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Posts posted by mmsock

  1. I just want to comment that there is one thing I really don't like about this faction choice. The choice that makes a difference for future reference is of course related to the companion matter.


    BTW if you're reading this and really don't know which companions are involved and also don't want to know, stop reading here.


    As a mostly imperial player who doesn't like the imperial companion choice I feel I am in a damned if do and damned if don't situation. Since I will choose Empire for my Imperial characters from a character story and background point of view I don't really feel this is much of a choice. So my Empire characters will choose Empire. However, I do not want the companion that comes with that choice. So I'd rather not do the story then get stuck with a companion I want dead. I'm really happy for all those who have a crush on him, but I am clearly not among them.


    Of course on my Republic characters there is a slightly different situation. I would normally pick Republic but on a couple of them that are rather DS, I could be tempted to side with the Empire...except, I don't want this companion so I won't.


    So Eric, I know we don't have full details yet but based on what I know at this stage, do you understand that I don't feel that this "choice" is really a choice simply because it's linked to a companion choice which is a matter of taste rather than story?


    I will accept that if you guys actually went the extra mile and say would allow a character to pull Elara back to the Empire for example that I would be impressed. But somehow I'm not holding my breath on that.


    But really, do you get that how much people like or dislike either of these two companions will trump the actual story choice? I really don't think that's to the benefit of the story myself.


    So I will not play an Empire character through this story until I know that I can choose Empire and reject the accompanying companion Quinn at the same time.


    This is the major problem with Iokath. People love/hate Elara/Quinn, and will prioritize that over story which BW claims to champion. We need the option to choose companion over faction at some point, or the ability to reset.

  2. Only created my JK a few days ago, did everything correctly storywise, but just got the bug. Try to start the 'talk to the council' part, and it just hangs there. Can not progress :confused:


    Edit: Had to reset and redo the mission a couple of times, but got it working. Try that if you get stuck.

  3. Many people in-game are complaining about this issue; It needs to be given high priority. Same thing is happening with player bars too like the cover bar for smugglers keeps popping up even if you disable it in options.
  4. I have both worked at Disneyland (ahh, those highschool days. Disneyland even had an aracde!)


    Same here. Started at Tomorrowland Terace my senior year of high school, and worked at several locations. We'd get off work and go into the park for the night. Plus they used to give us a couple dozen free passes per season for friends at that time. We were the first ones to ride Splash Mountain too. Even though they never fit properly, the costumes we wore at the Space Place were awesome :p

  5. Every profession should have unique items that only the crafter can use, so the best pots only for yourself isn't that a big issue to me. People will use products you can sell, and you make implants that everyone will want also.
  6. Now that I think about it, I really don't think many people out here have one. Aren't they used for tornado shelter or something?


    I lived in Texas a few years, and since the only natural disaster training I ever got in school was earthquake drills, when tornado season came around and we almost got hit by one, I had NO IDEA what to do. I told someone I was going to duck and cover and they told me I was an idiot.


    I grew up in Illinois, and during tornado season, when you saw people running, you knew to head for the basement.


    Here in Cali, we deal with earthquakes which is different because the entire city shakes. Everyone (rightfully) panics, and those that claim to be calm and resourceful are full of bantha poodoo.

  7. If the tank dies, it's your fault.

    If the healer dies, it's the tank's fault.

    If the DPS die, it's their own dang fault. ;)


    After years of different MMOs my anecdotal experience is wipes are the cause of:


    Healers: 10%

    Tanks: 20%

    DPS: 70%


    Far as advice goes: Manage your force points, relying on HoTs as much as possible. Always keep stocked with stims/med packs etc. They really do make a difference when the bantha poodoo hits the ventilator. Most importantly, monitor your own health. Like others have said, it's easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to protect yourself. Good luck.

  8. If you can't save up $5 for a pre-order then you shouldn't be playing a MMO, you should be getting a job.


    Thanks for the ignorant condescension. Pre-orders are authorized for the entire price up to a few days, depending on your financial institution. Some people with families and jobs like me have to save a little for purchases. Food and electricity come before video games in the real world, jerk.

  9. Crew assignments have time to complete requirements. Once you send them out to work, they won't return until the time has elapsed. This time does run while you're off doing other things or not even logged in. You can give your orders, log off for the night, and return the next day with the tasks complete. This is the same if you're logged into a different character: The clock is still running, and they're still working. Hope that answers your question.
  10. I'm curious about this issue as well. I'm always a healer in games, Sage here. In WoW, I'm a discipline priest with alchemy/herbalism, and always had a supply of potions to dispense for various situations. My question is how diverse and necessary are the Biochem products in game? Are they important and needed enough that keeping them handy for others is worth the effort?
  11. Simple but important question: Which color of lightsaber will you wield?


    Vintage Blue

    Empyrean Cyan

    Foliage Green

    Iniquitous Red (traitors :p)

    Noble Violet

    Radiant Yellow

    Scintillant White


    As a Sage, I'm going with splendorous yellow. It captures the symbolic life giving brilliance and basking warm unity of an archetypal sun. Seems to embody the demeanor and dignity a Sage brings.

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