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Posts posted by cantoo

  1. I am raiding for a challenge, 16man gives it - 8man doesn't.


    HM 16man TFB wasn't that hard... And I'm glad that NiM 16man EC is literally a nightmare so far. Mad props to those guilds that are sticking with it. It's a pain in the butt, but that's the way I like it.


    I agree that there is a disparity between the two raids but can one actually make 8man as hard or harder than a 16man group? It seems unlikely as 8 people are far more easily managed and its less strenuous on heals. I doubt this could be changed unless BioWare enforces that you ALWAYS bring one sub-par player, where their sole job is to get hit by a) red reticles (ZT), b) stand in the wrong shield (FB/SC), c) jump into red squares (CV), and d) AOE's under the purple shield (Kephess), and e) only use basic attacks. Unlikely.


    I think additional rewards (not just increased loot) would be awesome. A different title, an extra battle rez in the fight (please BW), extra chance on the tank mount, etc.

  2. <Eternal Hostility> of Jedi Covenant has killed the following:


    1st Boss of TfB killed September 26, 2012 @ 11:22 AST (September 27 @ 2:22 UTC)


    No SS of UTC actual time because we did not know to take it.


    2nd boss of TfB killed September 28, 2012 @ 04:17:51 UTC




  3. Hello,


    I briefly browsed the forums after hearing some disturbing news. Apparently, destination servers that fill up will be "shut off" from all server transfers once they have reached a certain capacity. This sounds smart in theory, but may cause an abundance of problems for guilds that are wishing to transfer as a group (over a period of time).


    Is there any truth to this? If so, what will Bioware be doing to allow guilds to stay together? In case someone isn't able to transfer at the same time as everyone else... and mistakenly becomes stuck on another server without any of his fellow guild mates.

  4. I play a guardian in PVP and I'm always on top of the objectives, and close to top in damage as Vigilance spec.


    My friend plays a guardian Focus specced and still gets double dmg on voidstar, with tons of protection, etc.


    Honestly, I think the guardian is fine for PVP.... Others may have a different opinion.

  5. Hi All,


    My guild is attempting 16man Nightmare Pilgrim tonight, and I went to check out where he is located before we attempted him. The "console" is not usable in an operation set to various difficulties.


    Does this mean he has been killed, or am I doing something wrong. I was under the impression that he can be summoned numerous times but players/guilds have a separate lockout on the boss. Do I need to have the alpha wave inhibitor buff on me?


    Any information would be greatly appreciated!

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