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Posts posted by Elochai-

  1. Sometimes i like to dream about blizzard made swtor. It could easily be the most succesfull game ever


    If blizzard made it several mechanics would be put in to make certain classes non viable for pvp. There are a few devs who have done pvp well or as well as we will probably get. Blizzard is not one of them.

  2. I'm trying to decide between Marauder, Juggernaut, and Powertech. I'd primarily be pvping and doing some endgame pve content. I used to play sentinel way back when the game launched and into the first expansion and enjoyed it, but everyone is saying melee is **** now. I just came back to the game not to long ago. I see lots of Juggernauts in pvp and I don't necessarily like running class that already has a high presence in pvp. However, I keep hearing that juggernauts do a lot better than Marauders in PVP. Powertech looks like it could be fun and less frustrating, but also looks like it could be boring. I can't find much on where Powertech's sit relative to the other classes in pvp. Based what I've seen they don't seem to have as much of a rollercoaster ride when it comes to where they are compared to others. I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I'm leaning Marauder, but I don't want to be stomped in pvp or left out of ops for a ranged dps class.
  3. I've been away from the game for a while until just recently, but I do know that resource management is stupid easy on sages and sorcs. They can heal a lot and just keep going where as an op, scoundrel, command, or merc has to work at and pay attention to resource management. sages and sorcs also seem to have many more reliable heals if they get interrupted.


    When it comes to killing them are you talking about a single person trying to kill them or two or what? Let me tell you right now one person being able to kill them would be stupid. Two should be able to take them out especially if they at least somewhat know what they are doing. Sometimes you just have to stick to it. Once they've burned their bigger instant casts they are much easier to deal with. Enough stuns, interrupts, or knockbacks makes most any healer stupid easy to kill. If your dps is a joke yeah it might not go as well. But that is usually the players fault not the class. 3 players could probably just chain cc the healer and roll over him. The CC is this game makes it very easy to kill someone before they can do anything if you focus them.


    If you can't kill him by yourself, oh well, you shouldn't be able to. If you can't kill them with others you all are doing something wrong.

  4. OK well thanks for the read, yes I did read all of it, was an interesting perspective.


    It seems to me though bc is opposite of harbinger, I found the imp side to be more mature and friendly on Harbinger and pub side full of idiots, bc seems to be better on pub side.


    It's a matter of who is the loudest minority on either side. 90% of the stupid banter you see in chat are idiots and the same ones too. The majority of decent people don't speak much or don't feel the need to annoy the rest of the server. Most of them prefer to stay off of global channels and stick to group or guild chat.

  5. I see, sort of seems like if your imp your bad, pub good, but that can't be right, other wise would be a bit limited.


    No reason you should limit yourself to that. Much like in the game you can be LS or DS. Just like any story you got good guys, bad guys, and those in the middle. Technically you have tons of options and possibilities when it comes to characters you want to portray. Your character can be as complex as you want them to be.

  6. I typically see 2 types of role players. The first ones are fairly serious most of the time taking on the persona of their actual character in game and even take to creating stories around their characters or create characters themselves. They seconds ones RP when they choose to and do it from time to time for fun.


    -Serious Role Players - Now I only call them this because they tend to take there RP to forums or write stories or make videos. They will typically act as their character in game as well outside the game content they like to create. Some people will break character and some never will. I know some people who never will and others who only role play when they feel like it. So say you are having a conversation with a RP. Chances are they are going to have that conversation as if they are in fact their character. Some will even plan out events or actions that take place in the game and they will fill the roles as their characters. This can be done via voice chat or in game. Role players that talk to you in text form while in their groups can be pretty fun sometimes.


    -Casual Role Players - I myself would fall into this category. However, I don't feel I ever did enough RP to be called a role player. Theses folks RP when they want and will sometimes do it at set up events. They generally only take on the persona of their character from time to time or whoever else they want to pretend to be. I think a lot of people are casual role players. Many people don't want to always be role playing.


    My take on role playing is that some people take it too seriously or aren't welcoming of those who aren't hardcore about it. Or rather they don't let them get away with half way role playing haha. I'm sure there are some great welcoming folks out there who would like others to join them. However, people like me like it from time to time, but I'm also there to play the game more than RP. That's not to say role players don't play the game.


    Anyone who wants to get try it should try it for a short bit. Be as serious or not as you want. If someone has a problem with that they aren't worth your time. When I did it I would do it for a short bit with some friends of mine and they'd clearly know when I went back to my normal self. Sometimes they'd keep RPing and change it up even after I stopped. Could be pretty funny sometimes. Outside of that I'm a writer and like to write for anyone who wants to read so I will do that from time to time, but only if people want to read it and maybe give feedback as I'm always trying to be a better writer. However, in this game I haven't found the right people to do any of this with.


    My advice, try it out in small amounts and do it if you like it. Other than that play the game the way you enjoy it.

