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Posts posted by irRIVAL

  1. In my opinion Artifice is rather dissapointing. There are way to many sideways to get enhancments, hilts and mods so its not profitable nor usefull for my own char. I would love to see some "Artifice only" craftables like JC (the craftable relic with augment is nice tho). So it actually pays out to be a master of mods!


    Color crystals are selling rarely at my realm due the fact that most ppl wear the champion LS or just take the crystal from their old LS.


    Last but not least... I wish we had more patterns from drops. I guess we have to kill the world boss to get that magenta-one wich has got an 5% chance to drop the one you need. While I see patterns dropping for other crew skills alot in operations and hardmodes.


    I would go Biochem and get usefull things :p ... like most ppl do nowadays.

  2. Opening with Spinning Kick seems like a waste of CC, since you barely can hit 1x CS. Ill rather instantly open with 2x CS (wait abit.. incase they use resillience) -> Project with CD's -> Breach -> SS/Execute.


    At some situations ill put a low slash between my 2x CS and Project, just to get some distance and throw a force slow on him.


    If I run in to a healer + dps combo, ill open up on the dps with 2x CS and instantly swap to healer with the Project Breach. Keep the dps cc'd and dominate the healer. Since he is not expecting him to get damage ;>

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