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Posts posted by Slikeh

  1. I think the answer is that even 1 point of valor past Rank 60 currently is meaningless.


    SO yeah, it may be harder/more time consuming to hit 60 but then what...nothing.


    So who cares if it takes 2 weeks or 4 weeks, you're equally as bored once you get to that point.


    I'm Valor 64 and need ONE more BM commendation to have every slot BM gear. And the game it pretty much dead to me now. Unless my friends are queuing I don't bother to PvP, and I'm bored sick of the PvE side. I'm not an alt player so yeah...I personally would wish for a LONGER grind to the top tier of PvP. Not shorter. Too bad even Rep side is SUPER fast.


    That is true but a totally different subject. I am almost full BM myself (missing 3 items) like i said after 2,5 weeks of being BM. I used to do 20-30 wzs a day and now i do just enough to finish my daily (mainly because I dont enjoy facing warhero premades while Im running with 12-13k people) , maybe some more to help my friends but thats it. It is indeed very easy to get anything you can get at this point and its really sad you can say "Game Over" after 2 months of playing , but once they start adding stuff (which they will have to unless they choose to completely ignore the PvP community) and making things a bit harder to get , the gap will get even bigger.

  2. It's interesting, I have a republic alt I just pvp with, I don't remember the last time the republic has lost a wz in the 1-49 bracket. Also, when the ***** going down in Ilum, I also notice a huge population of republic level 50's sitting in fleet. The problem is, once people get their daily done, they leave.


    The republic population excuse doesn't seem to be that valid anymore, from what I can see.


    Well yes , we dont lose 1-49. But assuming the largest valor farm u have to do is 50+ that doesnt help much. And what you say is true , nobody from republic bothers with Ilum anymore , cause like I said , why should you bother getting farmed in your base getting 20 valor while they re outnumbering you and getting 7-8 times that.

  3. Failed conjecture. Plenty of Republic Battlemasters on my server, valor 60 is not hard to achieve. Nothing is hard to attain in this game. Being that it's 2 months post release and we're all rolling around in full 'end game' epics yo.


    Thats not the point of my post. I am not saying there arent enough battlemasters , Im saying its way easier to get any valor rank as an imperial than a republic which makes Imperial side a better choice when you re interested in doing PvP.

  4. Let me start by saying I havent made a single negative post ever about anything concerning PvP (imbalance , wz or ilum) because I always believed BW would improve and I still do , its just that this is taking way too long and it IS gamebreaking.


    I play a sage both healing and dps - depends on my mood- and I got battlemaster 2-3 weeks ago through grinding WZ and Ilum. I enjoy doing both PvE and PvP but in all the games Ive played I have always been interested more in the competitiveness of PvP , but Ilum , as it is right now is killing that.


    I have been reading the forums for a while and my server seems to be one of the best concerning faction imbalance. People have been saying theres literally no republic at Ilum and they have to farm 150 boxes weekly or that imperials are non stop outside republic base while in my server we always have at least some pubs in Ilum , been getting lots of fights even sometimes outside the base and its not that hard to get 30 kills as republic with the cannons and whatnot. Still things are starting to change and every day you see less people in Ilum , just this past week we had 50 people during the weekly update and now they re droping to 15-20 at peak time - which is sad. I actually had to miss my daily Ilum for the first time since I hit 50 because there was literally 10 people in Ilum at 8 game time. Note I am speaking about people generally in ilum , not the raid.


    Its obvious the design is flawed and why republics do not stay in Ilum more than their 30 kills a day - if even that - as most dont even bother anymore. Getting farmed outside your base by 3-4x the amount of people you have is not fun but more importantly getting 20 valor per kill while the enemy team gets 200 is simply not worth your time especially considering you get 1 kill every minute or so. You ll probably say that sometimes republics sneak out and get some bases and yes it happens but its rare and the last 3-4 days I ve never got more than 1 base buff (the republic base) .


    So basicly you have imps mass farming valor (which makes it worth it for them going to ilum even if they finish their dailies) when republic is there which results in them climbing the ranks insanely fast. Every warzone you enter you meet new war heroes and battlemasters when on our side I have met 1 war hero (who actually stopped playing) and the battlemasters are so few you actually get to know them by their name... If you intend to add new valor rewards for higher ranks (70+) most of the PvP active imperials will get them while pubs will not.


    So my question is why should someone interested in PvP roll on republic side when it will take half the time to farm to battlemaster as an Imperial? Why should I level my alt on republic side when I know Ilum will give me nothing when I can be getting my daily done really fast while farming tons of valor? And more importantly , how do you expect the faction imbalance to get fixed when Imps farm valor faster (due to ilum wz wins and better gear ) and have more people to play/raid/pvp with? The only bad thing about an imp is (I guess) queue times. You cant expect people to reroll - or join republic out of the goodness of their heart when they know they will be losing most wzs and get farmed in their base in Ilum. Im not one to make suggestions , there are more qualified people than me to suggest/decide that stuff plus those things I suggest have probably been already mentioned before. BUT PLEASE , at least add a valor cap or some valor buff when being outnumbered / farmed ... and do it fast , its getting out of hand and its only getting worse when one side is getting everything and the other gets nothing...

  5. Dont care about addons I guess a threatmeter and dps meters etc would be nice. Getting to the point where you need 4-5+ addons to raid is probably not fine so I could do without. I wouldnt mind some macros either , mostly to avoid some hotkeys , I need like a million keybindings :p


    But MOST IMPORTANT ... Customizable UI! Seriously , theres no target of target or focus bar , the raid bars are - somewhat - customizable still not very useful since sometimes it takes a while to show you that you actually healed someone and in warzones it just shows everyone full hp forever ... Anyway , yeah , customizable UI , woo!

  6. Ok seriously , I cant understand how every server is full at 8 am - 10 am. So if we had light server at 8 am and 1600-2000 at night what is going to happen when we have a full server with 200-400 people queue at 8 am??? I really cant believe those queues are simply because of new players ...


    I entered queue on my server with 87 people in front of me , 20 minutes later Im at 60... lol

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