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Posts posted by Zikah

  1. Blue and Green are for Light siders, Red is for Dark. Yellow, Orange, Purple and White are for both. i have heard rumors of Cyan and Magenta colors as well.

    Most of the common colors should come in a black core version as well.


    Artificers can make color crystals, red, blue, green, yellow and level 49 orange ones. These colors are fairly common and should be easy to get, either from the GTN or out of other weapons or quest rewards.


    Purple is a rare drop or you can find it in other weapons for sale sometimes.

    White is a rare drop.


    No idea for the rest of the colors. i would guess they are rare max level drops or rewards.


    Ah alright, thanks. Balls, had to be a rare color. Ah well, I guess that's partly due to purple being known as epic for so long.


    As long as I can still get a hold of it in the long run I guess, I'll live with a different color for the meantime.


    Any chance you know how rare "rare" is? :)

  2. From what I heard, the only thing light-side/dark-side does is add some gear options. The gear form these options is no different stat-wise then regular pieces, it just looks different (I'm assuming light-side looks, well, more good and dark-side looks more evil).


    As for how the meter is used, it simply uses the difference between how many points you have on each side. So if you have 2000 light-side points and 1000 dark-side points, it will give you the difference, meaning you'll have 1000 light-side, and will only have light-side rank 1. If you max out the points, it will start subtracting the opposing points if you continue to gain more in the side you are maxed with.


    Not confirmed though since I haven't played yet. This is just what people have told me.

  3. I posted this in another thread that wasn't specifically about this question but thought was close enough where I could get it answered there, so I figured I wouldn't clutter the forum more with another topic about roughly the same thing. But since that thread seems to have fallen off the page and never got a response I'll just post a new thread.


    So, where do you get color stones in-game?


    One of the main aesthetic changes I want is to change my lightsaber or blaster bolts to purple. If I can't change my gear color or look at all I can live, but the saber/blaster color? I don't know, it feels more personal to the character than gear to me.


    If they aren't restricted, what are all the colors available? I'm pretty certain I'd stick with purple, but it'd be nice to know.

  4. I'd agree with this. I was cycling through them like this:


    "(1) Well that's way too skinny (2) a bit better, but it's still pretty small (3) Holy crap her shoulders are massive! (4) Most likely my favorite and fits perfect for the 2nd character I'm planning on making, but this character? No, she isn't chubby."


    Ah well, guess it's just how the cookie crumbles. (2) should work well enough for me.

  5. Since this thread is here, and the question I have is related, I figure I won't clutter the forum more and just post this here:


    Where do you get color stones in-game?


    One of the main aesthetic changes I want is to change my lightsaber or blaster bolts to purple. If I can't change my gear at all, I can live, but the saber/blaster color? I don't know, feels more personal to the character than gear to me.


    I really hope they aren't restricted because that would get me genuenly pissed off. :mad:

  6. Another point to add, there is an option in the settings that disables showing whether a dialog choice is light or dark prior to selecting it, if you're so inclined to use it.


    Or there was when I last played anyway.


    That's cool, I wish more games would do that. Sure, you can most likely tell what's good or evil, but seeing that dumb point increase just kills the actually choice.


    It's like the point in fable 3 where you can either kill your brother for what he'd done, what you've been fighting against the whole game, or let him live despite all of his crimes because of how he justified his actions. The interesting part of the choice gets smudged away when there's large red and blue auras around each choice and you just have to ask yourself "am I playing an evil or good character?", Honestly ruined it for me. :(

  7. Ah, alright. That sound fine really, I can deal with losing some items later as long as they aren't needed.


    I just really disliked what happened in Mass effect and wish I knew from the start that I had to pick a side to really get the most of the game, because the whole game became me approaching each conversation with "Okay, where's the paragon/renegade option" and not really caring much about what the conversation was really about, just because the meta-game itself. And because I know MMOs are promptly dug into dealing with meta-game shenanigans I was worried.


    It's sad when a games story is undermined by huge gameplay implications. I mean I love Infamous and fable, they're some of my favorite game series, but you sort of lose the choice when the game straight up pushes you to one side or another half-way through, and that all the things you did before really only led up to the realization that the only choice you had was at the start, and that was whether you wanted to be good or evil. All the dialog in-between meant diddly squat.

  8. I wanted to ask what the implications of going light side or dark side are with a character?


    To be perfectly honest, I want to just act how I think my character would act, but there have been plenty of games before that simply had you losing options if you didn't dedicate fully to one or the other.


    To be more precious, I did this in mass effect 2 and ended up unable to choose both paragon and renegade options, and there were no bonus neutral options that I could see. I literally just lost options and gained nothing for doing what I thought my character would do.


    So, what are the meta-game changes for going light or dark? Like if my character was to end up staying relatively neutral, would I just get completely shafted in options later on?

  9. I was under the assumption though that only one spec for jedi knight/sith warrior out of the 5 was the tank (4 dps and 1 tank), and the the same goes for jedi counselor/sith inquisitor (3 dps specs, 1 healer and 1 tank). The same goes for the other 2 classes and their specs (one has 1 tank spec, the other has 1 healer spec).


    It seemed at least from looking, that both healers and tanks are even.


    But tbh, I can't see how people would rather stand back and heal instead of shoot force lightning/throw boulders at people and jump in crushing people as jedi/sith.


    Hopefully things will even out though, will see.

  10. I'd agree that implementing it right away would be sad because it really does break your ability to meet up and make friends through exploration, but I'd be fine with it late-on in the game.


    Reason why? Because in all honestly, after we've all gone to these instances plenty of times, taking the extra time to run there isn't anything special at that point and there's no reason to waste time on it.


    It's one of the main concerns I have about flashpoints in the game. After you've gone through the dungeon enough times that you've pretty much seen most of the differences in the choices you make throughout the dungeon, is there any way to just skip through the dialog really quick to get through the flashpoint quickly?


    Again, at the start of the game, there's no reason for things to be rushed through, but when it's near the end of a patch/expansion? I don't see the reason for dragging it out.

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