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Posts posted by Spaznik

  1. Oh wait, this is a "I have my BM gear so now I'm going to lobby for everyone else to get nerfed. MUHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!".


    What are you even talking about?


    I don't have but 3 miserable BM pieces, which were the ones that you can buy with commendations (ear piece, and 2 implants).


    So really, if that's all you have to say, just go. You failed.

  2. you put a post up with a link to a SS showing you did over 700k damage in a Voidstar on a Trooper. One of the most over powered classes in the game.


    Epic fail.


    Oh very kind of you, let me try:





    I was playing huttball on my sage, who is cool, level 50, valor rank 60. I have been playing since "open beta".


    There was this sorcerer maggot who was making a hoe of me. And they were doing it very fast.

    (optional: rephrase this paragraph to claim you *are* the class you want to nerf and "admit" you need nerfing.) = I am a sage and I admit sorcerer needs nerfing.


    Not only that, but they can CC you 5 times before you can even respond, they can force speed away when they're about to die, they can snare, root, do whatever thing to you, they can force persuade you to lose voluntarily, they can ruin your life and steal your wife, hell these guys are annoying.


    Now, I understand PvP, since all the MMO games from 2004 until now. And I am very good. The "fact" (<-- don't use quotes here) that sorcerers can abuse me like if it was a little girl playing means they are clearly overpowered.



    Bioware is lemonparty. I am gonna unsub and sit in front of my PC with an angry face during all the night to show you a lesson if class sorcerer is not nerfed tomorrow.





  4. Your argument fails where you ask us to assume you and your friend are good. You will get Nerfed, so enjoy the good times while they last. And don't re-roll to a new FOTM because you will have squandered all that valor you grinded. That would be such a shame.


    Yes, definetily.


    You're the typical baddy who gets killed by everything and is happy when someone is nerfed because he thinks that will give him more chances to get kills in warzones without realizing that his kills will remain the same because he will still be bad.

  5. What? First hit does not matter at all for a sent/mara.


    Sentinel/marauder (IF THEY ARE GOOD) don't even need to hit first to kill a sage/sorc. They have a lot of interrupts and leaps (if specced properly) and can keep choking/interrupting/stunning the sage/sorc while also dealing a high burst of damage.


    Result: Sage/sorc in pieces.

  6. I consider myself a very good sage, but I have a sentinel friend in the guild who always wins me in 1v1.


    That's when you realize that sages aren't OP at all, when two people who're good at the game and have about the same gear fight in a 1v1.


    tracer missile and grav round need a 20 second cooldown thats all they need to fix the problem and i mean all. its as simple as that.


    Yeah and with that you destroy all the procs derived from tracer and grav round.




    L2 LOS.

  7. They are going to have to do something about the Sorc's Bubbles,no if's and's or but's,and no im not saing that due to my classes recent news,im saying due to being OP.


    Your english skills are underpowered.


    Also, QQ. The class is fine, bubble is fine. if you and your team can't do enough DPS to destroy a bubble and then kill a sorc/sage then it's your fault and you may as well quit pvping.

  8. 5k Chain Lightnings is balanced? Who would have known......?


    Stop making up lies.


    I'm a lvl 50 valor rank 61 sage, and I can't hit for more than 3.5k with my Telekinetic Wave criticals now that lvl 50 brackets are on.

  9. Do not fret there classes will be next. Anyone who played warhammer knows this.

    WE/WH got nerfed and the Bright wizard train began. Same will happen here.


    No it won't because sorcs/sages aren't OP at all.

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