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Posts posted by Bytemite

  1. I always just assumed that the Knight was part of large groups of students training under lots of instructors at other academies. Before coming to Tython they had never actually been singled out by a particular Jedi to take on as a padawan.


    Since I think you have to be a padawan and have a particular master in order to receive instruction on objectives for your trial, the plan for those without a master that late in the training process is to probably run around the galaxy as necessary helping other Jedi indefinitely until one of them takes them on. And some of them probably never get a master, and so never become padawan or full knights.


    And since selecting a padawan appears to involve some degree of intuition through the force, it's not unreasonable that the Knight might even have impressed some of the other Jedi with their fighting prowess and they'd considered taking them as a padawan, but they had a feeling that the Knight was meant for other things.


    The Consular has Master Yuon from the very beginning.

  2. Play as you wish.


    Republic light side (Jedi stereotype) is pretty different from Empire light side (Honor & For the Empire) opposed to dark ones witch are always in personal goals and kill them all.


    This doesn't mean most of the choices (more in side quests) aren't pretty stupid.


    Very good single one in Trooper story, some very good ones in Agent story, SW can flow both ways (light could troll Baras to the limit), SI have some weird points but pretty viable both sides. JC just doesn't seem right in dark but can be done, JK could shine in both ways (after story turn in chapter 2), Smuggler is more about laugh than light/dark - but viable both ways.


    Yes, I think this. There hasn't been a story choice I've made yet that I couldn't come up with a viable alignment oriented explanation for the character. It's easiest for Republic characters if you're a bit honor before reason and make the dumb choices just because you refuse to compromise your principles out of pragmatism. I only ever got dark side points once on my Trooper, because even I couldn't just let a mass-murderer go, and the only other option the game provided was to shoot them.


    The imperial characters are more nuanced, but you can still play against the stereotype pretty well.


    Sith Warrior you can play LS as deliberately building pragmatic alliances, sparing "worthy" opponents who have "earned" their survival, and also kind of an arrogant "above all this petty in-squabbling and pointless cruelty, I'll do what I want how I want to, and just try and stop me," and it works. Still Sith in attitude and philosophy, and actually still kind of a jerk, but LS in action.


    Sith Inquisitor makes some sense if you look at it as taking LS actions out of spite for the alternative. Because of the backstory motivation and because DS is what everyone expects.


    And LS BH can work if you play the character as trying to live up to Braden's name and style, like someone else already said. A professional who sees the job as more being a problem solver.


    Agent as already said can work with lots of different alignments because it has more story branches than any of the other class stories.

  3. Unless it's a lightsaber that has an inner activation switch that can only be activated by usage of the Force, anyone can use a lightsaber.


    I can't say as to whether all lightsabers are built to automatically channel ambient force as part of the energy circuit, but considering the last trial of constructing a lightsaber that most prospective knights undergo, I'd think that personalized lightsabers probably do use a bit of a force fingerprinting. The traditional method of activating those for the first time is to channel the force through it, and if you can do it, congrats, you're a knight.


    But there are also training lightsabers that are used by younger students and padawan (very young force sensitives use non-lethal training sabers that just kinda sting or numb the nerves) that may not have that restriction. It's possible Obi Wan kept such a lightsaber that Anakin trained with, intending to train Luke with it. Perhaps that's why Han could use that lightsaber.

  4. Well, the Power Guards appear as defenders on the desolator... And then never appear anywhere else, and are pretty much just as easy to defeat as any other kited out tech or armor user in the verse.


    But the sniper thing was actually converted into a payload delivery method to hit planets long distance with all the other effects, like the ion storm that locked down Coruscant and the drilling into the planet core to unleash a firestorm and break the whole world apart.


    So really it's only the power guards that don't really get used. And all the other weapons I felt like they actually did a good job keeping me playing because of the individual threat they all represented. Then put them together and you have something that I think resulted in one of the more impressive cutscenes I've seen in the game.


    And even if the power guard thing didn't really fit with the rest of the chapter story, I felt pretty bad for Galen.


    I'm not really sure what other story you could WANT for a Jedi Knight. They're not Jedi Consulars, or diplomats, they hit threats with lightsabers until threats cease to be dangerous. And to my recollection the original Star Wars trilogy was all about a Knight in training taking out the same world destroying weapon... Twice. Talk about repetition.

