your gaming time hoping to find open nodes, and the right level of node is to constantly spend credits to send companions out to do it.

    Again poor planning and short changing the crafting base.

    The other thing this does is inflate prices on the GTN, because of the mat issues. Not to mention that drops for crafting missions are not available. The highest they go to are 9!

    If BW wasn't going to support the crafting community, they had no business bumping up crafting levels.

    They could have put out larger requirements using exisiting mat's for the newer craftable items.

    Nope, instead that put out bunches of new shinies to craft and do next to nothing on helping crafters get the very mats they need.

    Since the 5.0 debacle I've been playing SWTOR less and less. My guild of close to 500 members is rapidly falling apart and the poorly handled crafting decisions are symptomatic of the lack or forethought and care that is going into the game.

    I rarely post to the forums as the trolling is making much of these posts unreadable. But this is yet another issue that is hard to ignore.

  2. This will go down as one of the lazier expansions. To not have a planet or zone available for all the new mats is hard to forgive. And to haphazardly mix them in with other grades is flatly insulting. It shows a lack of concern when it comes to crafting and it is one of the many reasons that I am seriously considering dropping my subscription.

    I've been in game since the start with early access. And after 5 yrs, the developers continue to take the lazy approach to new content.

    It's getting tiresome.

  3. I was very excited about the new packs as some of the items looked outstanding. Like the new lightsabers. I bought 15 packs, two in the new 5 pack option and 5 individually.


    I was surprised when I first saw the chance cube, then dismayed when I saw what I got the first time was a near worthless emote. Everyone that I opened contained largely worthless items. Basically a random gamble, within a random gamble. I actually felt insulted over this latest ploy to grab real life money for in game items that were far from worthy when introduced, and are worth less even now.


    I hadnt purchased many packs at all over the last few months since the number of items had been reduced. And this latest scheme has me more likely to avoid purchasing them in the future. To make matters worse, login issues prevent me from even getting into the game so I can try to sell my remaining chance cubes.


    I will likely wait for single items being offered that spark my interest, rather than risk my money on this scheme. Bring back the fairness in packs. I dont mind the odds being in favor of the house, but this is more like a parking lot carnival in terms of fair play.

  4. An open note to all members of HFC - Hammerfist Clan. The upcoming week will mark a milestone for me. I will have been part of HFC for a year. Gaming has seldom been as much fun. My primary game, as it has been for the last 2 plus years has been SWTOR. For the last year Hammerfist guild has been my in game home.


    Thanks to all the members, officers and the team lead for your friendship, humor and most important, your help. The unselfish behavior alone is amazing. When is the last time you heard players on voice argue about "NOT" wanting loot in favor of giving it to another player who could use It more.


    That happened to me just last night on a SM run in Dread Palace. A top dps relic dropped and I lost the roll. The player who won it, insisted I take it as it would be more useful for me then him!! That's a very common occurrence.


    But that's what we have in HFC, and that's why I would never consider any other place to game. And not just for SWTOR, but for any other game I pick up. Great Guild, Outstand Clan, filled with fun, mature, unselfish adults. Gamers all! Thanks Guys and Gals, you are the best!


    Your ever loving Major Yutz!

  5. While I dont have an issue with most of the restrictions, the one that doesnt make any sense at all is not being able to wear your purple gear.


    Why would anyone buy an ops ticket, when on the other side, they cant wear the items they need to be effective in the operation? So they have to spend more?


    Loot is a primary goal in MMO's, high end gear is needed to succeed in ops and pvp. And I cant imagine any of my former guild mates coming back to the game with that restriction in place. Thats one step to far.

  6. And let me frame this another way. Stand up comics, the big name comics know a certain truth. The audience thats there, wants to laugh, they want to see that comic. They will be very receptive to that comic for the first few minutes.


    After that the comic had better be funny, or the audience will walk or turn quiet. Star Wars is one of the best IP's on the market. All of us who subcribed, gave the benifit of the doubt to the game and developers when it was first released. We bought the game because of what it represented, Star Wars.


    You have had your shot, now its time to earn our subs and our dollars. Promises need to be kept and filled. Dont waste this incredible opportunity!

  7. Ive been playing SWTOR since early access. I have hardly missed a day since then, with out at least a little game time. While I am looking forward to bring in new players via F2P, I am not sure if the current team of developers will do what it takes to keep this game healthy.


    First let me state that I have enjoyed getting to know a lot of the community team via twitter. They really seem to be good people with a real passion for not only SWTOR and Star Wars, but gaming in general. This thread is not intended in any was as a put down of their efforts.


    Lets be honest, many of the things that the developers said they would do, hasnt happened. Fresh content being the main issue. The last substantial content update was last April with 1.2, five months ago. Patch 1.3 Allies added some interesting twists with the Legacy system and its really fleshed out character development.


    But where are things like dual specs, that were promised? I am concerned that so much effort is going on in the back ground with the F2P conversion that current subcribers are being taken for granted. Two short lived world events isnt exactly filling. The first event was a fun snack, but the second event, only a week long, barely qualified as an appetizer.


