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Posts posted by SeismicShock

  1. OMG... imagine that BioWare is just like NCSOFT, Blizzard or Trion... all 3 of those companies post updates on Twitter BEFORE posting anything official on their website. OH THE HUMANITY OF IT ALL!


    Thanks for the random flame. No, what I think everyone is looking for is that BioWare would note that this kind of stuff isn't exactly the best way to go about it all. NCSoft and Blizzard are both outdated for their main games, that's the problem BW had when it copied WoW piece by piece. BW is copying games that are years old, much like their launch people were hoping that these screwed up trends would be left with previous games. BW's Launch went smoothly and near flawless, I'm sure people expected them to hold true to that ideal and apply it to everything else they did.


    So answer me this, how can BioWare launch the game with almost no issues at all yet a 300 MB patch turns into extended maintenance?

  2. I have to admit, one of the perks to big patches like this is coming onto the forums and watching all the flaming whiners piss and moan. People act like Bioware has the only game where maintenance has been extended past projected times.


    It's more about communication, communication breakdown is the biggest issue socially. The issue people are having with BioWare is that they post information in a pacifist manner, most Dev comments are vague and clouded with clauses from the policies to deflect players. "Maintenance may be extended" Well the pope may take a dump and it just may sprout legs and become a super hero. Just because something could happen doesn't mean it should be assumed it will, even still when the maintenance is extended there's practically no information on it. Servers were supposed to be up at 6am CDT, I got on to download the patch and didn't see an update til 9am CDT.


    Just to put the cherry on top of this, why is it that BioWare updates their twitter page before the forums? Does that seem entirely illogical to anyone else that a company would post information about their own product on another company's website before updating their own? I hate Twitter, I've never bothered to use it so why is it that if I want to know what's going on I can't use this site? That's in though, it's just all illogical. I'm sure though if BW were posting it's game update comments on a site that wasn't as popular as Twitter you'd all be upset then.

  3. A wise man spoke above. ;)

    If you expect nothing, you can't be disappointed.


    This goes to sum up your entire post, along with most everyone else in the same mindset.


    A foolish man said that, a wise man understands the value of economy. Everyone here is paying their subscription and if they wish to vent in the forums then that's what you're going to see. There's really no issue with it aside from the fact that people like yourself feel a need to take what someone's said about the game and attack it, in all technical senses... the problem is yourself. So please, stop flaming and trolling people and post something useful.


    Posting this makes me a hypocrite, so I apologize to those trying to get something useful out of the forums.

  4. If you wanna play alone, just go Skyrim. A whole world for you. This is a MMORPG. Balance is needed and Shadow Tanks are OP right now. Everyone but trolls knows this.


    Is a well deserved nerf.


    The issue isn't anything to do with mitigation, I've played Assassin a good 3 times twice to around level 44 and my current is 23.


    What the issue is, is that Assassins are more concerned with absorb and not armor. I think another issue is that people dont really understand the Assassin armor design. 170% total bonus armor seems like a huge amount but it really isn't.


    Here's a short formula on the three tank classes and their armor layouts;


    Powertech: 60% Armor from Ion Gas Cylinder + 16% Armor from spec = 76% Armor total.


    Jugg: 60% Armor from Soresu Stance, they receive no additional bonuses.


    Darkness Assassin: 150% from Dark Charge + 20% from Eye of the Storm = 170%


    If you take the base stats of armor and run the numbers this is what you get, I'll also run the numbers on low level armor as well.


    Light Armor Base (10): 10 x 1.70 = 17 + 10 = 27


    Jugg Heavy Armor Base (32): 32 x 0.6 = 19.2 + 32 = 51.2


    Powertech (32): 32 x 0.76 = 24.32 + 32 = 56.32


    Same formula with some random equal armor (44 Light / 88 Heavy), Sin = 118.8 / PT = 154.88 / Jugg = 140.8


    So, as you can see it's rather obvious that Assassins already have a pathetic amount of armor to begin with. Though as noted it's low because Sins use Absorb, you want to tackle the issue of Assassins being too "OP", work on their absorb and -not- their self healing and armor. These changes being made arent going to fix PvP one bit, it's only going to screw up PvE.


