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Posts posted by Rhiaden

  1. The Trade Network is accessible from both sides? Or is there a seperate "neutral" trade network, just like the Booty Bay auction house in World of Warcraft? (Yes, I name it. Live with it or die.)


    There is a neutral trade network in Nar Shadaa, the Hut trade network

  2. People in my guild with slicing have 1.5 mil, 800k, etc... I have 120k at level 50, valor rank 39, i've done tons of warzones etc because I've leveled my crafting... I haven't even bought my level 50 110% speed skill yet and they have...


    Clearly its not worth it for me to craft when I could have 1.5 mil, my speeder skill, and just buy the mats i need from the missing gathering skill.



    And who would be selling you the mats from the missing gathering skill?


    At the moment, the economy is getting on its feet, the GTN isnt up and running properly yet, its not seeded, and prices are...well...ridiculous in some cases. Give it time to settle. Its like in other games, yes, you may have more liquid credits, but then you need to buy the mats and equipment from someone, which gives them the money (provided they figure out how to price stuff)


    At the moment, the biggest problem is the market interface, it is horrible and offputting.

  3. I do pay attention to the main story while questing on my trooper, but on my other chars it serves mostly to give me a feel for their personality, and the choices they make.


    I RP while soloing, but to be honest, if I am on an important Havoc Squad mission from high command, I am unlikely to have the time to drop what I am doing because some high and mighty jedi wants to ask if I have seen his friends, I will however give him a cursory acknowledgement before heading out.


    RPing in heroics or flashpoints is fun, and has always been one of the most fun things for me in MMOs, although, some tanks with their anxiety towards certain animals can make life a little...interesting!


    I do not stay IC all the time, as I am not paying attention all the time, sometimes I am just smacking away at mobs thinking "dammit, when will this bonus mission be done....", but if someone greets me, then I pop back into that headspace.


    Cantina talk is always popular, and the Dealers Den has, predictably, been populated by less savoury types (much to the consternation of my jaded jedi who thinks the place has gone to the dogs in the last few days)

  4. Thank you for this, I have been trying to figure out the pros and cons of each mission.


    As for whether it is OP, that will balance out hopefully once the annoying trade network interface is improved (hopefully it gets changed at least), and people start using the market more...slicers trade a gathering or mission skill for credits basically, so they will need to buy the materials for their craft from market.


    At present, the market is still settling in, but it does seem to be picking up a bit, now we just have to make people aware of the neutral AH, and then market games can kick in too!

  5. I skipped the heroic quests in taris, my problem was the zone just didnt end!


    I got to what I thought was the last quest, then there was "oh, by the way, go to this bonus zone".


    I skipped most of that, and ended up on Nar Shadaa just before 22...not looking forward to the rakghouls on my next chars through there, so they are just sitting at the start now waiting til I have the patience for it again :p

  6. You guys need to stop with the blatant misrepresentations.


    Rift was more polished than TOR at release, out of the box, from 1 to end game. I would say ToR is about on par with LoTRO's level of polish at release. No, SWTOR has not "succeeded where every other MMO failed" like so many fanboys are trying to sell.


    I played rift from start of beta through to about 6 months after launch, yes, it was polished, was it more polished than this? not in my opinion.


    About on par with Lotro at release? Well, I havent run into the insane rubber banding issues that plagued the old forest at launch.


    I am a fanboy for every game I play, or have played, they are all awesome in their own way, however, I recognise that some of them just were not for me.


    SWTOR has brought together a lot of things I like...is it perfect? nope, but then I can name 7 year old games which still have problems, so expecting no problems is unrealistic.


    The only question I ever ask is "am I having fun". Right now, I am really enjoying SWTOR, it has a different enough feel for this jaded gamer, but again, I can only speak for me, but I have cancelled my other game subs for this, which is the first time in a long time...yes, I liked rift, aion, aoc, eq2, eve, wow, daoc etc etc, but, with the exception of when I first started wow and eve, no other game has got me to cancel my other subs.

  7. have any of you thought that maybe you're leveling faster than everyone else?


    I'm on belsavis with a local chat of 6 players, I thought "WOW this game is dead" I then went back to some of the lower level planets and had 50 people on a planet.


    people level at dif speeds, not to mention most of us got to play before the masses so we are a week ahead of everyone.


    I agree...the only time I have seen 35 on a planet has been at 5am, usually its 100-120 or so, but then, I am only on the first 3 planets with my chars.

  8. You can set it in preferences to allow others to go into your class quest zones, they just cannot progress their own story in there.


    Also, I am not sure the starter areas are bigger in wow...are you tackling all the elite/champion bosses on your way through, checking out all the datacrons (for the nice buff to stats from the color matrices) etc etc.


    The 1-10 zones in wow take 5 mins to run from one end to the other, but then, I try not to make wow comparisons in SWTOR, anymore than I compare any other game I play to each other...they are different.

  9. I am not so neutral on my smugglers/Bounty hunters, rather I make the decision at the time which I feel is the right one, they have no true allegiance..my sith or jedi chars on the other hand, stick rigidly to dark or light irrespective of whether they feel comfortable with the outcome.


    I think remaining truly neutral is incredibly difficult to do, but there should be some items that are for "below light 1 + below dark 1"


    As others have said, hopefully these will be in soon

  10. I have never understood why, when there are so many more pve and pvp servers, people who do not want to RP or don't get why others would, make characters on RP servers.


    With regard to names, with the random name generator, I do not understand why people call their characters wierd things, but then, I do not understand names like Gunslingerlol anyway, even in a single player game.....maybe I am just strange.

  11. Its a game where most people are still in the early levels, and then people are convinced that the current endgame schematics available are the final, set in stone, in the game forever with no possibility of crafting changes. Ever.


    I have 12 crafters levelling at the moment, so I have a vested interest in crafting, I also enjoy raiding, so am interested in the crafted drops from there.


    Mostly I am aware that the first content patch isnt out yet, the game has been launched less than a week, and full end game schematics for the rest of the lifetime of this game are not in yet.


    Until I see "Crafting will suck compared to solo daily rewards, across the board" then I am not worried.

  12. My main problem with damage meters is that it leads to "omg, must top the meters" usually followed by overaggro and death.


    A dead dps is worse than an underpar DPS any day of the week.


    I play healer, so generally get an overview of what is happening in the whole group better than someone up close to the mobs, and from that view it is easier to see who is doing what spells, and you can spot the "Must be no1" people very fast.


    Of course, you also get that with healing, but generally, if a healer isn't pulling their weight it is more obvious.


    The main use I have found for dmg meters is finding out who the idiot is spamming a spell that the mob is immune to, or who keeps breaking CC.

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