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Posts posted by Jandi

  1. I already did. It's called Force Blast. Which is a very powerful application of the force and is considered to be a form of sorcery. Regardless, I can throw the same statement back in another light. Call me when Nox does something impressive with a lightsaber. ;) Regardless, it doesn't matter. Power wise Nox and Wrath are about equal. They each have access to very powerful force attacks and they're both have quite a list of accomplishments in their own right.


    Power aside Nox has a stronger power base canon wise. The warrior has practically no power base if the dark side version of him is canon.


    You don't need impressive lightsaber tricks when you can become invisible and shove a ligthsaber up someone backside. ;)


    Had to do some searching, but to illustrate my point, skip to 2:40


    Easily the best scene in the entire CW :D

  2. Any decision BW makes in this game is going to have detractors, if they felt the need to respond every time they saw that "Hey, there are some people on the forums who are upset about this!" then they would still be going 'round and 'round with posters over Ranked PVP being 4v4, or the Discipline System replacing Skill Trees, or heck even the F2P option/CM being added.


    Sometimes their policy is: "We are making a change. We'll announce it. We'll let people express their opinions of it on the forums. But unless we decide to make further changes or we have new information, we won't get involved anymore in that discussion ourselves."


    Continuing to reiterate or justify their decisions may placate [X] number of players, but it also may just draw out the acrimony and upset [Y] number of players. If they think [Y] > [X], it's probably a good policy to not participate in the players' discussions (at least until there is new info to share or another change in the works).


    Someone who gets it.



  3. Fem revan could get it on with that one one cathar Jedi chick in kotor juani or something I think was her name.


    Correction, were *supposed* to be able to, but it was pulled yet some of the files still remained, so the fact that it was possible is evident. You actually can't though.

  4. OMG, you couldn't be more incorrect imo....you feel how you do, I'm not trying to change your opinion, but...I would do anything to get my customers running to my forums, debating my products, getting emotional over my products and telling me easy ways I could make my products better so that they became even MORE invested in my products.


    We view this from entirely different angels Jandi. I think players speaking up and taking their own time to tell EA/Bioware what they want is a helluva good thing that should be appreciated and exploited, not bad in any way.


    I agree.


    However, they way so many go about it is just asinine.

  5. Yeah, well, like it or not, they are still the consumers of this product, so no matter how much YOU despise them, they serve a very real purpose.


    And if that's truly how you feel about the forums, why are you here? There's nobody here I'd be afraid to debate with and no topic I wouldn't tackle if asked about it. I don't think this community is all that bad at all...I've seen far worse and some slightly better...but I sure as hell don't classify these people how you do.


    You remember the thread about ranked warzones and that's really all that needs to be said.

  6. If this is accurate, then his judgement is questionable. And I suspect that since he can be bothered to prattle about some meaningless streaming nonsense, he has the time to keep us updated on what is evidently a significant concern of ours.


    How this is such a complex concept, is beyond me.


    Assumptions, hyperbole and throw in some inaccurate statements.


    Well done.

  7. I was under the impression he was the Community Manager, not just the Community Request Delivery Guy...I would think some of his job duties would include keeping the community informed.


    You'd be wrong. That's exactly his job, Request Delivery Guy. He posts pre-approved PR messages every now and then, but that's about it. We used to have more free posting by BW staff and you know full well how that turned out. Nothing but pages after pages of flaming, harassment and personal attacks.


    If you wonder why they don't post, look at your "community" and see what a *********** cesspit of human garbage it really is.

  8. Exactly. If my job was to answer those angry emails, I'd do so with a smile and do it every day. If the anger and criticism was valid, I'd do my best to assure my angry customers that that's not typical of us (assuming it's a business) and that we were striving to do better.


    Except that, it's NOT Erics job to answer to posts, it's his job to forward things he deems worth forwarding and nothing else.


    If you want to contact customer support, open a ticket about it. THOSE people will always answer, eventually.


    How is this such a complex concept, is beyond me.

  9. It is very unlikely that those players affected by the slot machine nerf episode will ever see an official apology.


    I've never in my entire life seen a sincere "official apology" about anything. Why people keep demanding such worthless and false admissions is beyond me. It's like screaming "LIE TO ME AND I'LL BE HAPPY!"




    Either you accept that they made a huge blunder and let it go, or you don't and you take your ball and go home.

  10. This thread went from a thoughtful yet futile attempt to terminate gold spammers to a potential

    horror story in the making.


    I'm out of here.:eek:


    Thoughtful? Do you even understand what that word means? Cause the first post is everything but. It's completely LACKING in thought.


    What you're looking for is "well intended".

  11. Oh dear...


    OP, the dev team hasn't posted on these forums for YEARS. What Eric does is forward constructive feedback to the devs, but the devs have better things to do than listen to people cry and moan, like... you know, do their job and work on the actual game?

  12. I believe everyone's overlooking a very important fact that's going to blow this case wide open:


    Wrath can turn his Jedi companion to the dark side, Nox, master of cunning and manipulation of both enemies and allies alike, is unable to turn a mere padawan to the dark side.


    Open and shut case, take 'em away boys.


    Yeah and it has nothing to do with the fact that the Companion storylines were discontinued and both Ashara and Xaleks stories just end abrubtly for no reason.


    Also, Ashara has a spine. Jaessa is a wimpering tool.

  13. It's uncanny the amount of people "unsubbing" (Doubtful) over their instant Materials machine being nerfed.


    Please tell me "But it was fun!!!!111" or some other silly excuse your addict mind is trying to convince you of as to

    why they should have kept it spitting out (basically) credits.


    I don't think it's just the slot machine. The atmosphere in-game seems to indicate that people are tired of so many bugged/unpolished features in addition to BW constantly making blunders like the machine and apparently never learning from their own mistakes.


    To me, it looks like people are losing faith in the product as a whole and the issues in the game have reached a tipping point.


    I unsubbed due to the laughable amount of content SoR came with, way before I even knew the slot machine was going to be a thing.

  14. No, your English is fine. If someone has a problem reading it, then it's their own lack of understanding and not your.

    A few mistakes are common, who cares about a making every word correct? It's an online forum after all.


    And well, the SI master the Force in most ways, as we can see by how he's "crushing" Thanaton when Thanaton charged him, and he can no doubt choke people with ease. If you can push a Dark Council member to the grown when he's trying to charge you, then choking someone would be a piece of cake. After all, the SI does know the force much, much more than the SW. That's a fact obviously, as he does spend his life to improve on those aspects, through ritualts and excercise, through looking for secret knowledge, while the Wrath only focuses on his "raw strenght", much like Lord Rathari.


    As I said earlier, I see the SW more like Bane and the SI more like Zannah. Bane could throw force lightning around with ease, he just preferred to use his size and lifetime of hard labour as his deadliest weapon.


    Zannah could go toe to teo with Jedi Masters with a lightsaber if she had to, but her true strenght lay in Sith Sorcery, like the Sorcerer.

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