  5. Aren't you basically arguing against the very notion of enforcing any sort of peaceful law at all, instead of using the Jedi specifically to enforce such a law?


    Simply apply the same argument to the police forces, or to the military: why train somebody in the use of firearms or martial arts or what have you in order to keep the peace, when the mere act of training someone to do that makes them more dangerous?


    There's nothing really Jedi-specific in what you're talking about.


    Yeah, basically. The thing is I think they probably should be trained and should have the guidelines, if only for their own personal lives and self-defense and safety. And if people want to put having relationships on the same level of danger and corruption as the abilities they use to make war, then they really should be consistent with the rules and guidance. As I said, it seems like such a skewed sense of priorities that it's almost comical, and does make the Jedi seem like scared overvigilant jittery old hens.


    Plus you're talking to an avowed anarchist here - I actually believe that if you remove the power hierarchies from society you will no longer HAVE war on the scale we're talking about, because there will be no organizations large enough to recruit to the extent necessary to maintain such a war. Conflict will exist and will ALWAYS exist, but if you limit the scale you limit the damage.


    Although you'd have to have at least small scale democracy or some sort of cooperative collective thing going on, or it all goes to hell in a handbasket mega-fast.


    Anyway. My biggest problem with the Jedi is that they're a religious AUTHORITY, with all the problems that come with giving a group of people authority over others, or them thinking they SHOULD exert that authority over other people. The Jedi are judgmental and perpetuate violence and warfare and enforce an unnatural set of rules on people despite their statements that they're acting on behalf of restoring peace. It is my view that with their existing viewpoints and inability to coexist with differing philosophies that they can never actually establish peace, and that they actually bring about a lot of the conflict that they purportedly wish to avoid on themselves.


    I don't necessarily have qualms about helping such organizations in the real-world, assuming they're still well-meaning and actually are managing, in their limited short-sighted capacity, to do SOME good, but I'm not exactly going to be first in line as a convert or a recruit either. And If they're misusing power, I tend to prefer they don't do anything at all, via obstacles and so forth.

  6. Sorry, that was a bit of a rant.


    But the point is, I would think using these people to fight wars or be police would far outstrip any of the other possible temptations/dangers of the darkside that might exist for them. In fact the argument against those other possible dangers seems to be that it would impair their ability to be soldiers and/or police.


    Yet, if they weren't warrior police trained in deadly and destructive and mind-altering abilities, those other dangers would not be quite so dangerous. And if they could only use the non-destructive abilities, training the destructive potential out of them, they'd be only so dangerous as normal non-force sensitives.


    They're trusted with the responsibility to kill, but they're not trusted with responsibility for their own lives. The priorities seem a little out of whack.

  7. Well, both orders have a whole heaping lot of hypocrisy going on. The Sith believe in the ultimate freedom of the self - which they believe they obtain by stepping on everyone else around them in a social darwinist fashion. Of course the not-so-tiny problem with this is that it means that while a few of them do end up top dogs, ALL of them actually are in chains. The apprentices are slaves to their lords and masters, the lords are slaves to the dark council, the dark council obeys the Emperor, and all of them are pretty much in constant fear of dying or being killed. They all hold each other back from obtaining more power or developing their abilities, because they are in direct, deadly competition with each other.


    The Sith warrior pretty eloquently points this out when they become Darth Baras' apprentice. They realized that they've not so much broken their chains so much as transferred them to someone else. The same holds true later on as well.


    I'm not sure there ever was a time when the Sith represented the ultimate free chaotic society they strive for. Even as the Red Sith, they had a highly stratified and cutthroat society.


    And the JEDI. Whoo boy, the Jedi. While objectively you can make the argument that they're less utterly INSANE than the Sith, as well as generally more productive members of their particular culture/nation, they are also completely obsessed with good and evil and absolutes. They're as guilty as the Sith in perpetuating long intergalactic wars - they're a martial philosophy, after all - and for all that they are actually more life-affirming than the Sith, they also kill people to maintain peace and order. Which is as self-sabotaging and contradicting a peacekeeping method as I've ever seen, and is exactly how you create these long standing philosophy blood feuds like they have with the Sith.


