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Posts posted by frauzet

  1. This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of January 18, 2019:


    To Sleep: perchance to dream? Humans spend, on average, one third of their lives asleep. We have rooms, furniture, phrases and clothing all dedicated to this biological necessity. What does your character do to sleep? Do they have special rituals? Do they need a sleep mask and soothing music or can they fall asleep anywhere, anytime? Do they prefer near silence and darkness? White noise and a night light? Are they always uncomfortable in a strange place? Does having a familiar object–pillow, blanket, childhood teddy bear–make it better? Pets? What about snoring or tossing and turning? Do they have a bedmate (or housemate) to annoy, or who annoys them? Maybe their sleep schedule is at odds with the rest of the world for some reason. Maybe they don’t have a sleep schedule–their days are too erratic. Perhaps they don’t require sleep themselves but find it an interesting trait in their companions.


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    In Hell: The Perfect Punishment–Poetic justice, punishment for sins, karma, call it what you will, the concept is as old as humankind. How would fate visit retribution on your more ignoble characters? What would be appropriate? During life or in an afterlife? Feel free to take this prompt as literally or figuratively as you like.


    The right way the wrong way and my way: It’s said there are three ways to approach a task. What does your character think? Do they follow the rules, willingly break them, or choose their own path? Maybe all three at different times in their story? What about teaching someone else? Are they as inflexible as the saying suggests or will they entertain new solutions?




    Note: This will be the last prompt I've cross-posted for some time.

    My sub will be running out today.

    I still love this game, yet I seldom find the time to play atm.

    I may be back after a few months of vacation :)


    I'll be lurking and reading your stories *waves*

  2. This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of January 11, 2019:


    If Wishes Were Horses: then beggars would ride. We often think of wishes as something for children, but everyone does it. Wishes can be for anything from a lucky chance through feasible-but-difficult to outright impossible. What things does your character wish for? Little wishes? Not much more than good luck? Middling-possible wishes? Things that could happen given some work and luck? Something that could never happen? Prohibited by the laws of physics or just wildly improbable? There’s nothing really wrong with wishes, however impractical or unlikely. Every so often, wishes come true.


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Conversion or Proselytizing: You! Yes, you! Can we talk for a bit about…what? What ideas does your character hope to pass on to others? What ideology moves them? Did they convert to their current mindset from a different one? How and why did they make the change? While religion and politics are most obvious choices with this prompt, consider also scientific theories, dietary or exercise regimens, brand loyalty, or comic book heroes. Which version was better, the movie or the book? Why? Does your character have to win the debate, or are they most invested in the discussion itself?


    Lone Wolf - Our characters rely on companions, but sometimes they have to do something by themselves. It could be a classic “come alone” challenge, something they need to prove to themselves, or maybe the transport only seats one. Maybe they’re the only one capable. Regardless, they’ve only themselves to rely on. Their skills and experience alone. How do they fare?

  3. Did I mention I love bounty hunters? :D



    This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of January 4, 2019:


    Keep Grandma Happy: Okay, okay, not necessarily Grandma. Every family (or other social unit) has that one person whom you simply appease. The one you don’t want flying off the handle because it’s such a bother and not worth the resulting tirade and calming down process. Surely your character’s circle has one. Who is it? Is it your character? What’s their hot button and why? What do the other characters do to avoid it? How do they settle them down when, inevitably, it gets pushed? Does someone push it on purpose for the fireworks? (note: while the intent of this prompt is humorous, feel free to make a more serious case, i.e. trigger or content warnings. Polite characters avoid the topic out of empathy or compassion and only dickish ones bring it up.)


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Can’t Live Without: Everyone has something, whether literal or figurative. Is is a person? A loved one? A pet? A country, a job, or a purpose? A moral conviction. Is it a medicine that holds a disease or condition at bay? Something less serious, like a favorite book, delicacy, or entertainment. A special item. What one person perceives as necessary someone else might regard as silly–but try taking away a toddler’s Special Blanket. Everyone has something. What is it that your character can’t live without?


