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Posts posted by DirtyBlackSocks

  1. Honestly, way to drop the ball on this one BioWare.


    You're giving a clear advantage to people who get in today versus people getting in 5 days from now.


    For people who power level, and are interested in hitting new content first...well I guess that's out the window.


    This plan for stretching across release dates is announced nowhere during purchase of the game, nor in the e-mails thanking us for our purchase. Until today the only information I found is that the early access would begin on the 13th.


    MMO players are used to servers going down in the first week, it's the nature of the beast. I wouldn't say we're used to buying an MMO with the expectation of starting from day 1, and entering the game to level capped players while we're still watching the intro CGI.


    Oh well...back to Rift.

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