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Posts posted by myolinyr

  1. Boooooooth >:D


    I personally think making Jaesa romance-able to both sides would actually make your choices mean less. You go into the SW knowing that being good will not net you a romance with her but you want to have a romance with her. They're forcing you to pick a path and live with the choice, to strip away the consequence would make the choices you make up to that point meaningless. In my opinion.


    Also, as I said muuuuch earlier in this thread, good Jaesa would not engage in a romance strictly based upon the fact that she is still a jedi because you did not turn her. Think of her as "a jedi in the company of a sith" where as evil Jaesa gives into things like lust and greed thus making her...in some bizarre way, the perfect candidate for a relationship.


    Edited for your viewing pleasure.

  2. Why you haz to bee so eval, mang!? :eek:


    P.S. What kinda bacon? Crispy or Chewy?


    Boooooooth >:D


    I personally think making Jaesa romance-able to both sides would actually make your choices mean less. You go into the SW knowing that being good will not net you a romance with her but you want to have a romance with her. They're forcing you o pick a path and live with the choice, to strip away the consequence would make the choices you make up to that point meaningless. In my opinion.


    Also, as I said muuuuch earlier in this thread, good Jaesa would not engage in a romance strictly based upon the fact that she is still a jedi because you did not turn her. Think of her as "a jedi in the company of a sith" where as evil Jaesa gives into things like lust and greed thus making her...in some bizarre way, the perfect candidate for a relationship.

  3. Apparently you were away from the game for awhile. Hence why you'd even ask the questions you did. So, have you tried the legacy respec? Do you even know how it works? Your complaint about dual spec is so 2011. The game and the playerbase have moved on from that. Why haven't you?


    sounds like he's just crying to cry. obviously dual spec wasn't added and if he played the game for more than 3 seconds instead of running here to cry under the guise of asking a question, he would have known the answer.

  4. yeah this is exactly where i'm coming from, just hit 50 with an alt and i have 23+ missions in my log all of which are reasonably important. its just a bit dumb, i can see no reason for the cap.


    wow thanks for that nugget of genius there...... never thought of that.


    clearly you did not, or you wouldn't be having such a problem.

  5. After the update hit there were four people on fleet who purchased these mounts.


    I proceeded to poke fun at them a bit and then attempted to explain why spending $18.00 on a single mount might be one of the reasons Bioware is only updating the Cash Shop and not patching major issues or addressing PVP.


    No one cared.


    Bioware knows the mentality of its player base quite well it seems, a majority will glom onto the new shiny the moment it hits and drop extra money, completely ignoring their subscription fees and allowing the company to conveniently ignore major issues (such as PVP balance or the lightsaber bug) and use my subscription dollars to develop something they are then going to charge me extra for...


    Portents of the future in which we live in I am afraid.


    so....you're mad because you were being a jerk on the fleet and nobody cared to join you in harassing other people?

  6. I mentioned this quest before as an exception, it happend, but for sure there are also non force users who hunt civilians and murder them for fun, criminals in this or other form. and in my story

    Sith didnt get tagged but the loudy man.

    . Also, if the Sith were powerful and useful ( althou we dont know much about them, at least I dont know ) then sacrificing few citizens for sating their bloodlust is a rather fair price, althou it should be much better covered.


    and someone above said that Empire is dictatorship - Empire is a monarchy



    I tagged the d-bag Sith. Serves them right.


  7. when and where? from my playthros I can say that in fact there was one such accident. Siths generally dont wander cities seeking for victims, they dont even abuse that much power, and comparing to regular soldiers who kill theyr subordinates for failures I would say that they are rather balanced. Of course that they kill each other from time to time to get a better title or just to get ride of those they dislike but that is purely Sith Code, official relligion of the Sith Empire.


    what about that mission where the sith got tagged because they were hunting people down just because it was Tuesday?

  8. You are playing and paying a mmo to play starfox ?


    yeah I mean that is logical , let them have there P2W in starfox ...

    I am not using that part of the game at all , so if people do and are complaining ...

    there sure have a issue with themself .


    shhhh.... whiners gotta whine.

  9. . It's a reasonable complaint, not everyone likes blindly purchasing things.

    It really isn't reasonable at all. If you need the 5 days that badly then think like this : "I'm spending 10$ so I can play earlier. The 10$ is for early access and nothing else." You won't be disappointed that way. However, if the risk of getting shafted seems too big for you, then don't do it. It's really simple once you realize you can't have everything, all the time.


    Personally, I'm waiting. If the x-pac blows, I'm leaving the game and will have kept ten dollars.

  10. This has probably been stated multiple times and I don't know why people just don't listen:


    If you do not want to pre-order. Don't.


    Not only will it save you the worry of "zomg am I getting ripped of!?" But, if the content sucks, you can rest assured in knowing that you don't ever have to buy it, and you can give up on the game because that's the only way forward.


    Seriously people, this topic did not warrant this many threads.

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