    As Time Goes By - No matter where you are in your character’s story they are probably quite different from when they started. Maybe some are ready to settle down and others are starting to feel the passage of time. (All that Force leaping can’t be good for the knees!) Has your character noticed any changes or have they stayed the same while others changed around them? Tell us about it.

  4. I am late, but I bring gifts ;)


    This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of December 28, 2018:


    The Fine Print: Any Bounty Hunter knows better than to sign anything from Gault without reading it first, still there may have been contracts our OCs wish they hadn’t signed. What details did they miss? Was it something small and insignificant, even humorous? Something major and problematic? How did they inconvenience your character? Did they get back at the beings who made the contract and took advantage of them? Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on? Something else? Was the contract more akin to our familiar Terms of Service Agreements that no one reads deciphers anyway? Did they fulfill the contract or did they renege? Why? This week consider what may be hiding in the fine print and how it affects your character.


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Disguises - Sometimes our characters have to gain entry to places that it’s not easy to get into. What’s a good strategy? A disguise, of course! Write about a time in which your character had to pretend to be someone or something else, and how they dealt with trying to be convincing.


    Allies - When something huge is going down, or just when you need a hand, who can you call that you know is going to have your back? Whether it’s someone completely unlikely or exactly what you’d expect, who can you ultimately always rely on?

  5. @AlexiUlaorn: Welcome to the thread!

    Don't worry about rules. Apart from the general forum rules, the only important rule around here is to be nice to each other :)

    Your story made me smile.

    I am glad HK found a solution that didn't involve killing someone.

    (Also, Gault being Gault is always good!)




    This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of December 21, 2018:


    Good Intentions: It’s said the road to hell is paved with them. Most characters, outside of the truly villainous, want to help and to make things better. Usually we let them. Good intentions can backfire or have unintended consequences, some of which might be worse than the original situation. They can also be far better! It’s our story; we do what we want, and things need not always be bad. This week, begin with your character’s good intentions and tell us what happens.


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Relaxing–When your character takes time off to kick back and relax, what do they do? Do they have to travel? Go somewhere where they can avoid pressure and constant requests for aid or advice? Do they escape into a good book or other entertainment? Perhaps they indulge in a hobby or visit a spa. What does your character do to relax? Or do they find it impossible?


    Home Ec - Our ships and everyday living arrangements have to keep running somehow. Maybe a slave or ship’s droid handles it all for you; maybe…not so much. How do your characters manage cooking, cleaning, budgeting, ship maintenance, appliance repair, and more?

  6. Seems I caught up just in time for Jadus' well-deserved demise. :)

    I like that you gave him credit and it took team-effort to kill him. Canon says his power is second only to that of the Emperor, after all.

    One less villain to deal with.

    Looking forward to the next part.

  7. Look at that! For once I'm not late :)


    This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of December 14, 2018:


    Happy Together: Your character encounters numerous others in their story. Who’s special? Who is the one they just want to see happy, preferably with them? It could be their SO but it doesn’t have to be; happiness comes in all flavors and sizes and doesn’t have to involve romance. Or, for that matter, even being outwardly nice. There are lots of relationships (fictional or otherwise) where observers would never know how much the people involved respect and care for each other given how often they throw insults around. This week, write your character and another happy together, in whatever form that happiness takes.


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Current Events–Events in the larger fictional world shape your character’s little slice of it, whether they want it to or not. What things are in the news for your character? What do they hear about on the Holonet or from the town crier, read about in the paper or posted on boards? How do these events affect them? Are they concerned about current events or blissfully unaware of anything outside their immediate experience? Maybe your character is the ones making headlines. Write about it!


    Teachers and Heroes - Everyone has someone they look up to, or someone who’s taught them something important. Or a hero that they strive to be like. Who does your character admire and look toward when they’re not sure what to do? Who has had an impact on making them the person they are today?

  8. This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of December 7, 2018:


    Paralyzed: Literally unable to move. Is it a disease? An accident? Are they completely paralyzed or does the condition affect only part of their body? What happened to cause it? Is your character paralyzed with indecision; all options equally bad (or good?). Maybe they’re overwhelmed and terrified to make any choice. Maybe they’re paralyzed both physically and emotionally. Or one and not the other. Paralyze your character this week, and write how they deal with it.