    We have all this argument about how the Jedi and force sensitives are so dangerous - and they ARE, untrained or if they misuse their innate abilities - but aren't they actually TRAINING themselves in abilities that MAKE them dangerous? It's one thing to learn to stop yourself from accidentally mind controlling everyone around you. It's another thing to learn how to purposefully do it at will. And then they make up all these guidelines about using their dangerous abilities safely instead of just banning those abilities. You can see where I'm going with this.


    So here we have a bunch of religious philosophy types running around, some more moderate than others. The fanatics and zealots of this order are unbelievably dangerous, and prone to "ends justify the means/for the greater good" thinking styles. They are taught adherence to their philosophy, to the point of harsh judgement against and mistrust of differing philosophies.They are often powerful healers or empaths or have strong enough telekinetic ability that they could level BUILDINGS with just their minds. They deal with far more sensory and emotional input than their species is normally evolved to handle.


    And the best thing the Republic can come up with is,"let's use them as police and to fight WARS!"


    *Face palm* Great plan, guys.


    They could be tyrants as easily as the Sith, just in a different way. Before becoming Sith himself, Anakin was the perfect example of this. And that's only the TIP of what's wrong with the Jedi Order. There is so much in there that is utterly counterproductive if the end purpose is to create emotionally stable people who can be trusted to not misuse their powers. Because ultimately, that's not the purpose. The purpose is actually to create weapons and soldiers. That some Jedi become researchers or healers seems to be the exception to the overwhelming emphasis on martial training.

  8. But had he been born on Kuat, Corellia or any Republic planet his mother would of been contacted instantly.


    Mostly. But Corellia has it's own order, which actually isn't quite so restrictive. Members of the Green Jedi don't ever really leave Corellia, but they're allowed to have friends and family and form attachments.

  9. I, Jedi is pretty good, and I like how it fills in some of the plot holes of other stories written in that time frame. But there's a lot of that one that wouldn't really make much sense without reading the Rogue Squadron series or the Thrawn Trilogy. And those have pretty much nothing to do with Jedi, though they do make the average non-force powered citizens and military stuff really interesting.


    As such I wouldn't really recommend that one as a resource for understanding Sith versus Jedi philosophy, which is what I think the original question was asking about.


    Revan is... Well, it provides insights into the swtor story, but also not one I'd recommend as a Jedi/Sith primer. Book of the Sith would be good, or Darth Bane books as previously mentioned. Kotor 1 and 2 are also excellent and illustrative of force powers and the dichotomy between Sith and Jedi, but I'm only experienced with the games, not the comics.

  10. You oversimplify asexuals. Some asexuals are indeed aromantic too... but there are also heteroromantic, homoromantic, or bi-romantic asexuals. Romance and sex are not necessarily linked to each other for everyone.



    As an asexual, it took me a long time to not see these companion romance things as kinda weird and unsettling. And it didn't help that my first character was fem smuggler and I had Corso dumped on me right away setting off all my "UGH NO" reactions.


    But I actually realized as I was playing my Jedi Knight that my character isn't really me, and that in the circumstances my character actually would get involved with another character. And then I just treated all that stuff as kinda like watching a movie about someone else.


    Most of the time though, I find romantic interactions or even just sentimentalism or friendly gestures of affection to be just as off-putting as full-on physical contact and all the other stuff.


    Other experiences may vary.

  11. There are some exceptions for the jedi. If I am remembering right one of the members of the Jedi Council during the clone wars is actually married with multiple wives, because of the huge disproportion in the male to female ratio in his species.


    Yep. Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. Also interesting in that when he was first seated on the Council, he wasn't a Master yet. Also interesting in that his entire family was killed at one point in the Clone Wars, but he committed himself more strongly to the Jedi Order. Basically a mirror contrast to Anakin.

  12. Since the same gender romance option will be available soon (at last!) I've been wandering how bioware will accurately show same gender romance. I'm all for same gender romance, and i think that people who don't like it are pretty ignorant but at the same time i don't think that making every romance option in the game bisexual is the right way to do it since some of the characters (like Risha for the smuggler) don't seem all that bisexual. So does anyone know how it'll be done, or if I'm right in thinking that they'll make every romance interest bisexual?


    While I think that would make the SGR fans happiest, it would be a massive amount of work. Unless they already had some SGR lines they recorded that never made it to final, or they add SGR options to the end of the existing character conversations in some distant expansion - but that's still sixteen characters to add 2-5 cutscenes between each.


