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Posts posted by SentinelSoldier

  1. Ms. Bailey is in no hurry to work on Kira again.

    I looked at her career on IMDB and she is quite active in tv and video so it would make more sense to get a different voice actor to replace her. It would be nice to have the original but the story should not be on indefinite hold just because that person is not available. I figure the story could present Kira as being older which led to changes in her voice (as long as it is not a major difference from the original actor).

  2. Basically, the reason some of us are getting screwed over is because of a technical issue with group finder. It shows DAILY REWARD as green, but actually will not credit a player because of an open flashpoint (shown with red "X"). If I had known that then I would have done the one FP that was red before I wasted three days playing FP for no credit. I only found out when another player told me where to find the tracker and saw 0/3, INCOMPLETE after getting 3 FPs completed. Finally got one today after completing the open story FP from way back.
  3. I can say this story could use some refining. I did it on a Sith Assassin and got it done with 4x tries (Vaylin's cliff throwing did me in once and i tried to fight Arcann first cost me two times, but foruth time i focused on Vaylin and stayed out of super thrower circle).


    I next did it with my Jedi Shadow which took 10 mind-dumbing runs to get it right. This time I only had to take on Vaylin, but she was super-sized. I also was not aware that not being in the purple circle would cost me dearly (run 1-8). I took time to figure out how I did it right on the Sith which took me to staying close to Vaylin and running to green spots often. No 9 was nearly good until I just ran out of steam. The last run was pure focus on Vaylin, running at 1/2 strength for a green circle and never letting her do the beat-down moves. It is an unnecessarily aggravating mission with too many powers (being bounced like a ball for a good 30 seconds or stuns about every other second when trying to reach a green spot).


    It is doable as a solo, but it is just plain frustrating... spoiled my excitement to see the credits and hear the closing music... just wanted it to be done so I can forget about it.

  4. I am taking two character through KOTET; Sith Assassin and Jedi Shadow. I took my Sith through Chapter 9 and had only one or two problems (thrown off plateau and figuring out how to avoid getting thrown by Vaylin). my Sith actually had to fight both Arcann and Valyin, but that part wen rather well. Today, I took my Jedi into the fight, and this time I only have to face Vaylin since I made Arcann an ally. I expected some challenge with a one on one, but this fight is entirely imbalanced. The holds are much longer, the green recoveries are far fewer and they barely give me recovery. I was getting about full recovery for the Sith, but I see little to no recovery for the Jedi (one time I swear I saw my health go down after interacting with a green heal zone. I nearly came close to finishing, but then there wasn't a heal to be seen before I was beaten down. This story is just screwed up or really poorly balanced for all career/factions.
  5. Will Darth Sion (West) be available for transfer; it is as empty as many of the others, but it is not on the current list. I had a character on Kass City (East) just complete a transfer to a better server and want to have both characters on the same server. Tried to get an answer to the quest via CS and got back the standard "no answer" response. :rak_02:
  6. I thought about using the droid a few times since I have to go light-side to get the points, but I also find Mako to be a nice counter balance to my BH Assassin's dark mood. That conscience keeping my main character on the center line. Of course, when I got the end of the second hunt and had the guy tha Mako wanted revenge on, I let her decide on whether to go dark or be merciful... and she chose merciful, so I lost the cash bonus from the Hutt. It is all about how dark you wan to be, and I am not really that dark with my BH.
  7. I am glad I never read this before this specific mission; I did it yesterday with a level 25 Jedi Knight and was able to take him down on the first run (though Kira did get taken down, but lasted a good while). I used everything I had and had a some strength stim left over from earlier. I am guessing the key is the interrupts that I spammed during the fight. :o
  8. Yes things get expensive, but part of the game is managing your in game finances. I stopped sending my crew on missions at level 23 because I knew I would need 40k+ for training. I like the fact that I have to be wise with my credits.


    I thought this was Star Wars, not Accounting Wars... if I want to play a finance game then I'll do that with the stock market.

  9. Chuck Norris doesn't need a ship to fly FTL, he just looks at light and it stops and gets out of the way.


    Chuck Norris doesn't fly to other planets, the planets all come to him when he call them


    Before they said, "May the Force be with you," they use to say "May the Norris be with you." They had to change it because too many Jedi's brains melted after saying the sentence.


    Jedi and Sitlh stop fighting when Chuck Norris enter the room because their light sabers all call limp.


    The Death Star weapon was inspired by Chuck Norris' round-house kick, but the Empire could not make one powerful enough to blow up Gas Giants... like Chuck did in 2010: A Space Oddysey.

  10. I enjoy my JK, but the character is definitely unpowered or underrated compared to other skill groups. I can compare mine with the Assassin that I started as my second character. They are both at the same rank, but I find battling elite bosses with the Assassin to be much easier with the Assassin. It may be a matter that the gun fight keeps a distance from me and the threat, but I also think that the JK is not getting the kind of gear needed for a close fight and the critical abilities (accuracy and resolve) are not high enough for the JK. I seen too many fights when my JK was nearly victorious and then it just ran out of steam and the elite boss just beat him down. I shouldn't have to have a perfect fight to win, but I also don't want it to be a "cake walk". Of course the JK (the main image of SW) would be the most difficult to develop, but it should not be a lame duck for PVE (and I am sure the same can be said for PVP). Don't gimp the game, but give me a JK character that can do just as much as an Assassin.


    p.s. When my companion (a Padawan) has better offensive states than my character, then there is definitely something... not right.

  11. No, this is based mainly on the game play for my Jedi Sentinel. The game play for my Asssasin is nice, she is building up in power and wealth to meet the game requirements at her level. As for the Sentinel, I fill like I have to do more grinding and teaming up than should be necessary. The other issue is all the running around just to get from on location to another (this was mainly in the first two worlds.) The game has potential, but Bioware cannot sit on it laurels and let the game go stale. Listen to the players and spice/tweak it up to give it more life.
  12. I have a light character on Kaas City and a dark character on Dark Sion (had to use two servers since my first choice was full when I made the second one). Now I want to join guilds, but want to know something about the guilds on my server. Is there a way to get info or find out which guilds are recruiting (especially to know which ones match me play style)?
  13. Is there going to be an in-game guild directory? I would like to join a guild but I don't want to do it blindly or take the first offer that comes along. A directory that gives basic information on game style, population, level of group play and other information that tells a person about the benefits of joing a specific guild. Right now I am hesitant to send a pst to find out what guilds are recruiting on my server, but I sure would like to have the ability to see who is recruiting and what that guild is willing to do as a group (vs a bunch of single players with a shared bank).
  14. I decided to go back to my ship to just access my storage locker, but had to go through the ship launching and departing cut scene since the game treats any boarding of the ship as a plan to depart the planet. Then had to go through the landing on planet cut scene to get back off the ship. In reality, my character would have never went anywhere.


    The solution is to add a player option when boarding the the ship. "Board Ship and Launch" and "Board Ship", so the player doesn't have to go through the cut-scene just to use the resources on the ship.

  15. I have noticed twice (with two different characters) that the first mission after going to a different planet (ambush scenario) jumps right into the fight, but the scenario does not generate your companion. The fight ends up being greatly imbalanced. Twice I had the character die in the first attempt, but was able to win the fight the second time after calling up my companion.


    Bottom line, if you have an companion then the game should generate the companion before throwing you into a scripted fight scenario, since you don't give the player time to do it manually.

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