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Posts posted by monjiay

  1. I don't think F2P is meant to even try and bring back old subs. Why would they want to bring back fickle players?


    It is more likely meant to bring in new players and give them a taste of the game in hopes that they will sub.


    I think it's designed to to bring in more money from current subscribers. I've played other F2P games and they let you play all of the game and hope you enjoy it so much that you'll buy vanity items like pets and costumes and skins from the shop. That's how League of Legends works.


    This doesn't give you the whole game, it doesn't even give you a full UI, so people used to other F2P games are not going to like this model. They are looking for actual F2P games to play and this is more like a 'pay al la carte' model where you pay for everything in the game except for the story from 1 - 50. This may satisfy current subscribers but it's hard to see how it will lure in many new players.


    On the other hand, the people left playing the game are very strong fans after nearly a year of subscribing and will be much more likely to go blow some real cash on the shop.


    EA has already been giving people a free trial to level 15 for some time to draw in subs. I don't know if that is working or not, but this F2P implementation is an extension of the 15 level limit all the way to 50. It's not what most people who play F2P games are used to, but it does give current subscribers somewhere to spend all of their extra cash.

  2. More that I DON'T have any ideas. I'm not complaining about faction imbalance, I'm complaining about the people yelling "WE TOLD YOU TO FIX IT DUDE WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING" because I really DON'T see what they can do.


    Faction imbalance happens in every game, and there's not too much that can be done about it aside from... well, like you said, how the sides look aesthetically, how they feel, what they represent, and all that.


    Unfortunately, most people will take the "Evil" side because it's "Dark" and "Cool" and all that stuff. It's hard to counter back against that, considering how Star Wars has very clear-cut definitions on what is Good and Evil.


    That's simply not true. Wow was heavily Alliance when it first came out because that side was more fully developed. Just compare Org and Ironforge. There isn't any comparison.

  3. Make huttball empire vs republic only.


    Instant faction migration overnight.


    This is the solution. Always was. Always will be.


    A single faction warzone was a stupid idea and led directly to the population imbalance.


    If people couldn't queue for warzones when they first started leveling, they would figure it out very quickly and reroll on the side that warzones popped for more frequently.


    How to make an MMO 101.

  4. Normally it's done by making the underplayed faction more attractive to players.


    For instance, let's say ALL of the warzones needed both Republic and Empire to play. People would get frustrated at never having a warzone pop, so they would reroll Republic if they wanted to play in warzones. Single faction warzones (huttball) are a bad idea and we now see why.


    Make the coolest speeder in the game only available to Republic. Make several cool features only available on the Republic side.


    At least, that's how other games do it.


    edit for faction confusion.

  5. I have a ''other game'' key, so I know the mechanic


    My question is, can I finally start putting a bikini (which happen to be extremely powerful) on Jaesra Williams when I order the key (IE, the key, like in ''other game'' is flagged to my account when I order) or do I need to have the key in my hands to refgister it ?


    Well OF COURSE NOT. You have to sign in with the key to access the vendor. THAT's the mechanic.

  6. Nothing can compete with a seven year old game. Nothing. It took the better part of a decade to bring WoW to where it is today. If you include development time prior to launch then over a decade.


    An MMO will grow with the support of it's community.


    If you are always going to seek a new MMO to compare competetively to WoW as it stands today you will be bitterly disappointed for every launch.


    If Wow And SWTOR had been released at the same time 7 years ago, SWTOR would have already been outdated. It doesn't even have the features EQ1 had.


    Rift has only been out a short while and it released with many, many more features than SWTOR and I've been over playing the free trial this weekend and it's simply amazing.


    Voice acting appeals to the new people who came for the Star Wars theme. Most people who have played other MMOs find it sort of tragic.

  7. I have a question. If the ridiculous traveling in this game is to bring some realism to it, then why can I land on a planet across the galaxy, use my fleet pass and then my ship is docked at the fleet instead of the planet I left it on.


    I was honestly worried about this first time I used a fleet pass. I was like, how am I going to get back to my ship. But no worries. It flew itself back to the fleet for me and I bet my ship didn't have to go through a single loading screen.

  8. As a Bioware fan since BG i wouldn't cry if EA went out of business and they sold Bioware to someone else.


    Wouldn't that be great. As I understand it, Bioware was originally a Canadian company (hope I'm right about that). Canadians rock unless they don't and if they don't you know what I do??




    Blame Canada (from south park)


  9. You've never been slapped in the face, have you? Nor did you read the posts regarding why they chose to go this route, I suspect.


    Your command of the English language is amazing. You do realize that when someone says something is 'like a slap in the face' it's just a saying like 'straight from the horses mouth'


    That doesn't mean I think horses can talk. Are you really that dense?


    Here are some examples of 'Slap in the face' used in sentences since you obviously missed 3rd grade English.



  10. You talking about lag on when you push the hotkey/click the button? There is a .5 second delay automaticly on when you make your first character, you can change it to 0.0(no delay) in the preference option. If you have done this and are still experiencing delay then it is your latency tbh....still not considered broken.


    He's talking about:




    Top of the forum page, huge banner in community news.


    If you can't find it, it's got huge white letters, like this:


    Georg Zoeller gives an update on ‘Ability Delay’


    And to make it even worse, what you are talking about is the queue for abilities and has absolutely NOTHING to do with what you are talking about. If you still don't understand go read the developer tracker where Bioware has addressed the issue time and time and time again and no, it is not latency.


    Now excuse me while I go play the free weekend of Rift.


  11. That would be because the planets are static.


    Just like zones in just about every other theme park MMO




    Oh, that's not true at ALL. In Wow, there are critters running around, animals hunting and killing other animals, day/night cycles, weather and a multitude of tiny little details that make the whole world feel alive. Mobs patrol with much longer paths than this game so just because you don't see a mob at the moment, doesn't mean one isn't going to come around the corner and kill you the next.


    All of this adds to the 'real world' feel. None of that exists in SWTOR. It's just some foliage and mobs plopped down in one place standing around looking at each other waiting to die.


    And there is really nothing to discover. I remember after Cata but before I got disgusted and quit, I went up on a plateau next to Thunderbluff and there were little bunnies with hatchets chasing mice around and murdering them. It made me chuckle. There is absolutely nothing like this in SWTOR.


    I also have tons of screenshots from years playing WoW. I've never even been tempted to take a screen shot of this game, it's just too static and underwhelming.

  12. I don't like PvP so I just use it for a free port back to the Fleet. If you AFK out in the starter area, you are ported back to the fleet, not back to where you joined.


    This is probably happening a lot. I don't have a security key so I can't buy fleet passes and the one included in the game only works once a day.


    I hate loading screens so it's easier just to join a WZ and get a free port!

  13. Err what? What is a "great" MMO? 14.99 is the norm, no one is going to charge less than that. Do you think Age of Conan is great? Do you think Everquest 2 is great? What about every other MMO that has a required or optional 14.99 monthly subscription (F2P still has an optional sub plan if you want all their content and really like the game)


    I am not sure about Everquest 1's amount per month. I think it's 14.99 as well.


    Notice the quotation marks? It's not my opinion, its a QUOTE from the article at the beginning of this thread.


    Jeez, no wonder you're still playing this game.

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