    They'd probably choose only a few companions for each faction. Kaliyo is an obvious one - her conversations with the female IA are already a little bit charged. Less certain about other ones.

  13. Who or What is "Revan"? I hear his name alot, who is this "Revan"?


    Revan was a main character in the first Kotor game and kind of a big deal. All Bioware Star Wars games since then at least have some references in there.


    All you need to know that isn't spoilers is Revan was a Jedi then a Sith, and tried to walk kind of a grey path between the two. Revan also launched a war against the Republic, theoretically to prepare them for a much worse future war. Whether the method and philosophy was successful depends on the point of view and who's asking, though probably most would agree that a dark side influence overtook Revan in the end.

  14. Yeah, uh. Sacrificing other people is totally a light side thing to do.


    The Sith aren't at all heroic, really, but you can at least play a villain who doesn't waste their time with putting down slave revolts that your character probably wouldn't even look twice at, let alone consider them a worthwhile challenge.

  15. The poisoning water quest is not a class quest so you can skip the bejesus out of that, and most of the class quests give you a lightsided way out.


    I have not done that quest on any of my Imperial characters. Not only is it sadistic, it's also stupid, impractical, and a waste of workers.


    If you want to play Sith, then don't let psychopath NPCs skeeve you out from enjoying that storyline or the atmosphere.

  16. It is very sad that we generally have given up on this. Right beyond our own atmosphere are the answers to almost every major problem that plagues us from energy production, to pollution, to over population. If even the systems we have in place were "truly" capitalist- working towards maximum long term profitability, we would at least have a working prototype for near earth object mining. Not only would that bring untold riches but on a massive scale it would greatly decrease the chance of a neo ever making catastrophic contact with our planet. So so many steps like that which we can take, we would profit greatly as individuals and as a species by taking, but for some reason we don't.


    This, so much this.


    There are some obvious reasons why we aren't though - the sheer cost and fuel that it takes to get something into space by the conventional way for one. But also because of corporate/government interests, control of consumers, and concerns over supply and demand on the global economic market. Very short sighted, yet money talks, so various interests deliberately keep space exploration down.


    I am almost certain that groups who are pursuing it now actually have no intention of following through, just to put the nail in the coffin and convince everyone that it really can't be done. And with that, so ends the species.

  17. Only muppets watch dubbed anime. It's a crime against the original artists.


    Perspective: Hentai Doujinshi is a crime against everyone. But it's legally produced in Japan.


    Dubbed anime doesn't really register on the scale of horrors, in part because Japan doesn't really have copyright laws like the US does. You might object to the corporate influences that distribute here and produce the official dubs, but ultimately it may be the only way to get official versions of a show here.


    Also fan subs tend to misunderstand a lot of what's going on because people have too much confidence in how well they understand Japanese, or you get the people who try to keep everything exact even when Japanese culture and jokes don't always translate into English just because they're otaku who think Japanese is always better.


    blah blah blah TL;DR: sub versus dub arguments = thread derailment go

  18. > Especially when their stated stance is that they won't add story content to the cartel market.


    Wow, they probably shouldn't have made that promise. Subscribers are going going to flip tables if Bioware introduces SGR options for companions and/or new cartel companions and calls it a player customization instead of story content. There's already precedence here for cartel companions with HK.


    Statements like that tend to fall through as soon as a business realizes people will pay for something.


    It's like if a company puts out a well received graphics capability demo and people start asking when they can buy the game and reps say they have no plans for a game based on the demo. If they're not deaf, blind, or incompetent, you can start your watches and give it about two years.

  19. Yes, and I still think those actions could actually in most cases and for most people simply be neutral unless there is emotion and intent behind them which is why the Jedi strive to be dispassionate since if they never feel they never fall.


    (Winging it now) maybe the Jedi could in the most cases be considered neutral utilising light side as oppose to pure light, light side would be the few altruistic individuals who use power to help others and often fall to the dark side as a consequence since the helping takes a back seat to the power used to help.


    Could be. Although I might use if/when instead of since.


    Luke thinks all Jedi eventually fall to the dark side and redeem themselves in the EU, and his interest with his new order is limiting the repercussions. At least that's what I remember, but maybe he grows out of that point of view later. He says that opinion after his own fall to the dark side then redemption, might colour his perception.

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