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Posts posted by nicosand

  1. So, ever since this bounty hunter event, the Tatooine kingpin mission has been bugged. I talk to the little jawa, get the probes, go to the area marked on the map, but ar unable to lauch the god damn probes. BW, are you EVER planing on fixing this???????
  2. YES! Legacy bank would be epic! Seeing as all of my chars are on the same server, and are all connected in the legacy family tree, I cant see a reason for there NOT to be a way to easily share the wealth between all my toons.
  3. Who cares if they stole somethings from other games as long as they can make it work and the players like. Theres plenty of stuff from WoW ppl would like to have in this game, and Im sure there are stuff from this game players in WoW would like to have.


    As long as the devs can make stuff work in the game I say go for it. The rate MMO's are popping up now, finding an original one that has NO elements from any other MMO currently out there is close to impossible.

    Wildstar is comming with player housing that can be changed and customized to your hearts content, and I would LOVE it if something like that were to be implemented in this game. I would thank the devs for it, not piss them for "stealing" another game's idea as long as the devs here made it work in this universe and setting.

  4. Well, to try and get back to the OP. Having played the game since EGA, but with some short breaks due to IRL stuff. I now find this game at an all time low, I now usually only log on to join my raiding mates in raids. This has mostly to do with the fact there is little else for me to do, Im sick to death of lvling even tho i have 2 toons that are lvl 53 and would take very little time to get to 55, but I have no interesst in playing them since all I in raids are tanking anyway :) And I've also reached Legend with the factions I could be botherd about getting there, so now i dont have a reason to ever do dailys on Oricon and CZ-198 ever again, or do the gree even ever again, unless some new stuff is added to that. the makeb, belsa, voss and the space stuff I really cba with doing...


    So for me, the things on the top of my wishlist, in no particular order, for this game would be:

    Mini games: And making the casino on Nar Shadda actually function like a casino. This thing I can not for the life of me understand why BW hasen't captialized on right from the getgo. If you were afraid it could ruin the economy, the easy way to counter that would be to limit how high the bets could go. But the casino holds endless posibilities.


    Planets: Adding more planets at the lower lvl's too to give players more choices on where they want to go lvl, I my self have 9 or 10 toons now, but only 4 are lvl50 or more because I simply dont want to do the same planets any more.


    Better UI: Im not sure how word this properly. But in short, I would LOVE it, if there was a way I could see how much aggro on bosses. Altho most experienced tanks know all boss fights in the current ops, and can easily read the signs, this would be a good addition. It would also help the dps to know when to cut back on dps and when to go full out. Having support for addons such as MOX/TORparse would be sweet too, having these addons as part of ut UI would be awesome


    And the last bit, I can not put into words how much I really want BW to fix the graphic bug where robes cut thru speeders. This part really ruins the quality for me atleast. Pulling out a cool speeder only to see the gosh darn robe cutting thru it to make it look like the speeder is on a pedistal.

  5. Dont get me wrong, I like most of these changes, except the removal of self heal with HD anf\d FL. And I dont think giving us 4% more armorrating insted of the self heal is better. That self healing combined with assassins shelter buff is why sin tanks are able to solo alot of content, and its also very good to use on boss fights where the tanks are more stationary but the healers have to move around. With overcharged saber being the only self heal we have left, and that one having a long CD, you might aswell give phase walk to sorcs insted...
  6. General

    • Dark Charge no longer heals the Assassin, but now increases armor rating by 130% (up from 115%) and deals additional threat when it damages an enemy target.
    • Slightly increased the damage dealt by Maul.
    • Slightly increased the damage dealt by Lacerate.


    [*]3 stacks of Harnessed Darkness no longer cause the Assassin to be healed when Force Lightning deals damage. Instead, it grants Dark Protection, which increases damage reduction by 1%. Dark Protection stacks up to 4 times and lasts 18 seconds.

    [*]Swelling Shadows has been redesigned: It now increases the armor rating Dark Charge grants by an additional 20/40%.


