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Posts posted by Zhaaratustra

  1. And please stop using the argument "I don't understand the math and math doesn't matter in a real fight", the entire defense system and the damage bosses do is based on models which include that math.


    That'sfunny since I prefer to follow my own practice experiences rather then theoretical math It must be that I don't understand that math. Nice insult, keep telling it because it must be true, can't be that someone ignores the glorious shine of the math.

  2. As for the ptech defense question, they don't always. But, some attacks can't be shielded. It's in those fights that a little extra defense can save your life, because instead of taking the full brunt of the attack, you take nothing. Look at Operations Chief's terminate. It's why Jugg tanks are so broken there. Terminate can be shielded, sure. But, it still hits decently hard. Whereas a Jugg tank will reflect one, Saber Ward the other, then Reflect the third. His Terminate, the bane of the sin tank, will do exactly 0 damage to a jugg, because of defense.


    It's not a question it's a decision made by me and I'm fully aware of the cosequences. I rather make my healers happy while the overall damage taken is less then to be spiky. Attacks that can't be shielded can't be defended either so this argument is obiously false, added to this more attacks can be shielded then defended. Sure it's nice to avoid one of this hard hitting abilities, but since your healers are on you anyways I prefer not to get them heart attacks while dropping to quick to low.


    For the relict it's also a decision made by me. I value around 1k absorb once every 40 secs as nearly useless given the overall damage a tank gets during this time even if it's guaranteed.

    If other people thinks this new relict will be BiS because of some math more power to them.

  3. It absorbs just the fixed value one time only for a 40 second internal cooldown. I call this useless even if math tells other things.

    I think it's the same fuzz which states that defence is of any use for pt tanks beyond the value you have to take with implants and earpieces.

    The normal difference between theory and practice, in theory it sounds good well proved by formulas and what not but in practice it's useless.


    This fixed value matches one or two ticks of an HoT. I wont use it anymore and go back to the on use shield + absorb at least I can decide when to use it.

  4. Hmm, looks like we have to wait for the fix because the description seems to be very vague in english as well.


    If it only absorbs the fixed value why it states "for the duration of 6 secs"? And some attacks are more than capable to hit hard. One example was one of our tries at the council in DP - Force Push 20k followed by Force Speed for around 7k and Thundering Blast for 8k all three attacks was unmitigated. This was within 2 secs coupled with a few melee attacks and I was a dead tank.

    This makes absorbing a fixed value of around 1k sounds like a bad joke.

  5. In the german translation there are two possibilities for the effect. It states that it (the PvP one) will absorb 1012 for 6 secs, which could mean that it absorbs 1012 damage from every attack during this 6 secs or that it absorbs just 1012 damage.


    The second effect seems not right to me because 1k damage within 40 secs of internal cool down means nothing to an tank. So I nterpret it in the first way meaning that 1012 damage is absorbed on every attack during the 6 secs based on the current bugged state.


    Does the description in english is more clear or do we have to wait until BW fixed it?

  6. To start with speccing here is the one I use currently 36/7/3.

    The last point is arguable, one can take one point out of Puncture or Integrated Cardio Package and take Prototype Cylinders instead.


    If you have melees in your group put your guard on them otherwise take the best equiped DD. Most likely the DD with the highest HP is the best equiped, this is not always true but generally without looking at the equip you will be safe with this assumption.


    When you are gearing up forget about defense, take shield+absorb (at least until you reach around 42% shield and 40% absorb). Take defence only if you can't avoid it like in implants and earpieces. While this is a philosophical question I'm running good with this advice. Other people might say that math tells you the other way around I feel a difference between theory and practice. While in theory defence looks good in practice shield+absorb is better for agro and heat management and increases your overall survivability.


    Put up your Shoulder Cannon before starting a fight. Start the fight with JetCharge do two Flame Sweeps because they are free. If the boss or the mob packs can't jump to you you can also use Death from Above to start the fight and jump then. Use rocket punch, Rail Shot and Flame Burst, if Flame Thrower proccs use it, use Rocket Punch and Rail Shot whenever it's possible.

    For boss fights where you have to worry about agro use the basic spot rotation at the start, single taunt when it runs out use AE taunt and when the AE runs out your single taunt will be ready again for use. This are at least 18 secs of guaranteed agro which should be enough time to push your own agro. From this point throw in a single taunt here and then to maintain your agro. For boss fights where a tank swap is needed or where you lose agro because of a mechanic make sure to have a (single) taunt ready.


    Make sure to know the boss mechanics, if you do the FP or OPS for the first time read some guides (dulfy)

  7. My guild switched also to PARSEC, this pasrer is by far the best out there. While some players reported performance problems with MOX or torparse no one complained until now.


    I love the combat log feature especially the filter options. This makes analyzing fights much more easier.


    Keep up that great work and to all the users make notice of the donate button. I think this parser is worth the support of the community.

  8. I have had excellent results following KBN's numbers. I won't say that you can't be successful following your strategy, as your experience shows you can. However, I've read his thread and I follow his logic about taking the best points available at each budget level. As anecdotal evidence that his numbers are solid, I am able to tank 8-man HM Tu'chukk to ~16 stacks (which is when we kill him) without a tank swap and without ever falling below half health. Finally, the high defense has excellent synergy with our Oil Slick ability and with it being up for just over 25% of the time that is worth mentioning.


    Oil slick by itself is an excellent cooldown and don't necessarily have to be combined with defence at all. Tu'chuk is an good example I have done similar in 16M way back once the equip of our DPS and mine was way more worse then now. I will upload to torparse next time I tank him again.

    You defence fanatics still seems to forget how our tank tree is called - shield tech and that's for a reason. Btw. skilling Hot Iron for increased Flame Burst damage makes sense following that logic, because higher def and lower shield means lower chance to reset Rocket Punch.

