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Posts posted by Aramtrueshot

  1. oh did they?

    cause geared ops still open on me for 5k, vanish, reopen for 5k


    all while i have no control over my toon


    Flat out lie, or you are running around with no armor on.


    I'm a battlemaster op, using everything and only missing 3 pieces of bm gear.. I have gotten the 5k medal twice in the last two week and it was on a complete newbie. most of the time I am lucky to get a sorc down to half health after blowing all my crap on them... then they get range, snare, stun, spam lightning and if they are not stupid I will never touch them again.. and if I do the stupid bubble is up to absorb my opener again.


    We all know sorcs are gonna get nerfed, and if they don't it will be biowares last ditch effort to try and keep subscriptions from the player base that appears to be a majority lightning spammers...


    Game is dead pvp wise... on a ventilator at best. Anyone who has played an mmo with pvp in it, will realize this is one of the poorest implementations ever. Comical.

  2. Happens to me a lot.. probably half the time. I join in a wz already in action and the countdown is around 20 seconds.. if you are unlucky and the blocking screen is up.. you can run out of time... I usually give it to about 4 seconds, then right click on the pvp button and leave the wz so it puts me back where I started instead of at the imperial fleet.


    Its a glitch, bug whatever.. this game is crap at this point and I hate to say it but this shoddy programming is expected now.


    Back to WoW and hope that guild wars is learning from bioware's mistakes. And no, you may not have my stuff. :D

  3. DAoC had VERY long sleeps and longer stuns than what we have here, but nobody was complaining, because there was ONE class per realm with a main focus on crowd control.


    Example for Hibernia.

    The bard was the main cc'er, meaning he was very good at cc'ing, able to heal a little and provide some utility to the party.

    Bards basically had ZERO damage output.


    Druid was the main healer, but they had the option to spec into the nature tree to get some roots, while giving up the spec heals.


    Mages had a baseline single target stun.


    On the other side, there was actually a good system to counter CC with realm abilities like purge, group purge, determination, etc.




    The problem here, every single class has a lot of CC and the resolve system is a monstrosity.


    There sould be ONE cc'ing class (with a clear focus on CC, not the sorc bs wich can cc AND damage AND heal AND absorb AND sprint) and a few root/snares here and there with VERY LONG cooldowns.


    An operative with no stun who is spec'd in concealment wouldn't kill anything without their stun / snare.


    The problem is IF they change the CC they will need to revisit classes and adjust them to allow then to be able to engage or disengage more frequently. It opens up a whole slew of other problems.


    I remember lots of complaining about stun - nuke - nuke, or infiltrator dragon fang.. there was a lot of imbalances in DAOC.. what made DAOC fun was that every class had a good chance at killing other classes, it was more rock / paper/ scissors... In fact daoc slid backwards in my mind as they tried to balance things and get away from the "every class has a counter class" mentality. As a hunter I hated some classes cause I knew I stood NO chance against them, but I also knew that you put a soft and squishy caster in front of me I was going to light them up. Then DAOC started changing it, and it became worse and worse .. people start leaving because classes became vanilla... that and TOA blew and so did the new frontiers.


    This stupid lets try and balance everyone for an equal chance.. which will never happen and cause nerfs for the next 2 years... (I say 2 because at this point I don't see swtor lasting anywhere past that point)

  4. It's really not bad now, you can save the BM tokens for gear. 3 pieces for a weapon, it's going to take no time to get full BM.


    2 weeks later I have my battlemaster weapon.. in 2 weeks I obtained 3 tokens. I opened 6 battlemaster bags in the last 2 days and got nothing but champion commendations.


    System sucks... I inspected a guy who is valor rank 64 last night.. I am valor rank 65, he is decked out in all battlemaster gear. I have 5 pieces total, 3 of which are purchased and don't need tokens.


    System sucks

  5. Bioware can never do DAOC... why? Because it would require them to rethink there world pvp and their "plan", and I am going to assume their massive egos would never let that happen. Takes a level of arrogance to continue going down this path that is trash for world pvp.


    PVE SPOILER!! ohnoes....


















    Third faction would be easy enough, end of the agent story line there is a 3rd group of people that work behind the scenes that are both republic and empire.. that could be the third faction.

  6. I had this one time, I died, sent back behind the timer wall; full time and right before it goes down the attackers got through the first point. As they made it past, the game decides to instant kill me, sending me to the next timer wall with FULL time AGAIN. I was out of the game for a good 1min+.


    I call BS, Bioware.


    It's a conspiracy against you.. you're too good.

  7. I don't want to start a flame war (which apparently is already happening), but that set of "very specific circumstances/situations" pretty much always includes


    1) You being stealthed

    2) Burst critting me for a large amount of my health right away

    3) Stun me and continue to crit attack

    4) Me using my stunbreak (if even available with it's 1min 30 second cooldown)

    5) Immediately stunning me again in a stunlock to finish the job



    Long story short, all haters are going to hate. I'm a BH and I guarantee they're going to nerf the tracer missle next due to all the noob BH's spamming that ability (which is unfortunate for legitimate players who use it as intended to lower armor and lead into combos)


    Can't stun again after the initial stun, your resolve bar is full.