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Limits– No character is all-powerful, or at least, interesting ones aren’t. There are limits to what they can do, be it legal, physical, mental, or self-imposed. What happens when they come up against them? Do they push past it, accept it, or back away? Limits are often there for a reason and breaking them can have consequences. Explore some this week.


    Just Desserts–Everyone loves to see the villain get what’s coming to them. Maybe it’s your character who delivers justice. Maybe they’re on the receiving end. This week, hand out some just desserts in your story.

  9. A little late...


    This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of November 30, 2018:


    The Last Straw: Your character’s companions don’t rubber-stamp your decisions. They agree or disagree to a greater or lesser extent. And, sometimes, they leave. It’s unlikely to come as a complete surprise, but even so there was probably one incident, one particular choice, that drove them away. How does your character deal with it? Are they forgiving or vengeful? How does the companion make their exit? Do they confront your character or just leave without a goodbye? What are their reasons, and does your character consider them reasonable? What was the companion’s last straw?


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    First Day on the Job - Some of our characters have very long, very colorful employment histories. Others picked a job or had it picked for them when they were very young. Pick one of the jobs your character has held and describe the day they came to it.


    Health - Jet-setting around the galaxy means exposing yourself to a ton of different viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Let’s go, biology nerds!

  10. This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of November 23, 2018:


    Butterfly Effect: In essence, tiny changes in starting conditions leading to wildly different results. Modern behavioral psychologists contribute the nudge: a small push toward a desired behavior or goal. Our lives are filled with examples. How about your character? Is there a slight difference in their backstory–or current story–that could change it entirely? When did they receive a nudge and how did it shape them? What events pushed their later actions? We had a prompt for turning points, which was more about large, obvious events that put your character on their path. A butterfly effect might be so small as to go unnoticed at the time but proved no less influential.


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    My First - Firsts are usually special - first items, like Jedi and Sith’s first lightsabers or an agent or smuggler’s first gun. First times, like your first time connecting with the Force or your first time stepping onto your ship. Firsts can change a person and solidify who they are. Write about a special “first” in your character’s life and how it shaped them.


    Meeting Old Friends- Some old friends are nearly forgotten, others are close as ever. They might be separated by time and distance or right across the hall. This week, have your character meet with one of them. It could be a planned reunion, scheduled months in advance, as simple as knocking on a door for their daily tea together, or as accidental as running into them at the market. Write about a time when your character met with an old friend, however you choose to interpret it.

  11. This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of November 16, 2018:


    Power! Given this blog started in a Star Wars fandom, it’s surprising this prompt never appeared before. What does your character consider power and how do they pursue it? Just as important: why? Some seek power for its own sake but most have an agenda. Are they a reformer? Do they want to change the system they’re part of to fit their vision? Do they want the ability to destroy whomever they view as enemies? A secure enough position to voice their opinions without backlash, or at least without fearing the consequences? Do they gain power despite not wanting it, because their fellows see them as a leader? Or are they seeking more mundane power? A ship fast enough to outrun the authorities? Superpowers: magic, reality-bending abilities, flight (if they can’t already), telepathy, or teleportation?


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Menage a Trois: Brevity is the soul of wit. Tell a story in three sentences. Stop reading and write!


    Laws and Governance - Our characters pass through a huge number of jurisdictions with a huge variety of regulations, forms of government, fine print, and - eek - legal penalties. Write about an interaction your character has had with government and/or the legal system.

  12. This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of November 9, 2018:


    Ship of Fools: The colloquial meaning is that of one wise person surrounded by idiots, but the original allegory has everyone on the ship unable to navigate it, all the while vying for the chance, or to influence the one currently botching the job. Regardless, the ship goes nowhere, often with recriminations all around. When has your character sailed on a ship of fools? Were they the wise one dealing with incompetence? Or just as clueless but putting up a better front than the rest?


