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Posts posted by BooBoy

  1. I have a lot of toons, and I don't want to grind obroan on all of them. I know that augments and stims make the biggest difference in pvp, so if i get full min/max conq with augments how big is the gear difference? and i'm just planing on taking this toons into regs and do a little solo ranked
  2. if they remove bolster they have to add recuit gear back into the game. so fresh 55s don't go and get annhilated instantly (I have a lot of tons who are below conq, even with bolster its hard to gear them, without it and without recuit gear it will be near impossible to do)
  3. nothing about space combat is remotely linked to real pvp.


    I took my characters through 55 levels learned all their skills and trees, counters to other skills and trees, and none of that applies whatsoever to space"pvp"


    because space "pvp" is a minigame that has nothing to do with the whole reason we have been playing the game for 2 years.


    Its a sideshow. Its pod racing with lasers.


    I disagree with tthis pvp means player vs player you are fighting other players in space pvp so there for it is pvp

  4. hello all,


    this is my first time posting on the thread what I wanted to do is give a place for people to form teams for ranked warzones and schedule them.... so if you want to forum a team post your Team name, people on your team, your server, and your team rating.

























    in case you don't know what I'm doing I'm going put the teams from team rating under the server names

  5. This game is fun. It just needs more content, so here is my suggestion for new content.


    Player vs. Player (PVP)


    For pvp there needs to be more warzones, not just regular warzones, huge ones (maybe 25v25) For example. The Battle for Corellia, where you can claim or destroy resources (For example bases, Turrets, War Droids, Arial bombardments, extra,) Doing things like this for every in-game planet, huge zones just to capture resources. Also open world pvp, Make more zones like the outlaws den on tatoonie, for everyone planet that allows bot fractions on it

    Also maybe make arena fights for 1v1 pvp and have anyone be able to watch (Such as on Nar Shadda for Hutt internment)


    Rolplaying (RP)

    RP to me is a very important part in MMO experience, so I belive that all emotes should have an action in game (For example, if you do /lay down you lay down.) Also there should be an option for voice acting conversations between players. My idea how to do that is when in there make an extra chat box for the in-game conversations, what you type in is what you and the other people hear.


    Ships (Spacecombat)

    Star Ships should feel like you home away form home. To me I don't spend anytime on my ship, Also companions should move around you ship, because it makes no since for Quinn just stands on the bridge all the time, also you should have the compaions look like there doing work, so it looks like Quinn is piloting, it looks like Doc Lokin is doing work rakgouls, so you companions aren't just standing there doing nothing at all, when you send your companions on crewskills they leave the ship. Now that I've babbled on about companions, lets go to the actual ship, You should be able to move around furniture, change the painting, hang posters up in your ship so that it does feel like a home away form home. You should be able to invite other players a board your ship for meetings. You should be able to put different chairing in you ship, Your companions should sit in chairs. You should make spacecombat more like Star Wars Battlefront where you control where your ship goes. You should be able just to wonder around the galaxy on your ship and float above planets, So if you want to watch the Corrilla war form you ship you could ! :D You should be able to bomb enemy bases form your ship. You should add in Ship Levels so by doing spacecombat your ship would level and that would be able to get High Powered Weapons and Armors, High-tech bombs (For destroying enemy's bases :D) You should be able to equip ZR-57s to your ship.


    Now that i've babbled on have fun reading it all I hope that this new stuff will come soon (Maybe 1,4?)

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