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Posts posted by Evolutionownz

  1. You are quite silly if you think Marauders are fine right now, I don't think we are a rogue with no stealth/burst, we are more like a fury Warrior in WoW without heavy armor or the ability to generate rage while getting beat on. Fury warriors can compete because the more damage they take the more damage they dish out, but marauders don't have that luxury.


    I'd be much happier if they gave us a base talent that let us generate rage everytime we get hit or just increase our survivibility somewhat.


    and why the hell don't we have Force Push? :(


    ill take force push over a 90% blind that i still get hit by a sorc's lightning anyday

  2. I love the higher skill cap.


    I love being able to 2 v 1.


    I love owning people.


    I feel like if they make us stronger then Marauders will turn into a "tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile" class.

    (I hope not)


    My opinion; leave them how they are, balance Operatives and Sorcerers.


    Video in signature is me fresh at Level 50 with only 1 piece of PvP gear (38 expertise).


    this video sucks *** completely.. the level 50s werent even in champion gear yet.. why dont you post the whole WZ and show exactly what goes on the entire match and show us why we dont need a buff and show us how long you can survive instead of posting some scrub kills. thanks.

  3. Wow you guys are clueless if you think the class is working as it should... Either that or you play an OP.....


    I am level 50 and i have been for some time....I have full tier 2 pvp and pve gear. I really dont understand how you can even argue that our damage in pvp is gimped.....We cannot put out EVEN CLOSE to the burst that other dps classes can and lets face it....Sustainable dmg is NOT optimal for pvp thats strictly pve....Why is that so hard to grasp?


    We have power techs who can not only nuke from far away but hit like *********** trucks...then u have the 6k critting stunning OP class OP, then u have mages who can just sit back and blow you up with ease....


    Our damage in pvp is very minimal in terms of burst....and we cant stay alive very long in fights either....Our cooldowns do not last very long and that means that after what 10 seconds or so of blowing all of our cds we die? Is that survivability in pvp? Sure you can argue that it is.....ExCEPT for the fact that we hit like *****es in pvp .....So by the time we have done even half the dmg an OP has done we are dead.


    Hell even a jugg smash on the ground does an instant 3k on me.....


    One last thing.....Why in the **** bioware.... does kick not work in PVP....Honestly why do you give us a move that does pretty hefty damage and we cannot use it in pvp...I mean we are a melee class we are in fights constantly and we are nuked down by every class that has a *********** stun or some way to CC us until we are dead.


    We basically cant pvp unless all our CDs are up and they are on long cool downs.



  4. OP, what level are you? Marauders really seem to get better as you approach 50.


    Also, know that Marauder is the hardest class to play in the game right now. If you're not using ALL of your abilities, and if you haven't read them carefully, then you won't be doing as well as you could. You really need to know when to use each one situationally, you CANNOT just do a simple rotation on this class or else you will have problems.


    Lots of people post Marauder is underpowered threads, and I used to think they were right, but some people are doing very well with the class, and I'm getting better fast as I approach 50.


    The talents you get deep in the tree in particular are really vital to your success in pvp.


    Use Quinn if you're having trouble, and just do solo quests and space battles to level. Don't pvp until you're high level or expect to have a hard time.


    If you're not game for that, then roll Juggernaut. Sorry.


    If you think LVL 50 PVP Marauders aren't underpowered your terribly mistaken. Yea Marauders are cool when you're playing against *******. Marauders are a hard class to play. When you're playing against decent players / or people with brains.. Don't see how you think losing 50% hp for 5 sec damage reduction outperforms other classes that can bubble heal snare you, and after you force charge toss you away or stun you and then do all that good stuff again. Force camouflage is pretty sweet you get to run somewhere for 30% faster for 4 secs if you're not slowed already or you get to hide for 4 secs while everyone else can heal. Oh and if you're talking about you do well cause you got a team of guildies all healing you then yeah cool story but not everyone plays with friends or guildies.

  5. Uhm, I go 80-0 in like every wz as marauder... or maybe 70-1 either way I have absolutely 0 problems with any class or mobility or slows or anything.


    i highly doubt that unless you are in a premade with really geared healers healing JUST you.and i like to see a full unedited video of you solo in a WZ where u go 80-0 against geared players to show how awesome marauders are that they don't need some kind of fix. k thx

  6. Most of my warzones involve other lvl 50's, fighting lvl 50's. My server had quite a lot of people level to 50 quickly. Please take your assuptions elsewhere.