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Discovery - In our characters’ journeys, we make some surprising discoveries. Sometimes they’re things about ourselves or our friends, other times they’re discoveries about the world around us. Either way, they usually take us by surprise.


    Making a Mountain out of a Molehill - Some characters are more prone to blowing things out of proportion than others. Maybe it’s just certain situations. Consider a time when something that seemed insurmountable turned out to be minor. Was your character’s preparation or anxiety unreasonable? Or did their actions make the difference between a mountain and a molehill?

  13. This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of November 2, 2018:


    Voice of Reason: In every group, for every plan, there’s always one Voice of Reason, and their plan might be safest but not always best. Does your character listen? Do they plunge ahead anyway? Or are they the sane one trying to dissuade the rest from something reckless? Whose approach was right? What, in hindsight, might have been better?


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Deadlines–Time is running out. Your character has something to do, to complete, to finish, to arrange, and their time grows short. What were they doing? Was it something they put off until it was critical? Did they plan for a long time and only now the pieces are coming together? Did the situation arise suddenly and demand a quick response before the critical time? Was it self-imposed or did another character impose it? A deadline is nothing more than a date or time by which something must be ready or complete. Write about it this week.


    Lawbreaker!–Some characters break laws on a regular basis, others are more law-abiding. But most every character has crossed the line on occasion, if only in a very minor way or on accident. What about yours? Did they know they were violating a law? Why did they do it? Because the law is ridiculous, because it is inconvenient, because the law is wrong, because they knew they wouldn’t get caught, or do they simply not care? What law did they break? Did they pay a penalty? Personal or legal? Write about it!

  14. Yay, Elara got the message! Do you intend to tell us about her reaction to reading it? If so, I am looking forward to it :)

    And Master Timmns, one of my favorite Jedi. I do hope he is going to survive this encounter.

  15. This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of October 26, 2018:


    Comfort Food: It might not be a favorite. It doesn’t have to be from childhood, though it often is. It might not always be the same thing, depending on circumstances. Sometimes, preparation is as much a part of the comfort as consuming. When all else fails to dispel your character’s demons, what food(s) do they turn to for comfort?


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Burning the Candle at Both Ends–Too busy. There’s too much to do and not enough time to do it. Maybe it was bad scheduling or an accident or problems encountered along the way, but whatever the reason, your character has to work hard to do it. What was it? Why are they working so hard? What do they hope to gain? Is it temporary or a chronic issue for them? Can they prevent the situation, or will it happen again? This week, write about a time when your character burned a little too bright.


    Ceremony - All cultures have ceremonies. Graduation, marriage, retirement; religious, civil, or social to name just a few. Does your character come from a culture with an elaborate coming-of-age celebration? Do they feel out of place at a companion’s promotion? This week, consider the various official rituals your character has taken part in or attended as a guest or observer.

  16. *blows the dust off the thread*


    It has been a while, during which I wrote the first part of an AU to this story ("Caught"). I am making slow progress and will not have enough time to follow both storylines. Not least because of the feedback I received, I decided to concentrate on the AU.

    Most of the things that happened here, especially the background stories, remain relevant in Caught!verse. There are no changes for my Republic characters and Iolith. Thorns' story takes a different path from the one in the original Thorns!verse after his defection from the Republic and he never was contacted by Braden. So he didn't travel to Hutta and didn't meet Mako there. Ciner's story is impacted when Thorns replaces Vette on Korriban. From there, things will take on a slightly different turn.

    Much of the future content I had planned for Thorns!verse will hopefully find its place in Caught!verse instead.


    Still, I want to release Ciner from his impending doom with a short piece that has been waiting for way too long to be posted.




    Dromund Kaas, Lord Grathan's estate, immediately afterward



    A hand appeared out of thin air. Tendrils of Force surrounded it, visible only to those who were attuned to the Force. Outstretched fingers intertwined them with intricate movements into strings growing thicker and thicker. A slight twist of the wrist and the rope lashed out to wrap around its target. A second hand appeared to take hold of the cord with a firm grip. The air wavered and the rest of the body dropped into visibility. A grin bared Rufuro’s teeth as he brought up the hilt of his double-bladed lightsaber with his right hand while he yanked at the leash with his left. His victim landed in front of his activating weapon. Grathan’s apprentice fell lifeless to the ground when Rufuro deactivated his blade. A wave of his left, and he vanished again. A number of quick yet purposeful steps to the side and forward brought him away from the spot he had been standing in. Helping his friend was one thing, getting shot himself another matter.


