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Posts posted by Bdatik

  1. No need to be teaching me how to spell. Im not in class here, my main language isnt even close to english so remarks like that are not needed.


    Also you are not a dev so your comment to my thread doenst make any sense at all. Troll somewhere else instead of making yourself look stupid. Further troll reports of you will be ignored.


    S/He gave you sound advice, however. If you don't want to heal, spec into a different tree. The Devs have no plans currently to allow the changing of ACs.


    S/He wasn't trolling, either.

  2. AHEM


    "The conversation wheel phrases and what your characters actually say are way too different when it comes to Jedi." -Stonyspider


    The Jedi caveat is added, yes. But it's still the same problem.


    Yet that's not what I was responding to. The previous poster tried to drag me into another conversation which I hadn't given an opinion on.


    That's not what I'm asking for. The phrases imply a certain type of response and I get something completely different, I just want them to deliver what they imply. And that is NOT too unrealistic.


    If that's not what you were asking for, why did you agree to that when I asked you if that is what you wanted?

  3. How about they create dialogue options that match what our characters are actually going to say for starters? My Jedi/Sith/whatever shouldn't be spouting off crap contrary to what was written in the choice wheel.


    But that wasn't what he was talking about... :confused:

  4. Well....yes? Is there something wrong with that?


    Yes, there is something wrong with that; it's not a realistic option. You don't see the problem with Bioware having to create hundreds of dialogue options for every choice in the game?

  5. Obi-wan was one of the most glib characters in the entire series, and so is your master in the Jedi Knight storyline. The archetype exists, we should be able to emulate it if we choose too. Like, 90% of what I say in real life is heavily laced with sarcasm (yes I'm impossible to talk to), it's an immersiveness problem if my character can't be the same way. :p


    So what you're asking for is Bioware to create dialogue choices based upon what you (and, in essence, everyone else) would want to say?

  6. Ouch, they swindled you for 78$. Everything they talked about in that video is being over hyped. UI customization... oh awesome you can resize it.... whoop de friggin doo. Too bad the games already on the decline. They had so much potential and blew it by being arrogant and thinking they knew everything, which clearly they didn't.


    No, they swindled you out of your money. Many of us enjoy the game.

  7. I've never seen anything like this on a game forum before. The worst ive seen is the old shaman dot-shock protest in wow back during BC. That was just one class though. Awesome.


    Bus shock protest was larger than dot-shock. The RealID forum protest was by far the largest protest on the forums. All three were were on a much larger scale than anything these "protesters" / spammers could accomplish.

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