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Posts posted by CrackrJakz

  1. bioware thinks its ok that you have should have to grind in huttball 500000 times to get enough commendations for gear against premades, you can no longer just do a daily and have a chance for gear/get gear stedaly


    i advise have fun geting your gear whill you can because when this change goes live you can expect VERY long queues because people are seriously SICK of grinding huttball, id rather get 30 amaments a day instead of do another huttball match, and once bioware deems to take that away i will stop pvping for good in this game


    I actually laughed.

  2. I play a Trooper, Assault. Why should you have a get out of jail free card. I dont and I also dont have as much CC. Like I said I hate complaining. Im just mad about it, not calling for a nerf. If it gets to bad ill just roll a stealthy myself.


    Troopers complaining about stealthers?


    Did pigs start flying this morning?

  3. I can't believe some many people have a hate on for the pvp armor but there have only be one or two mentions of the 'bull and bandages' look.


    I think barring maybe the trooper, the assassin has the absolute worst endgame gear in the game. It makes the pvp gear look downright attractive.


    ^^ This... the pvp armor I can deal with. Whoever designed the pve armor was trolling us hard.

  4. Not everyone participated in Illum crap. Thankfully, that did not even happen on our server.


    Yea true that... I got got lvl 53 and 54 the day of patch 1.1 and didn't go back 'sept for the daily/weekly after that.


    Ilum... can't stand it.

  5. It's not that hard to get a mix of cent/champ gear...


    Believe it or not, a skilled player in cent/champ can take down a not so skilled player in full bm and even a skilled player in full bm... I've done it and seen it.


    What about this is hard to understand?


    You really think that most of the scrubs that got BM after 1.1 are good? Who cares if they're in better gear... not too hard to beat.

  6. They just need to remove the stat altogether, and make the pvp gear tiers the same as pve tiers. Done, no more whining from the pvp'ers about pve raiders coming to roll their faces with their elite gear.


    If they nerf the stat all together, then they need to mirror pvp gear with pve gear, period.


    If this doesn't happen, pvp gear will be worthless and folks will be rolling around in rakata in wz's.


    Then, the people that don't have the means to get rakata, will scream "NERF" and the cycle will repeat itself.



    Y'all need to wake up. Nerfing pvp gear means nothing.. there will always be people with better gear than you have, and the same people will always cry about how unfair it is when they get rolled in pug wz's 20 times in a row.



    Oh.. and one more thing.... It always boggles my mind when I hear people that used to play games like swg (which i did) crying about how gear shouldn't matter because it didn't matter when they played galaxies pre-cu. ARE YOU KIDDING ME, GEAR DIDN'T MATTER REALLY!?!?!?!!?


    How about a stun baton that would drain all of your mind in 2 hits.


    Yeah, gear didn't matter.



    People on these forums are so fail.

  7. so they claimed to have fixed the problem of WZs not counting with the most recent patch...

    they are still not counting.


    they claimed to fix it in last weeks patch as well...


    QFE.... so fail bw, so fail

    WZ d/c

    yeah it only started happening for me very recently... quite a pain, especially when i'm in winning wz's.... got d/c yesterday with 10 seconds left in huttball. so fail.

    WZ d/c

    Anybody else noticing a lot more d/c in wz's since yesterday's patch?


    I think I had d/c a total of 2 times since starting the game in early access. I've had 6 or 7 d/c in wz's just yesterday alone.



    Anyway, just curious if this is a widespread problem or not.



  8. A player ( am I able to state his name? ), a commando, lvl'd from AFK'ing in warzones from 10-37.


    How do I know? Myself, along with every republic pvper on "Infinite Empire" added him on our friends list, and made multiple tickets + screenshots/emails to the support team.


    Yet he remains in game. It seems he now plays, and when people sware/cuss him out during warzones, he claims he called BW, and that everything he did is all right, and it seems he has not had any repercussions..


    So...should I log on right now and AFK warzones while i study?


    Working as intended.

  9. Translation: I don't want to do the work because then I'd have to get gear at 50, and that's no fun. Here, I can max my gear at 49, have a ridiculous amount of HP and power, and go back to squashing level 10s without any challenge. And if anyone complains about what I'm doing, I'll just tell them "get to level 49 or stop playing." ;)




    Thank you for the translation knife... Port Nowhere win.

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