    First of all, Im glad to see that FINALLY we get some MUCH needed armorbuffs for sin tanks. The way we're at now, we're borderline on armor rating for the newest content. And I also like the increase in lacerate and maul cuse I use those alot on my tank. Those of you that say lacerate is useless well, I think its a good way to help keep aggro on groups of mobs along with discharge and wither. And also maul to help keep aggro on singel target.

    Removing the selfheal from drak charge is fine since the tradeoff is much better armor rating and the self on DC is minimal. The change in Swelling Shadows is also a good one since DC now increases armor.

    BUT, what I really cant understand is why you remove selfhealing on force lightning.

    Thats a big part of our midigation as sin tanks.

    I've played as a sin tank pretty much exsclusively for almost 2 years now, I've cleard the new content with him, and dont think I could ever tank on another class. With the changes to HD and FL, I think most ppl will stop playing sin tanks, and only the "hardcore" will stubbornly keep on, like me...

    So please BW, I'm on my knees, BEGGING you, DONT change HD, just dont! We need it to keep sin tanks a viable tank for the next content and DF/DP NIM...

  7. I've been in a few guilds that focus primarily PVE, and in that sense, most have set up different raid "squads" in the guild by creating new "ranks" to distiguish between the teams. Now this works fine if u have 2-3 squads. But for guilds that are close to the 500member limit this can become an issue in regards to the 10 rank limit. It also becoms an "issue" if you have alot of members that focus more on PVP who also want their own squad designation.


    My suggestion is: Give GM's the ability to create squads within the guild without having to use the ranks to distingush between the squads. This would give the guilds alot bigger room to organize them selvs.

  8. I actually agree with the OP on some points here. But im pretty sure that as long as the're is a solid player base, this game will get the chance to add more and more new and cool stuff like a usable casino on Nar Shadda, mini-games like pod-racing (in some form or another)... And now after the release of RotHC, the devs must now look at these things.


    The phrase "WoW is 7 years older the SWTOR" is getting abit worn out now, but the fact still remains, ALOT, and I mean ALOT of the stuff in WoW wasnt there at the start, and it took them longer then a year to get everything sorted. And im still pretty sure there are bugs, glitches, exploits and other similar things in wow to this day...

  9. The main problem for the Empire is their inherent nature to destroy each other more then the Jedi. Just look at the Dark Council. Any sith strong enuff to make it there has more enemies within his or her fellow sith. The Sith is always looking for more and more power, and there is no better way for them to claim this then to destroy higher ranking sith and taking their place. And also the way the sith is trained in the force does them really no good in the long run. If everyone that does not complete the trals on Korriban, they are executed. This means that alot fewer Sith are trained.


    The Empire is a textbook example of what happens if the rulers are focused TOO much on personal gain.



    Just look at the Emperor's plans in the JK story, he wants to extinguish all life in the galaxy for his own personal benefit.


  10. I'd say it a legit advice, Im from Norway, and I dont go around expecting every game to be translated into norwegian. We start teaching childer english at the age of 7 here, I dont see problem doing that in Germany and France, but I guess the childer there are to lazy to learn it...


    Stupis is as stupid does, what an amazingly orignial quote...

  11. I have almost completly stoped pvping with just pugs. When you lose 9 out of 10 matches because ppl are unable to get even the most basic tactics, it gets really tedious.


    So many here have already pointed out the most obvious mistakes ppl do, so I wont repeat them.

    The biggest 2 issues is that alot of players ONLY focus on the amount of medals they are getting, and how many players they kill. Which in the end doesnt matter at all. On my operative, I did zero kills and did zero dmg, but I got 10k objective points by scoring 4 goals in hutball and winning the match.


    But what actually really annoys me, altho it really shouldnt, is the MVP system. I've completly stopped using my sin tank i pvp, simpley because no matte how much protection or objective score i get, i rarely get any MVP votes. In one WZ I did on my tank i got around 150k protection and 7-8k objective (cant remember if it was alderaan or voidstar) And I didnt get any mvp altho i had the highest protection score of all, and highest objective on my team.

    The MVP in my eyes is a recognition from your team that you did your duty for the team.


    I really hope that BW just makes MVP voting automated, maybe just give 3 "MVP points" to top DPS, Heal, prot and objective, 2 for nr2 and 1 for nr3.

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