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Posts posted by Forge

  1. I am still low level (21 atm) but I have played healers in several other MMOs and I LOVE the BG spec! The heals that I've seen so far aren't very big, but the thing is I'm an Energizer bunny! I keep healing, and healing, and healing.


    As long as I group with competent people who know how to do their part so I can focus on the tank, I have absolutely no problem keeping my team alive. The key is to use Rapid Shots ALL THE TIME. It's a small heal, but it's instant AND free. Even when I've played in a group as a secondary healer with a sorcerer, eventually in a tough fight the sorc will run out of force. Ideally he would manage it perfectly but stuff happens and they can run out.


    I have not had a problem with heat that I couldn't quickly fix or learn how to manage better.


    I really look forward to end-game healing because this class is quite different from other healing classes I've played, and it's just plain FUN. If you're smart about your heat and you take the time to LEARN THE SKILLS I see no reason this class wouldn't be great at level 50. Maybe not number-crunching great, but it's a practical and capable healing class in the right hands.


    You need to get more experience before in raiding and hard modes. You can't spam rapid shots all the time as it's a waste, and locks you with the global cooldown. You also can't heal nonstop. When you are L21 sure its great, once you get in raid gear and people have 20k hp. It takes far to long to heal a single person. Now if you use rapid shots it would take you over a minute to just heal someone. It's not even practical. You are reduced to spamming healing/rapid scan.


    If I have to respec to healing because we're short one night during a raid. I won't even bother to pick up kolto missile/shell. The only raiding I've found a use for missile is dropping down the platforms on Soa. Then still it only heals about 1k-1.5k. Meanwhile a sorc puts down a single reviv and heals the whole raid up. While I'm waiting for my 3 second cooldown to expire.


    I think BH are decent for dps though spamming tracer missile is pretty Zzz. But it could be worse. We just need to be given a class defining role as healers. Currently sorcs have every defining role. Don't nerf sorcs, give BH something unique instead.

  2. I'll bite. We've cleared EV 5/5 in normal and hard, and 4/5 nightmare. Bonecrusher on both normal and hard. We've 10-12 man 16 man normal content in EV just for more drops.


    This is how we look at BH healing. Never bring a BH when you could bring another sorc. Sorcs are just more well rounded and have more get out of jail abilities for raiding. This flows down into flashpoints as well. Don't take this like the BH healing spec isn't good. I've completed every flashpoint on hard and all the raiding above. I just have to work far harder than the sorc next to me. I've got better gear than both all rakata -bp. The problem is that bioware gives us the wrong stats on all the medic gear or just seem to randomly pick what we get. Why would columi give power then when you move to rakata you get almost all crit. Makes no sense. So there are itemization issues which we will have to struggle with. Decked out in medic gear I have more hp than some of our tanks. While this sounds good on paper it gimps our heals. I actually heal better in a mix of elim / tech / medic gear.


    People post these write ups about using all these abilities before other abilities and maxing our potential using kolto missile with the spec etc etc etc. It doesn't work like that most of the time. You are either healing non stop which prevents you from using rapid shots 100% of the time. Or you have no use in using it, because you should just drop a single rapid scan to do the job. There is almost no use in rapid shots. Next Kolto missile is almost useless. You won't have time to click it then target a area in raiding. If you do you just gimp yourself because it's not smart healing. What I mean by smart healing is you can't drop it on 5 people and get the best benefit. It simply heals the 3 closest targets. What this means is that in 16 man you could have 6 melee. Three of which are almost dead and 3 at full hp. You fire it on top of them and the 3 with full HP could be healed rather than the 3 almost dead players. Its simple range that decides this. Now you could argue "play better", or "use better aim". But by the time you target it or shoot and not heal 2 of the 6 you need. You are almost always better off single healing the targets. This is the major problem of the class.


