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Posts posted by KennethChen

  1. I am Sithqueen, creater/founder of the guild "The New Sith Empire". It was a family only guild. I spent tons of real life money and millions of credits buying our guild flag ship, our guild stronghold and all the upgrades to them all and every item I personally bought and placed in those places. I spent my heart and soul decorating it and tons of money doing them awesome for my children , husband and I. Well we let 2 people into our FAMILY guild, they seemed nice so we let them in. Well, due to real life tragedy one of my children died and my 8 year old was raped and going to hospitals, trials, etc (its still going on) one of those two people knew we would be offline for a while so....they stole our guild, kicked us all out of it. I reached out to the star wars team many times in petitions and they refused to help me and said I was spamming them and not to message them again. They said sorry cant help you it followed their policy.


    Anyone see anyone with my guild, flagship, stronghold, with my guild name on? ANY information would help. I already had enough tragedy then I log into my favorite game to have fun then this. The names of the NON family members were names like Anakin, luke, thexen, arcann (all with special characters above an initial this is all one account) and the other person was Paxorus. I will gladly compensate anyone with information. I am heartbroken over many things and this was just wrong what was done to the guild I created for my family and all the money and hard work I solely put into our ship, stronghold, etc. Please.....this is so wrong...


    I am really sorry for your loss, I had a simuliar experiance as well, I used to run a guild back in 2015 called Underworld Merc, I had to go on Deployment for 9 months, while i was away, i trusted someone who i thought at the time was a friend, to run the guild. Several months in, I finally got some down time, we were allowed to use the internet, to chat, i used it to play games, and check in to see how the guild was doing. When i logged back in, i found all my characters got booted out, and the ****er stole my guild.


    When i got back home I contacted Customer support about it, and i got the same response you got. so i feel you. At the time, Guild ship was something new, so i spent about $5000 in real life money on the decorations and get it unlocked. The ****er knew about it, and stole it.


    I wish there is someway i can help you to rebuild your guild, but due to real life reason, i don't have the time to play games anymore. I resubbed to basically let you know that. Anyways, add me as a friend, and let me know which server you are on, which faction, and your in game name. If i can find the free time, i will log on and help ya.

  2. i really like this idea man, it actually gives me a good reason to dump over 500 mil into the guildship. I love love love love love the guildship, some of the best thing ever existed. Thus far, i have dumped about 500 mil to the guildship, yet most of the stuff there are all just there for good looks and there is really nothing really attracting to get people to actually want to STAY on the guildship and call it their home... that would be an awsome idea man.
  3. Hi everyone, our guild, Underworld Merceneries will be hosting a PVP tournament on 31 Jan 2015. Its a 1v1 tournament, no holds bar, anything goes. Min gear will be 168 non ranked pvp gear. 100k entry fee, 1st place gets 50% of the total entry fee pot. 2nd places gets 200k, 3rd place gets 100k. The Tournament will be held at the guild flagship Hyperian, which can be accessed from the Guildship score board. Bring your best war faces, and i will see you all in the Arena.



  4. Hi everyone, our guild, Underworld Merceneries from the Harbringer server will be hosting a PVP tournament on 31 Jan 2015 on our server, the Harbringer. Its a 1v1 tournament, no holds bar, anything goes. Min gear will be 168 non ranked pvp gear. 100k entry fee, 1st place gets 50% of the total entry fee pot. 2nd places gets 200k, 3rd place gets 100k. The Tournament will be held at the guild flagship Hyperian, which can be accessed from the Guildfship scroe board. Bring your best war faces, and i will see you all in the Arena.



  5. no no no no and NO. Guild donations should be voluntary not forced. As much as i would like to donate stuff to the guild, we all have to remember that, everything puts into the guild bank ends up being owned and controlled by the guild master. If say a guild master is a complete ungrateful a-hole that boots its members because he had a bad day at work, you have successfully FORCED a bunch of people's resources into that ungrateful a-hole.


    If i want to donate something to the guild bank, it is because it is out of my free will to do that, not because i am being forced to by a stupid tax. If a guild taxes me for staying in that guild, guess what, i will type /gquit.

  6. I'm going to repost mostly what I've already said in a General Discussion thread since I feel strongly against this suggestion. It would not make sense to add a starship hook to Coruscant / Dromund Kaas, especially from an immersive point of view, but also from a gameplay point of view.


    For the immersion, the actual spaceports where the player ships are "docked" is actually not far from the building where the Coruscant / Dromund Kaas strongholds are. For the Coruscant one, the spaceport is literally "across the street" and can be seen being the next and closest building outside the window.


    The Star Wars movies also showed that, at least for Coruscant, larger starships typically are docked in a starport (Tantive IV in ROS) or a landing pad separate from a skyscraper (Padme's ships). Little ships can dock inside skyscrapers that have landing facilities for small craft (General Grevious sail ship, Palpatine's shuttle) but those are already possible in our Coruscant / Dromund Kass strongholds for our starfighter decorations.


