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Posts posted by rzebiak

  1. The Scoundrel has to be the least-played class in the game. Look at the forum activity in this forum compared to Sorcerer or Bounty Hunter.


    Since almost no one plays this class, shouldn't BW be looking for ways to encourage more people to play the class instead of nerfing our only viable spec into oblivion?


    No, they shouldn't. It isn't Biowares job to make each class have an equal representation, it is their job to keep all classes basically equal in terms of power.


    The reason there aren't many scoundrels in the game has nothing to do with how powerful we are or are not...if I had to guess it is mainly because the people who wanted to focus on melee dps thought that the two jedi options for melee dps sounded cooler than a smuggler melee dps...Hell, I bet a lot of people actually assumed Smugglers couldn't even be melee dps because Han Solo essentially only used a blaster to fight with.

  2. Nadia worked fine for me as a Seer even when she wasn't fully equipped and was geared as a DPS. I used her exclusively on all trash and some boss fights. Only on a couple of fights did I pull out good ol Qyzen to tank for me....Namely the first son and any fights that consisted of something like 2 Silvers + additional people.


    Hell, for some gold fights it was actually easier with Nadia because then I always had aggro and you can easily kite people when both you and your companion have a slow. Not to mention force speed + stun + Knockback...Several of the gold guys near the end of the class storyline were killed without either of us ever even being hit...I guess this would work with Qyzen too if you just turned off his taunts, but it is certainly easier with Nadia.

  3. Really ?


    I rarely use this, and heal him all the time too. Every 3 casts, I switch targets and put on my DOT, every 6 casts both DOTs (together with interupts when needed, ofcourse).


    But yes, when you go in as healer with a tank, you're going for the looooong run, so you have to interupt the cave-ins.


    You should be casting rejuv on whenever it isn't up. The proc is just too amazing to pass up.



    Beat First Son as a level 48 healer using Qyzen. Qyzen was using mainly greens around level 45 with a level 39 blue techblade.


    Just kept rejuv/shield up on Qyzen. Dots up on First Son. Whenever Qyzen drops down on health used healing trance for the free noble sacrifce, and then Deliverance if he was still low. Make use of your stun/interrupts whenever possible on the first stage of the fight, as at this point he won't do his cave collapse so you don't need to save them.


    Second phase is the exact same as the first except you need to save an interupt for his cave collapse.


    At the stage inbetween the 1st and 2nd phase you are helped and you regenerate health, I'm not sure how much it heals you but it might be wise to use some noble sacs right before the first phase ends as you are given health back anyway.


    Died once due to respawning mobs, second time I just backed into the far corner and the mobs don't get involved in the fight.

  4. Keep force armor up at all times.


    Keep your HOT rolling on the tank.


    Be efficient with your heals, if you see the tank is only missing a little bit of health, don't waste 40 force or whatever Deliverance costs, instead use your free Benevolence, or even wait a few seconds for the tank to take an extra hit so that you are getting the full effect of Deliverance.


    Just because the DPS lose a little bit of health doesn't mean you need to waste force healing them. Often times they'll lose a little bit of health from a bosses AOE, but they aren't actually being targeted so they just lose the initial chunk of health and don't lose any more for a while. Obvisouly if they are losing enough that they are going to die then heal them.


    One of the bigger things....Your job isn't just to heal and do nothing else. You need to be paying attention to debuffs that you can dispel and you need to interuppting boss casts.

  5. First of all, it is entirely server base.


    However my hypothesis is as follows-


    Empire tends to be more populated thus there are more level 50 Empire players than Republic level 50s. Level 50s are more likely to do WZs while they wait for other people to reach 50 for operations. The team with more 50s wins unless they are brain dead.

  6. It was certainly one of the harder quests but I don't understand why some people are having so much trouble.


    Force lift a gold mob.

    Set Qyzen at other gold mob.

    Interrupt the gold with force stun/silence spell/jumping knockback spell every time he tries to use a spell.


    Solo kill silver, heal Qyzen, finish off his gold, and then regen and finally kill the force lifted guy.


    The only real trick is to use your CC/interrupts for once. Just because they haven't been required for any fight prior to this, doesn't mean they shouldn't be used.

  7. You haven't been searching hard enough. The first town on every planet has 2 vendors that sells stuff for them.


    On the main republic fleet there is also like 20 vendors who sell stuff for them--I assume empire equivalent to fleet is the same..

  8. If anything the lower people should get quicker queues because they are likely the casual people more prone to straight up quitting. Profit wise it makes sense for them to get ahead of the minority hardcore player.


    People less than level 10 should be forced to the back of the queue because they are the people who are just joining in on an already full server. If they see the long queue they are the ones who wouldn't mind jumping over to one of those "Light" servers and solving the queue problem for everyone. Those of us who already have characters around 20+ aren't going to want to change servers just because a bunch of people thoight it would be cool to role on the server that was already listed as "Full" or "Heavy"

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