  7. yeah well most of my pub toons right now are under 30 as I'm trying some new stuff. The lowest bracket is a joke. Not to mention a premade gaming the solo queue that makes the game very uninteresting, boring, and unwinable.
  8. Do republic players just not queue as much these days? Do all the pvpers play Empire now? I'm a late night gamer and it seems after a certain time queue times for a wz on republic side are extremely long and republic players seem to be so bad these days. At least in the lower brackets. I started off Republic way back when and want to continue to play republic, but the queue times are so long. Is going Empire really the better way to go if you WZ a lot or what? I want to play republic but wont for long if WZ are so hard to come by later at night.
  9. Do republic players just not queue as much these days? Do all the pvpers play Empire now? I'm a late night gamer and it seems after a certain time queue times for a wz on republic side are extremely long and republic players seem to be so bad these days. At least in the lower brackets. I started off Republic way back when and want to continue to play republic, but the queue times are so long. Is going Empire really the better way to go if you WZ a lot or what? I want to play republic but wont for long if WZ are so hard to come by later at night.
  10. I'm an example of someone who came back to the game. I left when 50 was the cap and was republic. I got a sentinel and shadow up there. A friend wanted to play empire so I joined them. Below 30 was great. You win you lose, and it was fun. I hopped on some sub level 55 guys on see how they are doing kinda seeing what I want to level while my friends not around and just for a change of scenery. I primarily level by PvP and I love to PvP. I do so in many mmos. After several matches I hated it. several 55-59 players would role over anyone not at there level. I'm half tempted to pve up to 60 then go back to pvp.


    It's a very big gap and for some people a huge gap. If I were to pve I'd be there in about a week or so. Some people over a month or longer if they don't play as much. This will only scare people off. A large chunk of a mmo's population wont stick it out through something like that. Not to mention people who are put off and never want to try pvp again. Some people play for fun. It's also hard enough to get some people to stick around and enjoy the game but when an aspect they like is broken like this it makes them think about going to another mmo.


    Just keep in mind max level fully geared 60 pvpers are not the only people who play this game.

  11. I've been trying out most of the classes recently to see which one I want to stick to. I have school and work to consider so leveling every class to max is less than ideal. I'm kinda stuck between mercenary, juggernaut, operative, or sniper. I'm not sure which one I want to play full time. If the class has multiple roles I will ultimately spend time in each role and work on performing well in each role. I'm looking for which class people find the most fun in pvp and which ones seem to be the most viable and don't do too many nerf buff roller coaster rides. Feel free to suggest a class I haven't listed. I do tend to lean towards classes that aren't as common either.


    What I don't want is to be the class that everyone is playing. I'm more aimed towards having fun and becoming a better pvper. There is a lot that I have yet to learn about class changes since I last played but I don't want to spend what little time I do have doing too much "figuring out" when picking a class that is. I may eventually play through most of the classes but not currently with my limited time.


    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated thanks.

  12. Then you have 3 people to interupt the heals.


    you are under the assumption that he has three ppl who can reliably interrupt those healers and every heal they can throw out. Most classes have a 10-12 cd on their interrupts and that can only interrupt one heal.

  13. Then if the numbers are equal, two people interrupt healer, while other helps to DPS one of the healers down. I fail to see how it's a problem. Generally people who complain about healing are in bad groups or bad themselves. I am thinking from his perspective I play a Watchman Sentinel and I've never played a healer ever.


    While I agree that an evenly matched team against another both with similar quality players and classes have no right to complain, he's not talking about that perfect matched team situation with team mates he can easily coordinate with. Before you go on about telling him to form a group with others, that is not the situation he is talking about. By the sounds of it he WAS in a bad group. People who are in a bad group still have a right to bring up something that annoys them. Even in a pug with equal skilled players it's still a roll of the dice on which team wins based on their classes. If you're team has say 5 dpsers 2 tanks and one healer and the other team instead has healers stacked, they can do that healing each other garbage. It does happen and it probably wont go away, but does that make it fun for the other team? No it doesn't.

  14. hes probably doesn't necessarily mean 1v3 he's talking about the general occurrence of everyone healing everyone even when you change targets. causing for lame pvp where no one dies on the other team if they have a surplus of heals. Think about it from the other persons perspective. Why should he waste his time with that. That provides him with no fun and no entertainment value.
  15. That's a fine line to cross though. If they were to spam heals on people that needed heals then IMO that's being a team player and supporting one another. However, if they were spec'd DPS and used that time to heal, they would have the distinct advantage in damage dealt over healing done and would have to make that decision to perform a task not specialized in.


    Hybrid specs exist as a way to not only be creative and not just dump points blindly into one tree, but to customize your playstyle to how you want to play. I feel this balances it out as well.


    Say for example an operative wants to spec concealment (the rogue-like dps spec) but wants to have some healing talents enough to use Kolto Probe (the operative's medic HoT). They would have to sacrifice getting the concealment 31 point talent Acid Blade, which adds a significant boost to their DPS by giving them armor pen and a DoT, all for the sake of getting a heal.