    Oh ya, here's post nerf stats on Sin armor rating.


    Sin: 10 x 1.5 = 15 + 10 = 25 // 44 x 1.5 = 66 + 44 = 110


    Sins need a 275% armor bonus to get between PTs and Juggs, I really dont see how messing with these stats is going to do anything about the PvP whiners. Yes, balance Darkness Tanks for PvP but do it right, these changes arent going to do anything and all that'll happen is another set of nerfs in the next patch after 1.3

  5. Based on that view, would you say there could be a "don't ask don't tell" policy that would effectively ensure plausible deniability?


    Absolutely, if someone tells me they're 18+ in a forum app then by all means I've made the attempt to cover my ***. What am I going to do anyways? Make members fax me copies of their IDs? That's just silly.


    So yes, if you lied to me out of need to route a restriction and no one suspected you of being underage then I'd honestly not see where the problem is. If a parent got upset I'd just tell them you told us you were over 18.


    Like I said before... not your fault, our fault or the Devs. It's just how we have to roll with the punches on these things. I can say that I've known a number of players who are 12 - 14 and vastly more mature than any 26y/o I've seen.

  6. ...if my guardians had overheard any part of the conversation and reacted poorly, they still couldn't do anything about it.


    First amendment.


    I understand being chewed out is annoying, so a suggestion would be to take the time to find out more about a person's situation than just ask "are you 18 or older?".


    Like myself, there are SOME* 17 year olds who do not live with a guardian. I have total control over what offends me and what does not.


    First part, yes... yes your parents can do something about it, not to legal extents but they sure as heck can get someone punished by the Devs. The player is under 18 for one and have been subjected to possible ELUA violations whether intended as a joke or not.


    Two, What's to keep someone from lying about not living with an adult? People as you've stated have now started lying about their age it's only the next logical step. They'd be doing to us (Guilds with 18+ restrictions) what we're doing to Devs.


    What's the solution? Lie, we do. It's the turn of the wheel, we have to lie to Devs in the form of hiding out conversations, so while I dont think many people care if a 17y/o is listening to some of the stuff we can't just take you in and act like it doesnt have potentially serious penalties.

  7. The ESRB doesn't regulate content out-of-game, but if it did then even the M games would be appropriate for someone my age. Being a 17 year old I'm considered old enough for exposure to this content.


    Rated "M" games- Titles in this category may contain more blood and gore than the Teen rating would accommodate, sexual themes/content/references and vulgar language. This content is strong in impact. Most retailers do stock games with this rating, but have a policy of not selling them to people under 17 without parental approval.


    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entertainment_Software_Rating_Board


    Have to remember my point towards the general idea, people under 18 in age restricted guilds. You may be 17 but where's the line? 13? 15? 16? 17 year olds still have to legally live at home unless emancipated and because of this it's easiest to just cut the line at 18. We cant cuss or talk about various parts of people's bodies in a vulgar humor because someone's parent is going to freak out if Timmy age 14 sees it. Their parent can then report our guild and try to get us disbanded for sexually explicit activity.


    You can become a sexual offender for the stupidest crap these days, not saying that'd happen but a parent could get just about anything passed these days and it's just too much drama to deal with them and these stupid ratings.

  8. guess what happens when you hit 50? there's no more skills to buy, and you can easily make 200k in an hour doing dailies.



    Plus what's the point of having incentives if they give them to you for nothing? We need things to look forward to and work to get in this game.


    It's because /everything/ is massively expensive, there's no scale to it all. Ship GTN is 5mil, VIP access is 1mil, Mailbox on the ship is I think 500k?, White crystals were 1mil... do you see the pattern here?


    Lol, I guess I'd ask this... if everything is so damn expensive why then did they lower Speeder costs? This just seems silly for them to make all the prestige Legacy stuff and crystals expensive as all hell but then make the speeder stuff... oh wait, that's right... help people grind for all this crap. :p Case in point, BW is out of content and short on staff, they're in a panic, this is a 'Hail Mary' play.