    The precaution proved unnecessary. The Force-blind guards were still trying to puzzle out what had happened, shouts of surprise echoing through the courtyard. The second of Grathan’s apprentices was busy dealing with Ciner. It took Ru a moment to realize what had happened to the snipers on the roof. One lay sprawled on the duracrete below his former position. The other one hung limply over the roof’s fringe. A hole gaped in his forehead. From the opposite side of the yard, a slave came running towards Ciner. The man carried a rifle. The butts of two blasters stuck out of his belt. His face was hidden by a guard’s helmet, but Ru recognized him anyway. What was the hunter doing here?


    While Ru approached, he watched Thorns fire some more shots at the guards. He felt Ciner’s relief through their bond. His friend had recognized both of them. Now Ciner was able to concentrate most of his attention on the remaining Sith opponent. Grathan’s second apprentice fell to Ciner’s blades only seconds later. Meanwhile, Thorns zigzagged across the yard in a half-crouch. When he reached Ciner, he threw the rifle away and dropped to one knee. Despite wearing no armor apart from the pilfered helmet the hunter tried to shield Vette’s body from further shots. The Twi’lek was still alive. Ru felt her pain through the Force.


    Ciner’s lips moved. He nodded in Ru’s direction. Whether to inform the hunter of Ru’s approach or to instruct him which direction to take, Ru couldn’t tell. Probably both. Thorns looked up and shook his head. Ciner’s brows drew together. All life in the galaxy would end before those two stopped arguing. A few Force-powered steps brought Ru to their side.


    “Pick her up, I got your back!” A bolt glanced off Ru’s blade.


    Both of the Sith deflected bolt after bolt while Thorns shouldered Vette. “Follow me!” The hunter grunted under the weight he carried. Before anyone of them was able to stop Thorns, he had already started towards a path between two buildings opposite from the entrance to the yard.


    “That’s not the way out!” Ciner called.


    “That’s what Grathan’s people will think, too.” Thorns didn’t stop. “The path is only wide enough for one person at a time, easy to defend. I’m heading that way. Carrying Vette we’ll never make it to the front gate.”


    “He is right,” Rufuro conceded. Holding up a Force shield he retreated backward after the hunter. Ciner followed grudgingly.


    Thorns’ path proved to be a good choice. They followed it to a waterfall after the hunter had retrieved his hidden equipment. Ru defended the entrance to the small clearing while Thorns and Ciner descended to the valley below. The first using his jetpack and carrying Vette in his arms, the second stabilizing them with the Force and jumping down after them once they had landed safely. Ru felt the force of the impact ripple through the cliff. Ciner was growing stronger. Ru himself would have shattered his legs in a stunt like that. But his aptitude for the Force lay in different areas. He let loose a volley of lightning bolts that crippled the first pursuer who staggered back into the following one. Ru didn’t wait for them to recover but retreated back into the clearing and vanished into the air whence he came from. The guards were still searching for him when he returned to Khem, the items he retrieved for Zash safe in his backpack.



    • Like 1
  17. Thank you all for your feedback.

    I fought a while with this last part, mainly because I wasn't sure whether to include another character or not. A special thanks to Misha for giving me a little nudge a few days back <3

    I finally made up my mind, not least because of your input. I am able to continue this story and still tell a lot of the things I came up with for TDaOC. So the new characters will have to wait for the next part :)