    Sorcerors are easy if you know how to fight them, using Camo as a way to stop there casting and to help you get a suprise ravage on them helps at times. My biggest challenge are Powertechs and Vangaurds.


    sneak up to sorcerers? you do know our invis is only 4 secs right? and half the time you're already getting rocks thrown at you/lighting casted on you or missles flying at you anyway plus you have to fight your way through the stuns and tosses.. im glad you play against really pro awesome players that your 4 sec marauder invis can make you sneak up on a sorcerer with a brain that you can ravage root from a carnage tree and maybe it won't be interrupted or stunned or again, tossed.

  7. I can't remember the last time I felt so squishy/weak/useless in a game like now. There really have to come changes in Marauders/Sentinels.


    I come from World of Warcraft where I played hardcore pvp since 2006 and achieved many many high end ahievments and thought it was time for a switch, to a different MMO. I fell in love with SWTOR right at the moment I tried it out and knew it would have a lot of potentional.


    The thing is that the PVP system is so broken right now, that I literally wanna throw up.

    I have been through a lot and know that this game is only 1 month old and should have patience with it.


    The thing is that it has already been serval months since beta and there hasn't even changed one simple thing in Marauders/Sentinels. Right now the class is really at the bodum of the foodchain. Unbelievable how a full dps, not hybrid class can be so bad in an MMO.


    We literally have 0 CC/Stuns/Pushbacks/Offheals. I just love the feeling of being usefull in a Warzone/Battleground, but why on earth would you take a Marauder over any other class today in a pvp combat as part of your team?


    Any other Hybrid class can do atleast as much if not more damage than a Marauder + they have all those CC/Stuns/Pushbacks/Offheals.


    I really don't care about a little bit inbalance here and there, but when something is so damn obvious it just need to be spoken out asap.


    The thing that got me worry is that after so much time Bioware hasn't even taken the time to mention the situation of Marauders/Sentinels. I still cant believe why on earth would you give Marauders, the pure dps medium armor class such a low surviveabillity/mobillity and literally no CC at all?


    I know this may be another QQ thread like many others, but this has to be fixed once and for all.


    Sorry for my English.


    been playing exactly a month now.. spent all that time to get to 50.. and to pvp to get huttball 8/10 games just to get tossed off the platform in huttball, stunned, tossed, get to the bottom and get to the top again while every other class is pew pewing at you. thanks bioware for my 4 sec invis and -50% hp for 99% damage reduction for 5 secs or watever it is.. love you

  8. I'm guessing that applies to you only? Lolz.


    you must be playing with some morons on your server cause if you think we're not underpowered you're obviously retarded. oh and not everyone plays with a guild and has everyone healing them either making you the leetest marauder

  9. of course cause everyone else can heal, stun and toss you while we get a crappy 90% blind? and no form of life leech unless u go annihilation spec.. do do.. and i don't get these idiots going in the carnage tree and saying ohhh my ravage roots and owns in pvp.. anyone with a brain will interrupt you... i would rather have some sort of heal and toss (like every other class than warrior) than a 4 sec invis and 50% - HP for 99% reduction for 5 secs and not having a way to gain hp back. even assassins have dark charge.. but everyone cried about how op warriors are and look at sorcerers/sages now... going 80/0 in huttball
  10. 9th Decemeber her....


    Never ordering anything from zavvi again. Took over a week with 3 web notes and a phone call before i got my code. They suck hard.


    Lesson learnt the hard way :(


    I imagine there was a peak in orders at the begining of december? hence the small amount of days been added?


    dont blame zavvi.. blame the genius who stopped at 1 week to go

  11. I would like to take this time to explain to majority of the community a few things.


    3rd. Waves of invites.


    What SWTOR is doing here is actually pretty clever and you guys should support them on this! How many MMO's have you started on early release and couldn't even find a lvl 1 critter to kill because of the amount of people fighting for lvl 2! Be thankful because I promise you that if everyone was allowed in at once you would only be lvl 5 by the end of the night :D



    I don't think anything is clever. First off the website clearly said play the game 5 days earlier for months.. in the forums they said play up to 7 days earlier, check your emails.. now the website says pre-order now to play early, yet they still fail to write that you will be in a waiting list of when you redeemed your code...


    be thankful for what? waiting? gee if only waves of invites can play starting areas for Early Access, i wonder what it would be like the day the actual game is out in stores.. guess everyone will be level 5 according to your logic

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