  9. The number one priority of an online game should be to stay online.


    Those of you who have endless time at your disposal can be patient if you want. However, those of us who sacrificed time specifically to play today have a legitimate reason to be dissapointed. Additionally, people who do shoddy work should always be held accountable for it. Otherwise they continue to do shoddy work.


    Exactly, it's my day off of the week. Sorry if the 8 hour downtime followed by another 3 hour hotfix and another expected 7 1/2 hour hotfix for the hotfix is complaining then... ya, I'm complaining. Game has been down 18 1/2 hours over the last 2 days.

  10. ...I dislike complaining as well, so just so everyone knows, this thread was created purely for responses from the 18+ community on my opinions and thoughts. I would love to hear constructive feedback on my predicament and whatever else comes to mind.



    Well, there's a ton to say about this. First things first, it's not fair at all. While you may be a minor that has nothing to do with your level of maturity though, nor does your level of maturity have anything to do with this age restriction.


    What it all comes down to is the Devs and ESRB. See, ESRB enforces standards for a game such as clothing colors and textures not match skin tones. The Devs have to make sure that their content remains true to the ESRB standards such as cussing, sexually explicit discussions, ect.


    The guilds and all players doing any of this are actually wrong, breaking the ELUA is a violation and can be handled as the Devs see fit... it's just that simple. Anyone as well who says that "That's what a profanity filter is for" is direly wrong, a profanity filter is a way for a game to lower it's ESRB rating by further protecting people from seeing cursing but not limiting players from cussing. They could completely restrict all cussing but that'd lose them customers and people would find ways around it all the same.


    So because players could report guild members for all of this, Guild Leaders take the step to restrict those who are the cause of the ESRB ratings. It's not your fault it's society's, if you want someone to get mad at get mad at all the parents who leave their kids infront of the computer like a day care system and then get frantic when the kid stumbles across fetish sites and Andrew Dice Clay performances.


    In short, it's not your fault or any of the minors in games. It's not the Guild's fault or the Devs. It's ESRB and parents. I feel for you and I think it's unfair but this is what happens when people start dicking with personal freedoms.


    Check this out ESRB Enforcement

  11. What about Roleplayers? I know we're not a huge part of the game but RP can take up to at least 3 - 5 hours a day of my time. So because I choose to read mission dialogue, work on crew skills, make alts, help new guild members, manage our guild's forums I get nothing?


    This is the same issue I'm having with the Legacy system, not having a 50 to grind credits so I can spend amounts I've never seen before is just stupid. I'm Legacy 20 and all I got was a dance emote... cute. Not complaining so much as stating an error in the way the Devs are treating players.


    I feel all of this is just the Devs trying to appease people who've rushed through the content and now have nothing to do. They just dont want to lose those players and so now are throwing incentives at them.


    This is not only an insult to those who enjoy the game and take our time but, this is an insult to those who rushed to 50. In so many words the Devs are treating people like they're stupid and can be distracted and bought out with gimmicks.

  12. I love the fact that like 10 of you repeated each other, if media is a reflection of the growth in society then the internet is an exclamation of it's failings. The moment one of you posts an opinion of depth contrasting his posts besides "Wall text crit 6k!" or "u mad bro" you'll have given something of value back. As it stands now though those who respond like this are just as bad as he is, personally I'd love to see the lot of you leave but then the game would close down.


    OP, ya... 1.2 is a bit shaky at best. No one ever likes it when a class is changed dramatically be it a good thing or a bad because change is always stressful. Hell, half my guild was annoyed by the new UI changes though while frustrated some of them liked it and others didn't.


    Personally my issues with 1.2 is that the game feels like a F2P setup, unless you have a 50 who isnt a Human and/or has a spare 10mil credits sitting around you basically could have Legacy level 25 and aren't going to get a damn thing. The Legacy features don't at all feel like new game content but more so premium luxuries. Issue with it is that it's a money sink but with the high costs of Legacy the only people who can afford anything are those who've abused the system to begin with and /caused/ the need for a money sink. So I feel punished for others taking advantage of exploits such as Slicing, Mod Wrist/Belts and all the other various methods.