  8. The more as I play pvp on my operative at level 63 valor in 4 battlemaster pieces, the more I realize how unnecessary this nerf is.


    I demolish ungeared people, however classes that are equal to me, even with my opener its good solid fight.. I die sometimes, sometimes I don't. Most times we are jammed up and whomever has less "friends" dies.


    Between that and the fact that I can't push, pull, jump, sprint in combat... I realize that things are fairly balanced. Is it frustrating to be knocked down and beat on.. yep. But thats all we have at the moment, and if you have good gear, and a jump, push, bubble, sprint, stun, range, root... you have a good shot.


    I was on the, tweak us but this is over the top band wagon... this last week as other people have caught up to me in gear, I realize that this nerf is stupid at best.


    I also fear that in a month, bioware is going to announce that the found a "issue" with how defense / armour is calculated and they will be fixing it.. thereby nerfing damage even more.


    Fix the bugs first, let things settle in... then nerf. Too much, too soon, with too little grasp of what pvp is like.


    I very much enjoy the details Bioware has put into this game.. There are details that aren’t even necessary, that most creators would overlook, and it is just amazing. What most creators fail to grasp the concept of is that part of a game’s enjoyment is its ability to immerse you. Examples being the visually pleasing clashing of light sabers in combat, which, while superficial since at the core it’s just two people passing damage back and forth in turn base, really livens it up for me.. it feels exciting, like I’m watching an actual, fast paced duel between two wielders of the force.


    I want to add my own thoughts to this with a few details of my own I think might liven it up further.


    First. Holsters..


    It’s not a big complaint.. I understand some people may try to gnaw at my face for bringing up such a trivial little thing but bear in mind that I’m not bouncing up and down in my chair in utter rage over them or the lack thereof. I’ve yet to see an established MMO that goes through the effort of adding a little scabbard, pouch, holster, latch et cetra for their weapon model’s rested states.. and it’s a bit odd to see that your light saber is attached at the hip by an inexplicable magnetic force.



    Second. Class specific activity.


    This would almost fall under the category that Space Combat would. A little something for players to do on the side. To sum it up.. each class would be able to take jobs that pertain to them..


    Smugglers would be given jobs to smuggle cargo from one planet to another, obviously done after Space/Space Combat is made more sand box. ((I like the idea of manually piloting my ship from one planet to the other while crossing the path of enemies along the way. This should be optional, of course)) The missions would be ranked in difficulty, of course, the higher end missions involving illegal contraband (dark side points?) and Republic/Empire forces attempting to stop you.



    Republic Commandos.. Well that one isn’t so tricky. What is a Republic Soldier’s job? They follow orders and are usually tossed into skirmishes.. defensive missions, ground escorts, frontline advancement; you name it! It does seem like a lot of work; making individual missions for classes with cut scenes, objectives and perhaps even their own little phase to complete them in.



    The various Jedi and Sith..? Consider me not so familiar with the lore of Star Wars then, after the tar and chicken feather treatment, let me make a ball park guess on how these might fit in. Sith could perhaps lead the empire forces into combat as generals.. Jedi could be sent to protect objectives or diffuse potentially awry situations (diplomacy?). I really don’t know. I’m sure anyone who reads this could give good ideas.



    The list goes on.. I do not have the time currently to touch on all of them. I do hope these are considered, though! Also, consider player group ship crews with different roles such as mounted turrets.. ship maintenance, and piloting. Add a dash of PvP and PvE aspects.. and the conclusion is amazing.



    P.S: I still have not forgiven you for not making the Jawa a playable race. >=| <3


    Fixed so no one else has the migraine I initially received by trying to read it. :)

  10. I'm sorry if you are having trouble beating a sorc/sage that is spec'd Tele/Lightning and has to stand still and cast to do damage, the problem is you.


    Let me simplify this for you..


    Is a talent that is 6 levels up on a talent tree that stuns for 1.5 seconds and fills the resolve bar.. better or worse than a talent 4 levels up a talent tree that blinds for 3 seconds, is area of effect, up more often, and does not fill the resolve bar?


    Where does that make sense? Move the talent if the nerf stays as is, and put something else in its place.

  11. The stun effect from the bubble loses it's effect the next time you take damage with that in mind considering a sorc CANNOT crit for a 3-4+k in a single hit (sorry you got nerfed get over it) you can go right back to attacking the squishy target you were before it's not like he/she can drop you right after the stun (like operatives could before the patch).


    Your rant is just (THEY NERFED X SO THEY SHOULD NERF Y) finger pointing.



    Couple points on this...


    1) The effect does lose its effect if hit.. but that happens rarely unless there is area effect going on.. which usually means I was popped out of stealth anyways. A 3 second blind that does not fill the resolve bar is vastly superior to a 1.5 second stun that fills the resolve bar completely.


