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Posts posted by ebilwon

  1. You have to play the game more to get 8 characters to level otherwise it takes 8 times the amount of time it takes you to level to 50 once.


    You either play 20 hours a week or 20 hours a month.


    Or do you mean after you get 8 level 50s?



    It does take longer to get eight characters to max level than one. That doesn't mean that you have to spend more time per week.



    And to the other reply, yes I messed up. I mean't to put investigation instead of Underworld on one.


    Imperial Agent / Smuggler 1) Armstech, Investigation, Slicing

  2. I think his greatest misunderstanding is that having eight characters actually means that you play the game for a longer period of time.


    Also for future reference having Pizza Hut slice a pizza in to twelve slices instead of eight does IN FACT not give you more pizza.

  3. If you had eight characters (one for each advanced class) how would you spec your crafting across them all?


    Here is what I had in mind...


    Bounty Hunter / Trooper 1) Armormech, Underworld Trading, Slicing

    Bounty Hunter / Trooper 2) Cybertech, Underworld Trading, Slicing

    Sith Warrior / Jedi Knight 1) Artifice, Treasure Hunting, Slicing

    Sith Warrior / Jedi Knight 2) Biochem, Diplomacy, Slicing

    Sith Inquisitor / Jedi Consular 1) Synthweaving, Underworld Trading, Slicing

    Sith Inquisitor / Jedi Consular 2) Archaeology, Scavenging, Slicing

    Imperial Agent / Smuggler 1) Armstech, Underworld Trading, Slicing

    Imperial Agent / Smuggler 2) Bioanalysis, Scavenging, Slicing



    General points:


    Cover each production skill by classes that can use said items


    Have dedicated gathering characters so to not be redundantly covered. If you need mats hop on your mat farmer which can farm more mats per hour with having 2-3 gathering professions. This character will have stealth to assist in some cases.


    Cover each production skill with the appropriate mission skills for rare mats. Redundancy being OK since you could have multiple characters running missions at the same time once the time that missions take gets longer.


    The two gathering professions that include being able to get mats from killing mobs (of different types) on the same gatherer. This char will also be of high DPS spec.


    Each character has slicing. Why? It is an easy money maker but primarily because everything else was already covered anyways and it leaves it being the best thing to stick in the slot.


    The character(s) that would be leveled the highest first would be the ones with gathering skills.


    Send greens that can be RE'd to the appropriate crafters.


    Send special missions gathered from slicing to the appropriate mission characters.



    What I would think of possibly varying would be

    Sith Inquisitor / Jedi Consular 2) Archaeology, Scavenging, Slicing

    Imperial Agent / Smuggler 2) Bioanalysis, Scavenging, Slicing


    And instead drop slicing on one of them and picking up the other profession mat gathering skill for a fully fledged gatherer.



    How would YOU do it?

  4. OK, so its not that I can queue up a bunch of missions or gathering and have them just constantly go, it's just that if the mission/gathering goes longer than I am online, they will finish that one mission?


    Correct. And at higher levels the times it takes can be longer than the super short times in the beginning.

  5. I would think you would do missions to level mission skills.... just sayin'. :p


    If it doesn't appeal to you then you may want to drop it and pick up another gathering profession and eventually (once there are enough items on the GTN) just sell the things that you gather to buy what you would have gotten from the mission skill.


    Also keep in mind that as you level you get more companions and can send out more companions on missions which may help alleviate some of your trouble

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