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Posts posted by Draiganx

  1. last i heard the latest drivers were causing issue post 2.1

    rollback to an older version if you want to try.


    O_O you have got to be kidding me. Im gona give it a few days and play another character or stick to the good zones of taris and see if it gets fixed, if not Ill call tech support or something. :(

  2. The planet Taris, and only Taris is causing insane amounts of lag. Some areas are worse then others and makes the game impossible to play at times. My internet is fine, and every other planet and location is fine. I cant believe this! I haven't had a single graphic issue or lag until now (lvl 35 at taris) anyone else have this problem so we can let someone know that something is wrong! :(


    Whatever lvl my graphics are set to changes nothing and I did a speed check on my PC, my high speed internet is working fine :(


    Why is this happening! :confused:

  3. You have to remember how vastly different the star wars movies are now, from how they were originally written (when episodes 1-12 were first conceived) how the current 7 8 and 9 would be the end of the story. (there should have been 3 more before the first trilogy, that's now impossible sadly). :(
  4. What have darth sidious done as galactic emperor besides building death star and improving military? I mean, in episode III he talks about an unified language, monetary system etc. and peace. Have he done anything close to this?


    Also remember he became more of a figure head. The "puppet" senate and Moff Council are the ones who made most of the choices. The leaders of the Imperial government did this. Palpy went to focus mostly on Sith matters ect, following in the foot steps of his master.

  5. Well I think......



    Darth Maul becoming Mandalore is a good plot twist and brings up a good question of Maul's brother doing what next? What does Savage Opress do now, after he's back into his original form.


    From what you posted in the Spoiler- it is this kinda stuff that makes me hate that show now. They ruined the mandalorians, and this is like pouring acid in the wound. They are trying to do way to much with very little, I am not sure that this shows version of Mandalore, Mandalorians, or even the Death Watch is accurate, let alone make canon logical sense. Star wars is great until you start taking great amazing perfect blue skies and try to turn them green... or yellow or something.........


    Maul should have stayed dead too, star wars revives its villains way too often, and always picks the wrong ones. Bring back Darth Vader and so help me!!! :mad: (threat to episode 7). The only time this was ok was with Palatine. Revan maybe even ok"ish". Maul, Kryat? HK-47.... and how many times was Ventris (the bald white lady) dead in the good old comic books anyways?


    Anywhos I feel this whole story line with Maul and his brother was a mistake. The webs around Dooku and Palatine are already convoluted enough.

  6. Starkiller is a terrible character so NO


    I would have to second this, he is fun to play in some un-cannon game yes..... however that's it. As far as I, and many others is concerned hes just a game character. In a cannon sense, his presence ruins everything. He would in fact be the chosen one, not vader. He is far to strong and the depictions of his force powers are not consistent with established powers of the time (or at all).



    Had his story taken place in 500 ABY like planned originally, then yes I would be all for this and have nothing to say about his powers.



    The Force Unleashed is a great game. I love it. Cannon and movie speaking? Its heresy! - Lol. It makes no sense once-o-ever in the cannon of star wars and would never have happened.

  7. I agree. The Taung are awesome. These new Mando's are a bunch of hacks and a disgrace to the true Mandalorians.


    Side note: I'm cheering for the Death Watch in TCW. Canderous, MtU and Cassus Fett would be rolling in their graves at the sight of these "Mandalorians".


    Couldn't agree more.

  8. Really?


    Those so called trolls know more about this game then the Dev's do. They understand what this game needs and know what I'm with them, it's time for Dev's to start giving us players what we want.


    Why don't you go get a job there then :D Or make your own company with your own game. Or maybe do something more productive with your time then join the 10000+ complainers looking to voice there misery and have others join in with them to bash and troll things cause your upset :D Hmmmmmm


    God forbid you try and organize something constructive, god help us! :eek:


    Live long and Prosper :cool:

  9. If you like the game and want it to be around then support it. Don't go to McDonalds once this week and you have the 10 bucks for the xpac or whatever it is they are selling to us.


    You guys will blow 100 bucks buying cartel packs but get upset because 10 bucks is to much for content :rolleyes:


    I am glad I am not the only one with a brain left in this joint! :cool:

  10. Darth Maul. Even if it's not right, that's why it is like that.


    I believe the source of this is the old Japanese Bow weapon, used by assassins. Don't quote me on it, but I believe that it had a heavy influence when designing his character. You should watch the movie, The Seven Samurai for more info, that move had a lot to do with the design of star wars, heavily on the Sith and Jedi.


    I saw a two hour TV show on the History 2 HD channel about this today, was really very interesting!

  11. If they did it, they would have to make the different types of lightsabers purely cosmetic. I doubt that they could have different damages for reasons of game balance.


    I always thought that it was dumb that Shadows/Assassins use double blades sabers, since they are a stealth class. Stealth classes should have small weapons.


    Even is if was cosmetic, that's fine with me

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