    From a gameplay perspective, as already mentioned many times, its meant for new players or newly created characters, some may not have a ship yet. And wrt to their storyline, they are getting their ship for the first time to venture out to their missions.


    The Nar Shadaa stronghold makes sense to have a player starship pad since its ultimately a "smuggler's moon" and its natural to have starships everywhere. The Nar Shadaa sky palace is also a floating building and can theoretically be moved anywhere. The Tatooine stronghold makes even more sense to have a player starship since its suppose to be at a remote area,


    Think of the SWTOR strongholds in SWG terms. The Coruscant / DK Strongholds are the "small houses", the Nar Shadaa is the "medium house", and the Tatooine is the "large house". Imagine the player starship decoration as a "Mustafar table", seen in Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith. In SWG, no matter how you want it, the Mustafar table CANNOT FIT in the small house, and it could barely fit the medium house. So it only makes sense to put it in the large house.

    Suggestion: If a stronghold with a starship hook is really really desired for Coruscant / Dromund Kaas, I suggest that perhaps Bioware create an entirely *new and second* stronghold located in a different building far from the starport and Senate tower. It is a big planet, and perhaps put it somewhere where having a player starship land makes more sense from an immersion and gameplay perspective.


    my thoughts exactally

  7. There was a stronghold on Tatooine that has over 100k in prestige points, so i thought hell it must be some of the all time best stronghold, so i went and visit it, lo and behold the place is EMPTY. only thing it had was wall trophies and few basic junk here and there.... and i thought, what kinda of a retard would put that piece of trash on public listing? while he is at it, he should change his stronghold name to something like tatooine trash compartment.


    personal rule of thumb never trade looks for prestige points.

  8. Right now the point of having a guild ship is just it, to dump 50 mil or more in a credit sink, and say that our guild is rich as hell, farming conquest points, but that is gonna get old in couple month and transport guildies from anywhere they are at to where they need to be, which is pretty awsome.


    Aside from that, thats all the guild ship is good for. It sucks balls for the smaller guilds because they cant afford it. Most of the players i know of have a hard time obtaining 1 mil credits throughout legacy, now having to invest 50 mil in a guildship that does only 1 good thing, alot of smaller guilds either grind out credits to do it over the course of 2 to 3 month or simply feels that its not worth the investment.


    What they SHOULD HAVE for conquest events is allow Guildship vs Guildship battles, where the pub side fights the imp side that combines the space pvp and ground pvp. For example, one objective will be to have (player controlled) fighters escorts a drop ship (containing players) to infiltrate the other side's flagship. Once inside, more objective like sabatage the engineer deck or kill the commander in charge of the other factions guildship. Which is something the both big guilds and smaller guilds can do, and get rewards for it. The ideas are endless, but if there is anything i know about EA/Bioware, is that, they are like the army grunts, if there is something absolutely retarded and stupid they will go out of their way to do that rather than to use their head and do anything intellegent.

  9. How do you know he's dead?


    on the beta you get to kill him in the empire flashpoint the foundry. after many fan boys complained, they changed it to him disappear in a flash of light.

  10. Any chance for a single player patch when you shut the game down? I ask this because I don't see much of a future for the product.


    The name, The Rise of the Hutt Cartel, suggests that this is the beginning of something bigger. There is even material in the expansion the could be developed into a story line that lasts several updates. Instead, we get something that can be done in an afternoon.


    CZ-198 is even more depressing. Do you really expect anyone to believe a centuries old, galaxy spanning corporation that owns whole star systems allowing them to elect executives to the Galactic Senate and is engaged in illegal activities would simple hand over the keys because the Republic went "Boo"? This could have started with a one time two week event about investigating Czerka that lead into new space mission, ground and space based PvP, planets, companions, gear, and story lines revolving around a desperate race between the Empire and Republic to claim the wayward star systems. It could have lasted the better part of a year. And yet we get a two hour long add on that quickly devolves in mindless rep grinding.


    The short story is this: I see a game that has no long term planning capability. No grand vision on where they are going to take the game.


    Despite the fact that you embraced old school mechanics that are well known not to work and even punished us for complying with your single unique name restriction policy I still found the core game fun. I'd hate to lose that when Elder Scrolls Online and Disney's X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter free PvP game shuts the Old Republic down.


    A little more motivation - A lot of people, like me, would pay for that patch if its done well enough. Don't let your hard work fade away.


    While i do agree with you on that the story is pretty dull, I highly doubt that this game is going to shut down anytime soon. especially if EA / Bioware's main focus on this game is in their Cartel Market.


    Based on what i have seem about how many players buying the cartel packs and how much they are welling to pay, just with the cartel market income alone, they make enough money per month that would equal to about having a million subscribers.


    with that said, no they are not doing to shut the game down anytime soon, only thing you can really hope for is that they invest that money back into making the story content more meaningful, I mean i play this game because i want a story driven content of me bring a Jedi killing Sith or as a Sith murdering Jedi. not on attacking a 3rd party.

