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Posts posted by braydog

  1. Huge graphical oversight!!!! I can't believe this!!! This is so retarded that it is still ingame after all this time it's been out! When you stand still and turn in circles while wearing a skirt, it looks like your buttcheeks are clenching!!


    What the heck Bioware? Fix nao!


    (For those with broken sarcasm meters, this post is sarcastic...but still true) :p

  2. In the one and only response from BW to the issue of maintenance times in Europe they state it's because players were concerned about getting patches later in different parts of the world. I personally would rather wait an extra 12-14 hours for the patch and have maintenance done separately during the night for Europe.


    I'm sure the vast majority of players feel the same, so I'd like to take this opportunity to correct what I believe to be Bioware's incorrect opinion on the views of the majority of European players.


    If a mod could make this a poll that would be marvellous.


    Patches and maintenance at the same time, or 12-14 hour delay for European servers?


    Wow, actually a corteous response to an issue?!?! Good idea.

  3. Honestly, I could care less about the vast majority of "sandbox" features


    SWTOR would really have benefited from having a World, instead of such a boxed in, pre-determined path for everything, though


    Ha, you're always the first comment...


    OP: I do too. Maybe in the future you'll have some of what you want.

  4. I am waiting while I wait. Staring at the screen with unblinking eyes, waiting for my email to pop up with one new message. Hoping with great anticipation that this message will come soon.


    One message has already come. I urinated due to the extreme elation I felt at seeing the unread email. Turns out it was Humble Bundle 4. :mad:


    Does anyone know when a schmuck like me who preordered a few days ago can expect to be playing?

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