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Posts posted by Ergonaut

  1. Seriously, even if Stephen Reid said so, (which I highly doubt is true after seeing this fail wave) I'm not so sure all of December is getting access. Seriously BioWare, waiting for 2+ hours with a wave (whereas yesterday a ******** of people were invited in way less time).



    Do let me clarify though, I KNOW there are some spikes in preorders, but this is not building much trust. Either clear the huge gap between invites or be honest. At this rate there WILL be people still left out and I do hope they see that and correct their earlier statement, or else this will be one of so many strikes of misleading advertising we've seen pre/during launch.

  2. Eveyone who complained about not getting 5 days EGA should be here apologizing for raging up the forums.


    Also they should be apologizing for wishing Queues on everyone.


    oh well at least there's still 4 days and some change for Bioware to hopefully offer server swaps to less populated servers prior to release and everything will settle down.


    I'm still not getting 5 days.

  3. It appears as though BioWare and EA feared the collective force known as "The Decemberists". They have successfully split us in half hoping to quell our uprising, but their efforts shall be in vein.


    Fear not Decemberists for tomorrow we make them pay! WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!


    HAIL DECEMBER! Curse those damned waves, CURSE THEM ALL TO HELL!

  4. Thats what I'm thinking.


    People over simplifiy and say "ITS LESS DAYS" but theres some of us vocal decemberists out there.


    The decemberists, were the ones who just skated by finals with a couple of C's and a D were going to have to retake over the summer. go procrastination.


    No. You oversimplify by not taking into account that loads of people that are NOT decemberist tend to whine/post less because they redeemed earlier, or couldn't care less.


    Anywho, fixed.

  5. So what? He is still wrong.


    Yeah, so? A little kindness would go a long way instead of automatically ASSUMING that everyone is on the same level of speech as you are.

    All those fanboys thinking they defend the game by being the biggest ******es you can find on the internet make me sick.

    But so do all the trolls and flamers.


    Meh, guess it's both sides in the wrong.

  6. This ^. There is no reason to change the game plan now just cause some people pre-oreder late, didn't get there pre-order code entered or are just upset cause they failed to read and comprehend "Up to 5 days".


    Stick with the plan. Things are going to smooth to throw a kink in the works now.




    3 points:


    A) Not everyone speaks English as a native language

    B) Some people got their pre order codes from retailers, and very VERY late.

    C) Not everyone can buy everything they like as soon as they see it. You know... It's called looking after your finances.


    Well, that said... Maybe you open your damn eyes.

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