    This is touted as the WoW Paladin class where you drop big heals on single targets. This however isn't the case either. Both of our sorcs have worse gear and can consistently drop larger single heals on targets at will. The root of our issue is no AE healing when needed and NO huge heals when needed. We can heal much faster than sorcs without a doubt, however this is only after we've got 30 ticks to use supercharged. Which remember you won't have time using rapid shots to build. You'll build all 30 from rapid scans / healing scans. Which means you generally save this ability for when most people get hit with AEs. This lets you heal them all up quickly via single target healing. However again a sorc gets to use one button to do this.


    The next problem is there are no raid bosses to tank which require a single full time healer. Almost all EV damage is ae/frontal/cone of some type. Bone Crusher doesn't require a tank at all. Basically 3 of the 5 EV bosses won't require a tank which means you'll be focused on healing pretty much everyone but a tank (hence ae of some type). It's arguable that you really even heal a tank on the other 2 as well, but I'll say we do just for the argument. Our tank sometimes goes up to 20 seconds without needing a heal on Gharj just because the sorc can put a bubble on them every 20 seconds. You pretty much don't need a tank for Soa except in certain stages which his damage isn't even major.


    Here's a list of the current problems with BH healing:


    No at will shields (sorcs have this)


    No combat res (sorcs have this)


    No AE heal which is even reliable (sorcs get reviv: just stand in the purple)


    GCD hurts us just as much as helps because of heat. Alacrity allows you to heal faster but you build heat faster as well. Alacrity does not effect heat loss at all!


    Takes up to 10 seconds or more depending to heal up a single player from 1/10 HP to full. (raid gear with players hp ranging from 15k-25K).


    If you don't healing scan -> rapid scan you build up to much heat after 3 rapid scans.


    No use for rapid shots because it either doesn't heal enough to use instead of a healing scan/rapid scan or takes to long to heal the same amount. Novelty use only during sleepy time.


    Have to build up 30 ticks of gas before starting fights to go in prepped.


    10% armor bonus on healing scan is useless since it's the quickest heal/smallest and normally not used on a tank. The duration is to short and it makes more sense to have kolto shell give this armor bonus to a tank.


    Kolto shell is weak vs shield, as shield prevents damage entirely and shell only gives small hp back after hits. The 10 ticks x healing amount is only half of what a shield will prevent. Not even counting to get the full benefit you have to get hit over 30 seconds.


    Visual only, rapid scan and healing scan names should be swapped.



    We decided as a guild that a BH is much better as a dps tool using the 20% armor reduction than healing. I have since switched to DPS for the time being until BH healing is correctly aligned with the needs of healing in this game.



    If you've been having problems with soa maybe it's time to bring in sorcs. BH healers are not up to par for any Nightmare modes. Sure you CAN do it. But why would you when having 2x sorcs makes it that much easier. Endgame raiding is all about small percents that give you the edge. If it means stacking classes to complete certain bosses, sometimes that what must be done. The problem is there is never a time when you'd want to stack BH healing, and you'll always want to stack sorcs. I am in serious hopes that some Dev will read this and have a discussion about the issue at bioware. I would be willing to talk in more detail to any dev about this on any of the raid bosses or flashpoints as well to detail issues.

  3. First off if you arn't talking about Hard or NM, then it always works. Second we have tried everything. There are tons of different ways to do this and each time we fail. Basically you can get lucky and it works sometimes or sometimes it doesn't. We had 6 attempts last night of it locking after the second level was completed. We synced up turns so that all were completed and it displayed the North/South pylon has yatta yatta. It still broke after syncing etc. FYI last week on NM we just clicked all left and did it on the 3rd attempt with zero problems. Being as we solved it last week without even syncing, and this week it doesn't work for us is a pretty obvious sign it's bugged. However if memory serves we got a silly low count like 2 1 2 2. We attempted probably 15+ times last night and all were 3 3 2 2 or higher. The only thing we could come up with was that on the 8th turn it always locked. I would like a Dev to come in and confirm there are no bugs. Then I'll sit down and work up all the possible ways to complete this and figure it out. But all signs point to bugged. Specially when we completed it last week using the "sync up" strategy just going all left. This week we can't get past the third level.


    We sync up spins - fail

    We sync up spins and direction - fail

    We all go one direction as fast as possible - fail

    We wait for mobs - fail

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