    One thing I am really looking forward to is the quest for the new companion, HK-51. I have a feeling that we will not see that item added in until after F2P is launched. My guess is that a quest pack for the companion can be purchased by non subcribers, while subs, will get it for free.


    Your loyal subcriber base needs some love! Most of us will hang till F2P launches, but I am already starting to notice some population drops as a result of some of the new games that are hitting, and more is on the way.


    The remainder of the year will really make or break this game. We need fresh, all around accessible content sooner rather then later. You can only run dailies for so long before things become stale. How can we count on new content coming every 6 weeks or so with F2P, when its taking over 5 plus months now?

  8. There should be a legit reason for actions. By having the price so high, the dev's are saying that they dont want the population swapping out appearance gear that often. As somehow thats a distraction.


    Its easy to understand why respec costs increase. Same with vehicles and gear. None of that is or should be a gimme. But we are talking about your preference for your character. The social gear is not a gimme either. You have to garner enough of a social level to even buy it.


    They are making a big point of this gear being adaptable in 1.3. What good does that do for a casual player, when they have to spend thier limited playing time, grinding enough credits, just so they can swap out some gear.


    The pricing does not match the action. Not even close. But thats been a sticking point with a variety of items. Many of the legacy perks are so darn expensive, it might be months before even considering buying some of them. Ok, fine huge time sinks. But for item mods to cost that much is nonsensical.

  9. Great news that social gear will be adaptable in 1.3. There are a lot of fun armor sets that would cool to wear. However, its not practical to do it. The cost of swapping mods is insanely expensive. More so for a casual player. Look at the costs to swap out end game mods into social gear. I would cost over 250k to move it all around. That kind of excessive expense is way out of line.


    Please explain the reason why that cost is so crazy expensive. It rules out casual mod changing to really test how a particular mod will change your dps or heals. Btw, when I say mod, I am referring to any of the slots on gear.


    This isnt a game breaker, but is sure sucks out some of the fun potential from the game. Those costs need dramaticly reduced or eliminated. There is no logic behind the charges that I can see.

  10. I'd like to see an arena type of pvp match. One for live practice with friends or teams. A dueling area on the fleets would be interesting and become a social hub of sorts. Being able to spectate live matches would be fun as well. Imagine a floating ring above pvp zones where you would watch the action unfold below you.
  11. That sub numbers have fallen is normal for a new MMO. If anything Ive seen population numbers on the fleet for my server increase during prime time since 1.2


    The community involvement could be better. A sure way to do that is to release a development tool kit and support 3rd party mods. The modding community is amazing. Any wow player former or current can attest to that. They do things that the DEV's may like to do but dont have the time or budget to accomplish.


    Merging servers would help. What a great issue to have though. How many gaming companies over do it on the server numbers? To many servers vs not enough to handle the load. Cross server pvp and flashpoint functions will be implemented at some point.


    Me, Im enjoying the game. A day hasnt gone by where I havent logged in since launch. And Im not expecting that to change anytime soon.

  12. Am I disappointed that ranked warzones are cut? Sure, it is a great feature. Are we still getting the new WZ? Yes! Can we still get the new ranked gear? Yes! Legacy? Yup! New operation? Sure thing! Guild banks? Yes indeed Skippy! New crafting? Of course! We are getting everything except for the ranked WZ's.


    Can you imagine the boards, if ranked warzones were released with major issues? The flames could have started a fire in the middle of the ocean. Haters gotta hate I guess.


    I'll get some grief from some of my clan mates, that quit the game early on. But I can rest easy knowing that whatever game they are playing was released with issues too. The financial pressures alone, have caused some of this for gaming markets.


    So if we have to wait another few weeks for the corrections, its a heck of a lot better then having a broken system released and mocking us.

  13. HI! I am known as Major Yutz and I am the founder of the Grey Wolves Clan. I am one of those players sticking it out and hoping for some good fixes in the near future. Patch 1.2 looks like it has a ton of potential.


    But for now, I would guess a lot of us are in the same boat. We are geared enough to do most of the content, but not enough on line at any given time to run it.


    If you are looking for end game content, come join us. We are a solid group of mature players, whose motivation is to enjoy the game and the content. Being leet is for a different set of players. Having a good time and getting the content done is who we are.


    If youre ready to start playing this game again, send Doom a pm and lets get it rolling. Free vent, great web site and an outstanding group of people to hang with.

  14. I posted earlier about the issue and a friend helped me solve it. The game has a refresh rate of 85 as the default. My monitor ( CRT ) is set at 60. My bud was accessing my pc via go to meeting. He was able to see my game load up even though I was unable to do so.


    So using a windowed screen I was able to access my game and change the setting. The way around this would be to have those settings be accessable from the launch pad of the game.


    Without my friends assistance, I would not have found the work around.

  15. Every time I go to launch the game, the opening video never even starts, my screen goes black and I get a vid error of some sort. The box says something relative to temp and it seems ok. There is one line that says over and is in red.


    I run a geoforce 5600ti with the latest driver, win 7 and not one little issue in the two weekend tests I was in.


    Any clues to this would be helpful.

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