    Hot Water drains off in a hypnotic eddy. Lather, now white instead of muddy gray, dances atop miniature waves. I squash some of the bubbles with my foot. One more rub through my hair and the water stays clear. If I scrub any more the tan will come off. Along with the filth, at least some of the tension in my muscles has gone. Now I raise my hands, press the palms against the wall, then stretch my shoulders. It’s been a while since I enjoyed comparable luxury. Ciner already went back to the antechamber. The sound of him rummaging through his bag has stopped, so he is getting dressed. I should do the same, but I’m just going to be a good slave and wait for my orders. Sighing I close my eyes, think of nothing but warmth and wetness. The water drums an intricate solo on my scalp. Even with the stings of a multitude of cuts, nicks, and scrapes on my skin, this is better than sex. Sex. It’s been a while. Hell, I haven’t even been thinking about it. It only takes a slight nudge to let my imagination run wild and to forget about the sorry state of my hide. It’s Taunt’s pointed teeth probing my neck, Iz’s fingernails digging into my back. The ladies are met with an immediate reaction, my relief in tow. The numerous electrocutions didn’t do any lasting damage to my more sensitive parts. My **** starts to throb in rhythm with my quickening heartbeat, drowning out the beat of the water raining down on me, promising a whole other level of relaxation. Just a few strokes…


    “Before you get too comfortable in there, I would have you know that at this close proximity tuning out your emotions is staggeringly hard. No pun intended!”


    The water turning ice-cold couldn’t have had a more thorough effect. Taunt and Iz vanish without even saying goodbye, so does my b0ner.


    Ciner chuckles. “I had not deemed you prude.”


    Then why tell me at all? A huff is the only reaction he gets. I’m used to sharing sleeping quarters. Once the lights are out, the decent thing to do is to ignore your comrades and give them the chance to ignore you in return. I’m no prude, but I’m no exhibitionist either. Not today, anyway. Not with him lurking around the corner. I turn off the water. Shaking my head sends the water drops flying. I grab my towel from the hook on the opposite wall. Drying myself off I walk to the antechamber. I resist the urge to wrap the towel around my waist. Instead, I drop it in front of the bench and step on top. Prude. I’ll show him prude. There was no way to hide beneath the shower earlier. And everything is just as safely attached now as it was then. And after all, my dick’s larger than his anyway. I rummage through the pile of clothes searching for the briefs. They prove to be very brief indeed. The thong has no nexu-stripes but is plain black. It’s important to be thankful for the little things. I hold it up inspecting it. “A bit small,” I muse.


    “If protruding is too uncomfortable you can always choose to go without.”


    I feel his gaze on my back as I sort everything in its right place. Next, the bundle reveals a pair of black socks. My circulation is a bit wonky, so I sit down to pull them on. They fit. So does the black tank-top. Trousers in dark gray and a matching long-sleeve. The material is soft yet resilient, reinforced in several places for better protection, and shows only moderate signs of wear. Ciner and I are about the same height, but given my malnourished state, the clothes fit rather loosely. Besides the boots, there are two items left. The overcoat, though only short-sleeved, could come in handy. I’m not even sure what the other thing is.


    “The tunic comes first,” Ciner advises.


    Sighing I pull the dark garment on. It has no sleeves, no buttons, and cascades down to mid-thigh.


    “You have to wrap it around your body.”


    I do as I’m told. Then I catch my reflection in the polished stone walls. “You want me to wear a dress?”


    “It’s a tunic.”


    “That a fancy word for a short dress?”


    “Force! It’s a shirt. And it hides your bony @ss when you are not wearing the overcoat,” he exclaims. “The whole stretch material is wasted on you. I will ask Marun for advice about a proper diet and workout for your muscle development.”


    The remark brings my blood pressure up to an unhealthy peak. “I’m not one of your pets!”


    “You would not look half as neglected if you were.”


    “So I should be grateful you’ll be putting me back on my leash.” The slave collar still lies where he put it.


    “By now you will have realized I do not need the collar if you force me to punish you. It is up to you whether you need it as a reminder of your situation or not.”


    So that’s how this is going to work. I will only be punished if I’m asking for it. Whatever he decides to do to me, I’ll be the one responsible. “You think I’d be able to forget?” I hiss while I stomp my feet several times in my new used boots. They are made from real leather, reach up to over my knees, and are worth several times the cost of my former outfit. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they were made for me.


