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Posts posted by gloryday

  1. was a good game http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b285/StarFirezathan/Screenshot_2012-10-13_18_27_38_735002_zps039c327e.jpg


    Nice :D


    The last time I seen 1m damage was back in the offline era with a full length civil war game


    PS -


    Some screenshots from back in the win trading days.

    Because everyone fights to actually win when win trading, ya' know.






    Mosus you're taking those screenshots out of context.. the first game was not during the 'balance event' since as Chieftain so obviously stated; Nemm and I refused to participate in them. That first screenshot was against a proper First Knowledge and Co GEARED RANKED team.


    The second one is against an imp team. . .

  2. I hope you aren't replacing Kei as guild spokesman.


    Atleast he can formulate a decent reply, rather than your poor attempt at a troll...


    Have fun waiting in that que man.


    He just wrote two walls worth of text, clearly everything he's said hasn't sunk in. It's just not worth the effort anymore.

  3. This event is happening TONIGHT!


    Word has it there will be some imp teams queuing, if you're on the pub side and interested in coming along, reply to this thread of pst Mosus or Eviros in game! [available after 7.30]


    Does this still happen?

  4. well i still run a 7/3/31 assault, and i feel we got a buff this latest patch, sure our ranged damge isnt there anymore but...

    sticky grenade have 30m range and it doesnt share cooldown with assault plastique, so do hib if you trigger plasma cell with hammer shot. and incendary round is more or less useless or very situational.

    and our rotation have changed a bit in pvp it usually look like this,


    sticky, hammer shot, depending on distance hammer shot or assault plastique, ion pulse, high impact bolt, stock strike not many people survive that.


    Wait...are you sure SG doesn't share a CD with AP? that maybe a bug


    EDIT: tested, your right :eek: I think we're even more broken now...

  5. I really like that you guys are trying to do this and I wish you every success.


    If you could include our Liopleurodon our friendly dinosaur I am sure it would make him very happy.


    Thank you in advance for your efforts






    Not really my thing, I'll ask for permission next time I form another group.




    I think things are looking up, I'm especially please with the <First Knowledge> and <Black Sun> alliance.


    While I'm not allowed to go into details, within 1-2 weeks I expect something really amazing to happen ;)

  6. I want to get some thoughts and discussion going on the following...


    I have thought about what happened last maintenance period and the APAC servers being offline for so long and nothing new implemented yet the rest of the worlds paying customers benefited. My question is.


    As an APAC member, did you feel you got your money's worth from your most recent subscription payment?


    If the answer is no, I propose launching a complaint through http://www.econsumer.gov/english/. Anyone want to draft up a complaint??? My time is a little limited over the next few days.


    Keep emotion out of it, keep it civil. Ask for a refund for your last subscription payment. Send the links to the official post from bioware where they admit making a mistake. Ask for an investigation, ask them as foreign consumers what we can do, ask them for advice, I'm sure they can help us out.


    Anyone else got ideas how we can address poor customer service external to these forums?


    I know I certainly felt ripped off due to the events from last week. I have spoken to some non gamers about this and they all agree.


    APAC community, to put it bluntly we have been ripped off.


    Wow... look like we're taking of the gloves now :mad:

  7. So yesterday I took directly to twitter in search of some communication regarding our servers. I dug up Joveth Gonzalez's personal twitter account and sent him a tweet asking if Bioware had any plans to merge out servers together. After no reply I sent another urging him to communicate with a totally ignored part of his player base. This is his reponse.




    'Currently there are no plans, since we want to make sure those types of servers are available as an option for Oceanic players."


    I have also asked him to formally state this in a forum post or somewhere the rest of the community can see it.


    :( - lets hope we can at least get a transfer.

  8. So yesterday I took directly to twitter in search of some communication regarding our servers. I dug up Joveth Gonzalez's personal twitter account and sent him a tweet asking if Bioware had any plans to merge out servers together. After no reply I sent another urging him to communicate with a totally ignored part of his player base. This is his reponse.




    'Currently there are no plans, since we want to make sure those types of servers are available as an option for Oceanic players."


    I have also asked him to formally state this in a forum post or somewhere the rest of the community can see it.


    Will they at least provide as the option to transfer?


    I'm sure if they provide 1 week to transfer internally, we could set it up ourselves... kinda like what we did on swiftsure.

  9. Please merge the servers or provide us with 1 week internal transfer servers, so that we can organised it ourselves....

    (its important that we get 1 week so we can spread the information among our tiny population)


    I'm sure most of the pvp'er would be happy to move into the PvE server (ganking doesn't happen anyway) this way we can keep everyone happy :).

  10. hello all,


    can any tell me what the pvp status is like in the asia pacific pvp server (forgot the name). reason is that i live in japan and thus far have been using a west coast server, but the time difference makes for lacking OWpvp. any info would be helpful, like if the pub/imp ratio is off balance, cuz then i want to go for the lower side to get as much pvp action as possible.:)


    normal pvp is on almost 24/7, rateds is alittle slow but its building up again. :rak_03: a fair number of players are very kine so building a PUG group on fleet can be done very fast (if you don't already have a guild)

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