    It's not the hybrid specs that bug me it's the amount of healing you can still do if you spec very little or none into the healing tree. Either do something about that or add a mechanic that doesn't allow them to instantly switch from one to the other mid fight without some additional penalties. I just think all in all there are too many classes that can heal. There's too many heals flying around in this game.

  16. I don't think the big problem is the healers it's that so many classes can be effective off healers while they are not specced for healing. You should have to spec fairly deep into the healing tree to be effective or penalize healing more for speccing a different tree. As well as penalize dps more for being specced healing.
  17. There are plenty of lousy Sorcs. Sorcs are not hard to kill.


    Agreed. However, you can still suck and make the game lame for others. Though, yes it is easy to pick out the horrible sorcs on my sent.

  18. I usually play them all out. You get cash and valor and tokens. when we are getting crushed I try new approaches that I might not try otherwise.


    You never know what you will get with teams. We started out a man short and huttball and scored before the 8th made it into the arena. Yeah the other team was not very good but you don't know that until the game starts.


    We can't control the number of sorcs that get into a match so why worry about it. People play classes that fit their style. I have played on teams with lots of sorcs and no real healers and we did poorly as we did not have enough support from other classes.


    Premade groupings and queuing based on groups and rank will sort much of this out and will separate the good from the bad very quickly.


    you're correct you can't control the number or sorc in a match. However, a large chunk of those sorcs are players playing them for the face roll or, because it's such a horribly easy class to play and win with. But I suppose you can't control the number of those lame players either so meh.

  19. We all know about all of class issues and number or imps vs republic and how over played certain classes are. However, it comes down to another core issue that so many people forget about. Another BIG problem with pvp and you'll probably get this in most any mmo, is the PLAYERS. Yes those players who want to roll the easy garbage, FOTM class, who don't want to lose, or who can't play the game to have fun.


    Imp team rolls in with 75% sorcs. How fun is that going to be? It isn't going to be fun. Or the opposite being sages.


    One team rolls in with stupid amounts of heals. Well that's not going to be fun.


    Players leaving immediately because their team starts to lose. Ahh gotta love quitters. However, I can understand some of you leaving when it's an absolute waste of your time, but leaving when your team has a chance. Really?


    Stop whining about having to get enough trash for your pvp gear and EXPECTING rewards for playing the game. Oh wait I forgot you do get a reward every time you play other than gear, it's called fun. It's like they invented video games to entertain someone or something.


    Just keep this in mind when you are playing. If you are making the game unenjoyable for your opposition, why should he/she comeback? Would I have anything against a well played team working together? No I don't. Everyone thinking about pointing your finger at the developer stop and think. It's easy to blame the dev for problems with pvp. I came into pvp thinking damn this is so unbalanced. Now after getting to know my class better it's no where near as bad as many people think. Are there still issues. Yes there's a good list of them. However, it's not as bad as you think and there's still much fun to be had in the game.


    My props go out to those players who re roll and play a class that is either needed or less populated. Same to those who play a different faction in attempt to better the game. You all are trying to make the game and community better.


    If you really like playing your class for what it is and not to face roll that's great. That's what you should be doing. This post is not intended to go against how you play the game.

  20. Player whining does not and should not drive this game's balance. Regardless of the forums it's seen in.


    They balance based on metrics - what actually happens, not what people think happens.


    Correct and all player comments should do is bring the issue to the devs attention and the devs decide the proper action to take to balance it. Players commenting on the games state in terms of balance is all too often generalized as whining though. There are many times where what players say is warranted, but there are also a lot of actual whiners who don't have it their way. It's the devs job to sort through it test and see if the change is needed or not.

  21. Open world pvp is complete garbage for melees. Scoundrels will be fine in general. The problem doesn't lie in the classes damage the problem lies in too much ranged and too much cc in the game. Not to mention way too many aoes, and the aoes do much more damage than I believe they should. They need to focus on the key skills for certain classes that are causing unbalanced pvp not the classes as a whole and address the disgusting amounts of unhindered CC in this game.
  22. If anything your interrupts need to have a shorter cd and happen more often healing is this game is to easy to deal with interrupts. my one interrupt has a 8s cd that can barely phase most healers. If you want to make interrupts more obvious make healing and inductions more obvious. Healers have it easy in this game compared to many other mmo.
  23. Sorry I got sick of WoW so many times. Friends kept dragging me back to it and before long I realized why I left the game. Maybe I wasn't around for that era, but I've played a lot of mmos and the unbalanced pvp in this game is the worst i've seen. Maybe there's worse but this is horrible.
  24. Depends on the nerf. Some of us pvp a lot and like pvp and if unbalanced pvp is ruining the game experience it needs to be taken care of. Are the classes unbalanced? Yes they are some much worse than others. I've never played a mmo that has been this unbalanced in pvp before. I've honestly not run into too many bugs and the pvp balance is my biggest concern right now. I have yet to run into a severe bug. I say fix bugs and the severe pvp balance issues at the same time. Mostly to imp classes. And please fix the classes rolls healers have crazy survivability and tanks do too much damage and melees are at a big disadvantage.
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