    This damage increasing skills are debatable anyways because of the IGC nerf from 2.0.

  9. Yes, your defense is supposed to be that high. Follow that stat budget as closely as you can for whatever row of total defensive stats you are closest to.


    Hard work done, but still the fuzz about defence. It's only supposed if one follows the theorycrafting without taking some common sense into it.

    I'm not following the defence advice at all, instead I'm focsuing on getting high shield + absorb and it works pretty well in all 16M HC. Your healers will thank you for doing so because they don't get this scary moments when rng works against you.

  10. Take the theory crafting and put in a little bit common sense. The tank spec for pt tanks is called shield tech for a reason. It's not defence tech it's still shield tech which means a pt tank is build around getting shield and absorb as high as possible to maximize agro and heat management.


    Look at the numbers from this graphical math site http://www.swtor-theory.com/. One will notice a marginal difference between max shield and max defence in TTL and MMP. But one will notice also that the absorb value in the max defence built is horrible which makes you a lot spikier when rng factors in.

  11. Nice work, I just played around with your set options for the pt tank. The highest shield one looks promising, I would alter the second relict for this option and take the passive absorb proc because this would fit into it better imho. Also the implants hat can be crafted gives more raw shield if develpoed correctly.

    Have you factored in the specifics of the shield tech spec while using high shield values, meaning that the overall absorb will be even higher with a higher shield chance?


    Interestingly enough the highest endurance option gives the second highest TTL, but from the mitigation pov this option looks really soft

  12. The dropped numbers are a result of the scaling nerf while leveling to 55 and the additional nerf to shield and absorb scaling from the end of the beta, which sums the net loss for shield and absorb to roughly 20% while using the same gear.


    For the question on what you should aim for it depends on who are asking, I would focus to get 40% shield and around 2k more life.

    After this get even more shield and make sure your absorb isn't that far behind, take defense only if you can't avoid it.


    Try to get 4 pieces of arkanian / underworld set gear to change your armorings.

  13. And to the previous poster- no, powertechs didnt change magically over night, they were changed by developers with the patch with new talent tree and math formulas that run this game and make one stat more valuable than the other.


    And this is the point where you are going wrong, the pt tank hasn't changed at all, only the scaling to shield and absorb has changed. Which means it's only more difficult to get to the point where the pt have to be with shield and absorbtion ratio.


    To sum it up let's agree that we disagree, you believe in this math and the assumptions behind while me and a few others think otherwise. And no this math is not backed up by any actual real data it's based on old NiM Denova logs, which makes it to theorycrafting only.

    KBN is valueing defense far to high and ignores the direct relation between shield and absorb. While defense competes directly to absorb shield does it not in the same way and while defense can stand on it's own as a stat neither can shield or absorb. So to make this math means something pratical the assumptions have to be altered:

    1. Shield and absorb have to be handled together (i.e. if you have 35% shield absorb have to be 30% to make this shield rating mean anything)

    2. The compensation for the shield + absorb stat scaling nerf have to be factored in since the base damage of champion mobs is being reduced which makes defense even more unintresting. While it is nice to dodge a huge bomb at Titan 6 or a terminating at the city event defense will not be that high that you can ignore the rng factor.

    3. Real world logs from actual HC raids have to be taken for calculations.

    4. The different tank classes have to be handled different.


    I'm not a math guy so I will not do any of this, I will read such threads, think about it and if I agree with the assumptions I will consider the results, but I will continue my itemisation based on how this class have to be played and real raiding experiences.

  14. Either one is a believer into this math and is taking the advice to get defense or is basing his item decisions from a practical standpoint.

    The math is based on theoretical assumptions that can be true but don't necessarily have to be.

    The advices given especially for the early points are definitely wrong, an pt tank haven't changed magically. As the non believer already stated shield > absorb > defense, this might change at some point where you can take the defense.


    The fact that we get defense now out of our skill tree does not change anything because the skills that are based on shield or push shield and absorb are still there and overhelm the defense push by far.


    While the math is nice to discuss, I will base my itemisation on my raiding experiences.

  15. Ah and here comes the true believer. I have main tanked 16er HC S+V up to Styrak and TfB to back up my claims.


    A powertech tank relies on being hit which is supported by our skills and general damage reduction in comparision to sins aand jugger tanks. This haven't magically changed with 2.0, it's still the same.


    In real world tanking it's exactly the other way around then this thread advices. An powertech tank have to raise shield and absorb first and only if you have reached a good % you can have a look at defense.


    And by this considarations you mean such numbers {1600,{defense->960,shield->640,absorb->0}}? Of course 0 absorb makes totally sense right.

  16. Here is great analysis what stat ratings you should be aming for:



    To sum it up shortly- in order to get the best possible damage reduction you should stack defense first, then shield then absorption. And absorption only when your defence and shield rating passes 800 and 700. Values like {500,{defense->300,shield->200,absorb->0}} mean with 500 total ratings (defence+shield+absorption) you should have 300 def, 200 shield and 0 abs to reach best possible level of damage reduction for your current gear level.

    The math is strong in this thread, but as soon as someone tells me I should get defense as a powertech tank I can't stop laughing.

    BWs changes to shield+absorb scaling and the used formula doesn't change anything about how a powertech tank should be played which still means that defense is the last value an powertech tank wants. Shield rating without absorb is useless and vice versa, so one wants to get both values as close to eachother as possible.


    My advice would be get shield as high as possible and make sure absorb isn't that far behind, accept defense only if it isn't avoidable in items like implants or ear pieces

  17. Guild - Thelyn Ennor

    Germany - EU at Server Jar´Kai Sword (PvP)


    16er HM 2/5

    Writhing Horror yesterday at 22:30 german time



    Dreadguards today at 21:15 german time





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