  11. Actually i find that Revan's looks are perfectly fine, and personally for me his story can be rather handled better rather than having him killed in an Empire Flashpoint. With the build up they have for him in KOTOR i kinda expect at least a planet or 2 just on the empire side to hunt him down and kill him in a EMpire only Operation or something
  12. As a player who crafts and who also sends companions out to gather mats on a regular basis, I do not agree with you. It makes no sense for a player's level 20 smuggler to be able to order their level 55 assassin's companions around.


    Hey if you want to log in and log out 20 times per hour to craft, and look at the loading screen and wondering when is this thing is going to load up, good on ya bro. But personally for me, I have no problem having a lvl 10 bounty hunter ordering my Jedi knight's companion out if it means that i can level up my characters faster and instead of spending 20 mins waiting for the loading screen all i have to do is spend 5 mins.


    and i am sure that most of the crafters who have over 10 characters in the game would agree with me on this.

  13. I am not sure if this has been suggested or not, but personally i think that Bioware should expand on the legacy system, such as legacy crafting.


    As a crafter, i have about 16 different characters that i use to craft and gather crafting mats. One thing that i find is a complete pain in the butt is to have to log out and log in to a different character just to craft and repeat that 16 times.

    If you are a crafter, you understand how i feel about it and how annonying it is to sit there and wait for the loading screen 16 times so that i can send out companions on crafting missions.


    With that said, this is what i suggest. On the legacy menu add a feather where it allows you to have a tab to view all the crafting skills for all your characters in your legacy. Which companion you want to send on which crafting missions that is availiable. On top of that there should be a feather where it lets you select which character you want your crafted materials to go to. This feather should be accesssable to all your characters within your legacy and an option. This way, all you have to do is log in to any character able to do all the crafting rather than to log in and re log in 16 times.


    why am i asking for this feather? and why i think its a good idea? well, as a crafter i typically send out my companions out on a rotation of every 2 hours to gather crafting mats. And i am sure that as a crafter you will agree with me on this, say that you are in a middle of a raid, or in a middle of a flashpoint and leveling alts with your buddy, wouldn't you want to be able to continue the crafting where you left off or would you rather say "hold on a second, let me do a crafting rotation real quick its going to take me 20 mins to rotate through 16 toons"


    That's my suggestion, Let me know what you think, thanks.

  14. Dude you really don't know what your talking about!


    Right you don't need to run a hybrid template to yield good damage in tank stance trick is to use dps gear and shield!


    On my jugg I quite often roll with this set up as it's a lot of fun, excellent 1v1 play. For group it's not so fab it does ok, simular damage to vengeance or vigilance but not quite the same burst. But if you learn the right rotation you can still destroy targets pretty well.


    Killing a good healer though is possible but very very difficult!


    But as I said it is a very good 1v1 spec with all the utility of pure tank build.


    I would say though this stance beats a lot of most classes, I rarely have any issues killing anything with the exception of a good healer but as vengeance that's tough anyway and focus just forget it.


    and this ladies and gentlemen is what a person sounds like when he has no idea how to play his class.


    PS: is you think soresu is better for dps than vigilance, let me know your in game name and what server you are on and we will hop on Tor parse where you are going to get your *** schooled

  15. Just a thought, not sure if this has been suggested or not. With the republic being pretty much Lightsided and the Empire is mainly darksided, I propose a side story that allows a character to beable to transfer faction. Going from The Empire to the Republic, or leaving the republic and join the Empire.


    What i am thinking is that as part of a side quest on the republic side, if you are darkside, as a trooper despite your heroic actions the senate charged you for war crimes, over a series of quest chains you ends up leaving the republic and join the Empire.


    As a Jedi, the Jedi Council notices your path to the darkside and tries to convince you to return to the light, over a series of quests, you realized that the Jedi are fools not to have embraced the darkside, as you continue your journy to discover the dark secretes you met the dark council members after a duel or conversation you realized that the true path of power is the darkside and joins the Sith Empire.


    As for the Sith that picked Light Sided choices, rumor has it that the Dark Council are hunting the lightsided sith Beliving that they are spys of the republic, over the series of quests your compassionate nature is revealed and are being hunted down for it.As the quest contunes you met a Jedi and he / she tells you that the Jedi will be more than happy to embrace them, you ends up joining the Republic.


    just an idea, let me know what yall think. thanks.

  16. First thing you do Target the emperor


    use saber throw, this will get his fat *** off the throne.


    than use the AOE taunt ability ( cant remember what that ability called) but it gets about 6 targets to focus on you.


    than you use Force Sweep and Cycolone Slash, that will kill all the illusions.


    than you focus on the emperor, and interupt any nasty attacks.


    and repeat the process till he is dead.

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