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Posts posted by Ianphelps

  1. Loving it so far over 4 days played lvl 45 don't want to log but got to sleep sometime. Everyone i know is enjoying the game as well, there are some bugs that need to be fixed, but its nothing that i'm going to quit over.


    Can't stand people who deal in absolutes, if this game doesn't get LFG its dead or no server transfers its dead.


    Oh well hope they leave soon :p

  2. One person can't play the game, Bioware failed their launch.


    Queue times Bioware failed their launch. If you've read any of the posts in these threads ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


    MMO's have queue times at launch and often have server stability issues.


    Herp Derp you are mad you can't play which is understandable but saying Bioware failed their launch is stupid and you should feel bad.

  3. Enjoying the game, everyone i know who is playing is enjoying it (8+ people not including guildmates)


    I like to browse forums and anytime i bring up the complaints that are voiced on the General forums everyone i know wonders why they are ************.


    I think people expect this to be WoW in space, its not WoW not sure why people demand it to be WoW.



    People bring up the 130 million dollar budget.


    I would like someone to do the math of Original WoW budget, and 7 years of development they put into it including 3 expansions.

  4. Warzone PVP is very nicely balanced, so they are trying to cook up reasons to force everyone into OWPVP so they can demonstrate their EPEEN by facerolling newbies.


    How is it balanced? Certain maps favor certain classes. Hutball as a melee GL getting on any caster/ranged as they all have knock backs.


    I would like to know how they scale health, when i see a lvl 20 running around with 2k more health then me at lvl 35 i'm baffled let alone hitting harder. While i do enjoy PvP when the teams are balanced more often then not its one team facerolling the other.

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