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Posts posted by Aerken

  1. That is just silly. Since you are getting in a few days later then you have decided is optimal, you want to quit entirely?


    Then you will get in LITERALLY infinitely later then you would have!!!!!!


    Seriously though, I think the launch is fine, I am a December 12 pre-order, so I will get in probably tomorrow. But you know what? I am fine with that. Because this game looks freaking amazing and I will enjoy it the moment I get it.


    If there is anyone out there playing now you should post your experiences, I want to be frothing at the mouth when I get to play. (No negativity, positive attitudes always make me enjoy things more)

  2. Seriously, I have bought all your games, some I liked more then others, but all of which I enjoyed. I am really looking forward to playing this one when it is my turn (Stupid me pre-ordered on December 10th because I forgot the launch was even happening. I am terrible at keeping up on stuff, I knew it somewhere in the back of my mind lol)


    Been watching lets plays though, and so far the game looks like KOTOR 3 + MMO.


    Which, in my opinion = AWESOME


    So I am excited.

  3. I am stuck on DSL at the moment, and am waiting for the game to download, it is taking a while, as I expected it too. I did not preorder till December though so I will not be in the game for a few days. So I am just curious how many files the launcher downloads, and how big they are.


    I am just about finished with a almost 13gb file called "Main assets 1"


    How many more like that are after it?

  4. Nah, there really are a lot of good sensible people who understand the Early Access directive and are sensible about it.


    They may not be posting here - but again that shows they are being sensible.


    Haha, but those are the emotionally well adjusted ones!


    Honestly, the only reason I posted is to kill time making fun of people who annoy me.


    This kind of thing happens at every single game launch, but I guess in this case it is better then most, no one is on the forums complaining that "THIS GAME SUCKS!!!!!@!!" or anything like that.


    It is better to have a feeding frenzy of people wanting to get in then ones doing their best to launch personal assaults on the dev team against their blood and sweat for the last few years.

  5. Have ever been to a Black Friday at Wal-Mart? It reminds me of this..


    Hahah! So true. It is honestly kind of disgusting. I love video games. Probably more then healthy actually. But seriously, since when did they, or any consumer good, become this big of a deal? It is as if when they do not get in first their life is over. There was even a thread named "Bioware Coverup"


    Like this is another watergate or something. Makes no sense to me.

  6. I mean seriously. What the hell internet. Since when did "up to 5 days" mean guaranteed access 7 days before?


    Turns out we are unable to see past our little lives and grow some patience or selflessness.


    As such, everyone who complains should be forced to play Sith. It would only make sense.



    Also, thank you for once again disproving every philosopher who thinks that humans are good inside.

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