    Ciner waits until I also donned the cloak. “A shave and a haircut and you will look like a human again.”


    Straightening my back I take another look at my reflection. I don’t know who that man is, but I know something. “No matter what I look like, I will still be a slave.”


    “Do you believe in destiny?”


    “That’s a strange question from someone who told me I need to accept responsibility for my actions.”


    “I did not choose this any more than you did,” he claims. “A few days ago I would have laughed at the question. Now I am not so sure. By some higher will, you are still at my side despite my efforts to the contrary.”


    “That higher will has a name, and that’s Baras.”


    He scowls. “That is Darth Baras for you. You would do well to remember.”


    “Darth Baras, then.”


    Ciner eyes me skeptically. “Maybe you are right. Darth Baras is a master manipulator. It is hard to tell what game he is playing.” He holds out the belt with the pistols. “I have an offer for you. Pretend to be working for me. You do not get vacation days and there is only one way to quit the job, but it offers a solid health plan. There are worse bosses than me.”


    I grab for the belt. “What about payment?” I ask while I fasten the buckle.


    “Expenses are paid out of my petty cash. You will have a small allowance. Enough so you will not have to rob any more tombs. Usually, you would be paid in order to be able to buy your freedom once you earned your worth. Since you are sentenced to life, this will not be possible in your case, I am afraid. You could send the money to your family instead. We will work something out.”


    My family. I am too young to come full circle. I don’t even know if my brother is still alive. “We will work something out,” I agree.


    Ciner spits into his palm and then holds out his hand. I mirror his gesture, and once more we seal a deal by handshake. For now, I’ll play along. The rules still remain a mystery to be figured out by trial and error. However, I’ll watch out for the proper set of cheats to circumvent them, too. Willing or not, Ciner broke his word. By doing so he sanctioned any dirty tricks on my part. Two people write this rulebook. Even my pride agrees to the plan. I have done worse in my life than playing to be a good slave. My chance will come once Ciner lets his guard down. Until then I will bide my time.


    The End of Part 1


    Looks like everything is going according to Vowran's plan :)

    I am looking forward to seeing what will happen on Korriban.


    I love Theron's thoughts about fatherhood:

    My son. The words still felt foreign but the feeling coursing through him was one of warmth and desperation. Having his own family had been a ‘someday’ for a long time, but ‘someday’ was here and it was a comforting thread he wanted to weave into his life.



  19. @Lord_Thorne: You may have had me sniveling a little bit there at the end. Kudos!


    Aaaaand it's already Saturday. Here is the next prompt from over at tumblr. Still warm, only a day old.


    This week’s SFWC prompt:


    Week of October 19, 2018:


    Oblivious: Not everyone is observant, and even the most vigilant character misses something on occasion. When did they miss something obvious? It could be a physical object or an idea. The proverbial elephant in the room or a solution that’s staring them in the face. Maybe your character just overlooks cues everyone else sees. What happens when someone else points it out?


    This week’s prompt not for you? Look for something more to your taste in the Prompt Archive. Consider all the prompts active and waiting to inspire you.


    This week’s featured previous prompts are:


    Nicknames–Does your character have an in-story nickname? How did they earn it? Was it accidentally bestowed or deliberately cultivated? Do they prefer it to their given name or hate it? Give it out or hope no one ever finds out? Do they even know they have one? Maybe their enemies (or friends!) only use it behind their back. Or is your character the one giving nicknames to everyone else?


    Good Fortune- Things are looking up. Maybe your character finally won the lottery, a game of poker or pazzak, or just won the flip and don’t have to do dishes. Maybe they found a parking meter with time left, or maybe they managed to catch the last transport off-world before the quarantine. Maybe something that looked bad on the surface turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Luck can be about big things or small. Give your character some good fortune this week.




    If you do have an idea for a prompt send me a PM, I'll pass it on to Striges over on tumblr.

  20. Managed to catch up :D

    I like the description of the wedding ceremony.

    “You are not deformed, you are decorated.”
    is my favorite sentence in the latest chapter. It's not always easy to see yourself that way.
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