    If I recall correctly at 44 I think quests were giving 8k credits, 8k x 50 = 400k... so to get something like a new race you'd need to run at least 120 missions at level 50 as I'd assume each quest gives roughly 10k - 12k per. That just seems rather excessive as almost nothing is cheaper than 100k and nothing valuable like the mailbox, GTN, race ect are cheaper than 500k.


    In short, 1.2 is a gimmick catering to "Spacebar Grinders" as someone stated before. I love all the changes that have little to do with Legacy like the unifying armor system but very frankly this Legacy system I've been waiting so long for was massive disappointment.

  13. No.

    You're a schilling troll. You're basically making fun of the people who got left out in the cold, and still are. (I'm still waiting even though I preordered a while ago.) So stop schilling for the company, and understand, not everyone shares your Mary Kay outlook on life.


    Bump, aslo I just canceled my Pre-order, not trying to pull people in with it or Troll just... after these last few days of next to no information at all my own voice's echo finally caught up after I said I'd never play a new game having gone through AoC, Champions, Tabula Rasa and a few others. Either ToR is going to end up like WoW once all the nagging starts and the Devs NGE this up or... it'll end up F2P in a year. It's 12-16 at 12:00pm EST and they've sent out 2 waves neither of which have included the date I redeemed my code. Don't get me wrong, I'm the idiot for Pre-ordering at the last minute but, they ended at like 12-7 or so yesterday and in two waves they've invited 2 - 3 days. For the time being until I see more of how the game goes (Hopefully well) that $60 isn't worth it. But like I said, hopefully the game goes well and I return but today is not that day.

  14. I'm very optimistic that we will be playing shortly.


    After wave 5 I think it was, the one that ended on Nov 28, it wasn't looking good for us.


    But now that they have done a 6th wave up to Dec 2nd it's looking very hopeful for the rest of us :D


    It's like 11 days or so left to finish all the pre-orders up to the 15th, or at least I saw that Dec 4th was in... either way I couldnt imagine them cutting it off with so very few left to go.

  15. Stephen Reid: "Here's the good news: overnight we decided to send out more invites than we had originally planned. However, we'll be spacing those invites out, which means we'll have more 'waves' than the previous four-per-day. We are inviting more people today than we did during yesterday."


    -Email invite wave updates - December 15


    Also, at this point it's just painfully obvious that Mr. Reid will not give us the answer we're looking for but that outcome is intended AKA he's not going to commit to saying "Ya, everyone will be in today" it's just be that "We are inviting more people today than we did during yesterday." crap.

  16. The third wave every day so far has hit at exactly 11:12pm. The fourth around 12:45pm. This is from the twitter page from SWTOR US. EST that is from where I am in the world.


    Keep in mind that Reid said today they're letting in a lot more than they planned (Which likely means everyone) but it'll be more spread out... so basically more waves less people per wave I'd imagine. Probably doing waves until everyone's in up to the 15th.

  17. 4 Waves Planned today, 1 Already Sent, 3 Left.



    We are up to Aug 3rd now being let in.



    They let in 7 days in 1 wave.


    Using that logic, the next three waves should let in 21 days. Today's wave should cover most of Aug getting up to Aug 21st,


    Maybe, but did the bulk of August's Pre-Orders get put in close to July or spread out? That's the question, because if they covered 3 days of August in Wave one and most are at the beginning then it could be crunched down, could be mid August or if August is small compared to July then they may cover August in the next two waves with wave 4 touching into September. Also may be a 5th wave like yesterday if they get the hint and we may get into late October.


    Pessimistic guess though is we stop mid September.

  18. Guys ... watch out, servers are LIGHT !


    There is no reason to dont let all players in now, if servers cant handle the overload NOW .. they WONT handle at launch anyway ... so you know :)


    Wait a second! Does that mean light as in low population or Light side of the Force! :eek: They're only letting in Jedi! Those bastards!

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