    2) You do not get back to attacking the squishy, because they will use that time to get range, snare, root or stun.. (because the resolve bar is not full) and begin kiting.


    Where the talents exist on the trees, is disproportional to what they do if this nerf goes through. All I am saying is change the effect to a root, or move it elsewhere and give us something in its spot that helps with survivability.. not more dmg. Or make it not fill the resolve bar. Is there any 1.5 second stun in this game that fills the resolve bar?


    btw- Let me clarify, not asking for a sorcerer nerf when it comes to the bubble, just asking for something different on jarring strike.. IF it goes through as is. I think Sorc's will get nerfed for other reasons.. but my point was to just show that the new jarring strike does not belong on the talent tree where its currently at.

  12. That's a great solution..


    2 problems:


    1) They make up a vast majority of the pvp population.


    2) If there was anything that resembled open world pvp, I might be able to avoid some fights.


    (Yes I know, you probably weren't serious.. but hey... the developers might actually think you were.) That's if they read these threads.

  13. Ok, so I will admit a majority of my fights as an operative are against sorcerers.. on my server I would guess in pvp a good 40% + of the pvp players are sorcerers.


    With the incoming nerf will someone please explain how a 6th level ability for the ops can be totally negated by a 4th level ability the sorcerers can get?


    Jarring strike WAAAAY up the talent tree (6 levels) is now 1.5 second stun that will fill up the resolve bar (re: silly). Backlash a level 4 talent will blind for 3 seconds everyone when the bubble bursts. And it does not fill up the resolve bar.. Huh?


    So I open on a sorcerer, to maybe get 1k to 2k of damage if I crit (bubble absorbs 2500 I hear.. someone might enlighten me on this). I get blinded for 3 seconds and can do nothing, sorcerer gets up after 1.5 seconds, immune to all crowd control. Can get range.. root, stun, run away, re bubble etc... If I do break the blind, then I am re-crowd controlled because his ability did not fill the resolve bar.


    Why on earth would I ever want to use jarring strike? Why does it cost so much now, and why is it so easily negated now?


    I am really having a hard time wrapping my brain around this nerf on the ability...


    1) Make it not fill the resolve bar, yes we will then stun.. but after the initial stun, which uses a GC and does lowered damage the fight is on... and you can break it.


    2) Make jarring strike a root. Make it not fill the bar up, but make it root for 3 to 4 seconds. And move it down on the talent tree...


    3) Replace the neutered jarring strike with something else that is an escape, or a talent that allows cloaking screen to wipe all bad effects upon use. That way we can use evasions for more than just a button we click before we combat cloak.



    This change to jarring strike and doing nothing more than just nerfing it, really confuses me. It shows a fundamental lack of understanding of how the class works, how the flow of pvp goes, and most disturbing a serious lack of thought or creativity.


    Am I wrong? I just know now whenever I meet a sorc with backlash its already frustrating.. now its useless.

  14. After spending a lot of my free time in between war zone que's, I think the respawn rate is somewhere between... awful to sucks butt... give or take a few hours.


    How this game is going to make it long term with some of the terrible design choices I have no idea.


    Just gotta figure out if I want to jump out of the airplane or ride it to the ground...


    (If I recall I think its 20 commendations, which is 60 warzone commendations.. which is roughly 20 minutes accounting for the 15 minute game and 5 minute wait time)


    In about 5 hours of zipping around total, I have looted 2 chests.. and only have seen 2 chests.

  15. If I recall the description says something about an advanced "stealth" for like 10 seconds. Even if they would make it be a hard type of "invisibility" for 2 seconds, just long enough for the servers and clients to synch up... then if a dot ticks after that have it knock them out of cloak.


    As it stands now, in open world pvp where mob aggro and guard aggro is going to happen frequently its all but useless, unless I use it as another quick stealth to hit hidden strike again, and even then you have to do it lightning fast.

  16. I have been in about 5 or 6 open world pvp fights. Three times I have had to re-cloak to escape, (once because the guy had more gear and it was scary how fast I was going down, the other two times because I had massive aggro)...


    Everytime I activate cloaking shield I immediately get popped back out of stealth.. its not a dot doing it, the npc's or the players companion follows me right into stealth and keeps hitting me. Not to mention sometimes my companion decides to keep aggro.


    Also, sometimes in PvE cloaking field does not wipe aggro. I will be cloaked but maintain aggro. So if I unstealth the immediately warp 5 it over to me and start beating on me.. I usually have to wait 2 minutes and then de-cloak and re apply cloaking field from far off.


    Anyone else having some big problems with things staying aggro'd on you?

  17. Just curious, I was fighting a Sage yesterday a lot in a warzone..


    EVERYTIME, and I mean everytime I would sneak up behind him and use hiddenstrike, with the jarring talent so it knocks him down for 3 seconds, I would get auto "mezzed" for a short duration.


    Is this a talent or ability they have.. some type of shield, or is it a macro of some type he was using to some how retaliate during the brief knock down period.


    Guess I'm wondering if he was cheating or if this is a legitimate ability.



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